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Dissent in the ranks
12-28-2006, 11:35 PM,
Dissent in the ranks
I want to make something clear here, My post on Cheaters present at the other forums, was not a cheapo attempt to spread rumors.

I stated facts and all my references to this forum are true. One simply has to wade thru the muck to find them. You can waste your time digging there, I will not.
Postings that attempt to defend these explicit forums here are not tolerated as we do not defend the Blitz on those forums either.

Contrary to beliefs of oppressed reformists who reside at both forums now and are making attempts to defame how TheBlitz CM forums are moderated now. The Blitz does not have ANY issues with members posting in any of the other forums.. only the CM forums and by certain individuals prior to their removal for repeatidly abusing priviledges.

However there seems to be a resurgence of such trivial outcries complaining of how things are around here AGAIN, and being made by members who frequent the forums where many EX members of this Club, reside and post freely. Obviously the spreading of rumors exists and is encouraged over there.

It is suggested that they continue their postings OVER there and not attempt to spread the dissent they've become infected with on these other forums upon theBlitz forums.

All I'm seeing is a bunch of members who can't be bothered to post anything here but views and opinions of how the Fragment forums are better and how life is so unfair here, yet on the other forums they can find the time to post information beneficial to the gaming community.

Should these members continue to portray an absolvment of support for the Fragment forums or its members on these forums, they will find their posts removed and posting bans enforced.

Nothing has changed from before, these moderating policies were in effect for quite some time when the club owner decided the wild west CM forums we had needed toned down.

When the people who pay for the Blitz and support it decide that these types of postings are acceptable then changes can be made. Until then, the current policy will be enforced.

Those who cannot be bothered to post something beneficial to the gaming community and only have complaints to denounce the efforts of those who work here should realize that their posts are going to get removed.

How absurd can you be thinking it's free speech to publically complain about everything here, when you only use it for your own benefits and don't contribute back to the very community you condemn for not being up to your specs.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.... "We were never to say die or surrender" -- Chard

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