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Game Testing Error
11-02-2007, 06:57 AM,
c_Question Mark  Game Testing Error

I believe there was an error made on the Detailed page of the scenario "Hell's Crossing" because it shows that I'm play testing this game with Huib? The error is that I'm not play testing that scenario and never signed up to play.

While I have your attention I would like to ask when are play testers awarded points for completing and sending in a report? Back in June 2007 Von Luck and myself had completed and filled out a report on a WF scenario called "Across the Seine".

It seems now that scenario has been approved and added to the regular WF scenario listing. I also noticed that there is no mention of Von Luck and myself had even played that scenario when reviewing the current details about it.

After a scenario has been passed and removed from the H2H Scenario Testing section are all of the previous games and reports deleted or do they remain as a permanent record?
Good Hunting,
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11-02-2007, 08:33 AM,
RE: Game Testing Error
I have deleted that non test with Huib, thanks for the info! :)

On the other matters i am going to send you a email. Big Grin
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11-02-2007, 08:44 AM,
RE: Game Testing Error
Check your inbox.......
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11-02-2007, 06:01 PM,
RE: Game Testing Error
Thanks for your quick response and info in helping me to correct my misunderstanding and your explanation on how the H2H Scenario Testing procedures work. :thumbs_up:
Good Hunting,
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02-01-2008, 11:27 AM,
RE: Game Testing Error
More than a year ago, I had some finger trouble writing a report for a WF game "Cold Hard Fact" A neat game, but not quite worth the MAX points I gave it by mistake. As I could not find any way to cancel my input, I emailed H2H on a couple of occasions. I may have posted also, but do not recall

I received no response, and my incorrect report is still there.

I would say this little game is as good or better than some of the new Matrix Scenarios.

But the main reason H2H is dead is that an acceptable concept of "balance" is IMO unachievable. A second is that four scores of 8+ is a big ask. The third might be that some informal testing ( maybe using SM designators) is done, and then the game is put in the scenario database -and what is wrong with that?
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