RE: Flare for vendetta
It appears that you are the only one that I am having problems with at this tiem. Sad to say, it isnot a ploy of my part, though it may appear to be, with me doing so poor in our battle. The only changes that I have had to make was to make sure to satisfy my internet server by making all my emails secure by utilizing the ssl feature as they suggested. I use Office 2007 in all my emails and to date, you are the only one I am having trouble getting connected with. I am not computer literate, but would appreciate any advice you or others may have in order that we may once again get connected for our battles. I am on my laptop now, as every time I attempt to get into the Blitz on my desktop, I get locked out by a Paypal scrip that keeps appearing at the base of my screen and completly locks up my computer. Hope I explained my possible problem. Once again, I am not having any problems in receiving turns from opponents in Italy, Ukrane and Canada or the UK, so am thinking it has to be a problem only between our connections. Would apprecate any advice.