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New CM Tournament Coordinator!
03-28-2008, 12:38 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-28-2008, 01:04 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: New CM Tournament Coordinator!
Colonel Talvela Wrote:The mini-tourneys are nice, but I know that some people - including myself - would like to see other kind of tourneys here.
What other tourney ideas do you have planned?

There's nothing to stop you or anybody else organising tourneys mate..:)
I'm kicking a few ideas of my own around but whatever I decide on, it'll be short, fast-moving and chock-full of screenshots; every competitor who finishes his game will get 50 bonus ladder points except the winner who'll get 100 and a silver trophy (unless its a team game in which case there'll be a different scale of awards)
As always i try to make my tourneys as colourful as possible..

[Image: spart-paintA.jpg]
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03-28-2008, 01:09 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-28-2008, 01:14 AM by Colonel Talvela.)
RE: New CM Tournament Coordinator!
PoorOldSpike Wrote:whatever I decide on, it'll be short, fast-moving and chock-full of screenshots; every competitor who finishes his game

So are you going to do any tourneys where you dont play in every game?

I guess I was assuming you were going to organize "tournaments" as opposed to just POS-mini fights. (Note - I dont mean that in a derrogatory way at all - the club enjoys the POS-minis, myself included - it just wasnt my original understanding of the new "Tournament Coordinator" position).
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03-28-2008, 01:26 AM,
RE: New CM Tournament Coordinator!
A coordinator mostly coordinates :)

Allow me to define a little.

While it is assumed a coordinator is also the tourney runner, this is not the case always.

A coordinator is one who helps those who are interested in running tournaments by providing advice and mechanisms for the tournament runner to get things running smoothly for his tournament. He may also provide dates that might work better ( to avoid overlapping) and sign up lists of people who are most likely to finish a tournament based on his experiences and others whom he has assisted. He could also provide custom medals for your tournament to award.

He will also be responsible to reward tournament winners and participants bonus points and medals at the conclusion of the tournament.

Prizes awarded are the responsibility of the tourney designer/operator, not the coordinator or TheBlitz club.

Now a coordinator can also run these tournaments himself, and play in them as well, as long as the field is equal to all participants and no advantage is given to anyone purposely. Now mistakes happen, and an advantage could occur for someone, but that is the exception and hopefully the coordinator can make a decision of fair judgment to resolve.

If a tournament is running and an issue arises, the coordinator can arbitrate discussion involving play issues of exceptional magnitude (ie:cheating accusations) along with the ladder custodian and the tournament operator, to arrive at a decision.
He can also help make with judgment calls the specific tournament operator might need for minor issues.

If I missed any bases let me know?
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03-28-2008, 01:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-28-2008, 02:21 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: New CM Tournament Coordinator!
Colonel Talvela Wrote:So are you going to do any tourneys where you dont play in every game?.....
It just wasnt my original understanding of the new "Tournament Coordinator" position).

My lofty title of 'Tournament Coordinator', mainly means I have access to the 'Officers Barracks' area of Blitz where I can tag medals and bonuses onto competitors screennames.
Nobody needs my permission to organise tourneys or anything, just do it in whatever style you want,and ask my advice and suggestions etc if you need them.
I might play in some of them myself if I'm invited, or I might decline the invite for whatever reason..:)

As for my own tourneys, I shall almost certainly play in every game, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do screenshots on a daily basis to keep it live, dynamic, up-to-the minute and in the eye of the enthralled popcorn-munching audience..:)
Oh and incidentally although I've just played 26 games of Trident, I'm still only awarding myself one Trident Medal and one batch of 50 points just like everybody else.
Same with my other tourneys, I don't give myself special extra bonuses or medals of any sort, i stick with my boys in the field eating the same rations as them and not sneaking off to the rear for a nosh-up feast..:)

Just had to make my first 'command decision' and not award the Malitz medal and points bonus to a player who vanished from the tourney early on, nobody in the CM community has heard of him since.
People only get the medal and bonus if they complete their games..:)
(If the guy comes back and completes it he'll get the medal and points, but he won't get the silver trophy itself because he missed the competition finish deadline)

PS - Here's the Malitz Medal which I'm in the process of awarding people, should be finished working through their names in a few hours -

[Image: Malitz.png]
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03-28-2008, 07:40 AM,
RE: New CM Tournament Coordinator!

Well, if all your tournaments are the same quality and enjoyment than "Trident Trophy", you are at the right place at the right moment !
All this quantity of work for each tournament. I think if i would do 1/10 of this (i mean spending so many hours with CM), my wife would have blast me with a stug105 !
Thanks for the good work and we hope many great tournaments will come.

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