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I think what is needed here...
10-13-2007, 12:26 AM,
I think what is needed here...
... more than anything, is a rating system that can be used for pbem turn replies.

I find nothing more frustrating, than starting a good game, and then after a long progression of action, find yourself wondering where the turns are, slavering over a potential outcome!

I know that people have RL responsibilities, but I also take gaming seriously, the few games that I do have the time to play. Therefore, a rating system where we could ourselves determine the return rates of players and therefore allow other players to be forewarned.

I don't know how it would be facilitated, other that when reporting a game, you can also enter in that data on a 1-5 scale with a small area for explanation: ie. player had good return rates until he began losing; player is intermittant, player is an Antoni Chmieloski, etc., player was high rate and then dropped off the earth with no explanation, etc.

Not that I think this would curb tendencies much, (although I hope it would instill some advanced measure of response, otherwise), but it would at least let all of us know what we are getting into as a player expecting a certain return rate.


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10-13-2007, 01:00 AM,
RE: I think what is needed here...
Has this anything to do with cli :censored: ? ;)

It's a difficult one to judge. I might have an excellent turn around of the PBEM files but home life could change (lose job, illness etc) which could keep me away from the computer. So would my rating drop then?
I think most players have a small group of regular opponents so any rating system for them would be pointless. Then again, if your playing ladder opponents then you want to know he will stick with the battle. On the other hand, the Blitz has a system already in place to deal with vanishing opponents :)

I've rambled on enough for one message! :rolleyes:
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10-13-2007, 01:03 AM,
RE: I think what is needed here...
There is also a section in your member profile to highlight how quickly you turn files around... again how correct this is, is also open for dispute.
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