AotR Original Unit Graphics?
11-13-2019, 11:29 AM,

Posts: 66
Joined: Sep 2018
AotR Original Unit Graphics?
I recently purchased Advance of the Reich, and I was wondering if there was a way to overwrite the new unit graphics with the older graphics that included the character portraits?
11-16-2019, 07:05 PM,

Posts: 41
Joined: Jun 2009
RE: AotR Original Unit Graphics?
There should be a sub-directory named Notes or Note in the game folder. The original graphics are there so you can replace the new ones, with the usual back-up measures allowing you to reverse in any case you change your mind at a later date.
I too do not like the top-down graphics despite their better quality. Maybe it is just a question of getting used. You know, the basic resistance to change...
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