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Variable Turns?
08-13-2008, 11:52 PM,
Variable Turns?
What is the general consensus on the Variable Turns option (+) of BB and AK?

I know this can negate the final turn ''flag rush'' whereby any remaining ''ash 'n trash'' could storm a flag in CMBO, and possibly win a game that was otherwise certainly lost.

But it seems a little too arbitrary to me...like, most (or all?) variable turn games seem to be automatically extended (when ammo is already running critically low) for another 5-10 turns, when there aren't even enemy units near a flag. But with several more turns virtually guaranteed, distant units might still be rallied to pose a threat.

Maybe it's just me, but I think (as I play more BB and AK these days) I'd rather just go with a set number of turns, and plan accordingly.

(Of course, I grew up on board games, which mostly had a set number of turns, or specific victory conditions to meet, and then it was over.)

Just curious how others see the variable turns....
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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08-14-2008, 12:05 AM,
RE: Variable Turns?
I despise it myself.
It was designed for CMBO because of the "super" infantry in that game, which had the ability to charge across open terrain into a hail of shells and bullets directed /aimed at them, for about three turns/minutes, befor any of them would start to break dawn, etc.

The rule has absolutelyno place in CMBB nor CMAK games.
All it does there, is to serve to unbalance some of the otherwise well balanced scenarios.
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08-14-2008, 02:16 AM,
RE: Variable Turns?
Soldier Wrote:All it does there, is to serve to unbalance some of the otherwise well balanced scenarios.

The answer to that is quite simple. Open the scenario with the editor and change the turns to fixed :)

I like variable turns and most of my scenario's have it.
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08-14-2008, 02:57 AM,
RE: Variable Turns?
Soldier Wrote:I despise it myself.
It was designed for CMBO because of the "super" infantry in that game, which had the ability to charge across open terrain into a hail of shells and bullets directed /aimed at them, for about three turns/minutes, befor any of them would start to break dawn, etc.

The rule has absolutelyno place in CMBB nor CMAK games.
All it does there, is to serve to unbalance some of the otherwise well balanced scenarios.

The only scenarios of mine that don't use variable endings are the ones I put in tournaments so all the games end at the same time. Giving each gamer an equal amount of time to win.

Otherwise, I view set ending turns as extremely unrealistic.

How many times to do you think a commander is told you have exactly 32 minutes to secure your objective?

I have seen variable ending scenarios end all the way from early to 9 extra turns. For me personally it adds that bit of uncertainty that is missing in alot of wargames.

To each his own.

Good Hunting.

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08-14-2008, 04:18 AM,
RE: Variable Turns?
Real life has got nothing to do with this issue. This is a game issue as relating to a balanced game and more so, the same exact conditions must apply to each and every game, using the same scenario.
The scenario conditions can not change from game, etc.. (especially the time length alocated for victory conditions) to game.
How does one compare his scenario results to others that played the same scenario, if one set of players game goes for nine extra turns, etc.
You can't compare those two, because they're not the same scenario anymore, based on a different number of turns per game.
Even one extra turn can make a difference.
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08-14-2008, 04:23 AM,
RE: Variable Turns?
Good points on the pluses of 'variable' turns, but I guess I just tend to prefer 'fixed' nowadays.

But for ultimate realism, perhaps set the turns to 120. And both sides can certainly fight till one or both are completely whupped and/or someone is more than happy to surrender......

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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08-14-2008, 04:51 AM,
RE: Variable Turns?
I do not like the variable turns in QB, but if the scenario designer puts it in, I will go with it. Those extra turns might just be the factor that balance things out in the battle. Sometimes they are just designed in to the battle, if you want to avoid them, then you had better get your act together and control the flags before the variable turn rule comes into effect.
For QBs, I like the idea of 100+ turns and just throw in the towel when it is over.
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08-14-2008, 06:21 AM,
RE: Variable Turns?
Fixed turns are worthless in every battle or scenario!! They simply result in unrealistic final turns to influence victory locations!


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