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Music to kick butt by
05-01-2008, 10:19 AM,
RE: Music to kick butt by
Der Kuenstler Wrote:
Colonel Talvela Wrote:Seriously, I like listening to some good Mozart, Paganini, Brahams, or Beethoven when I do my killing

Yes - a little opera is even good now and then - as your SMG troops mow down everyone in the woods - lol...

Why would you use SMG troops in the woods? Aren't there rabid squirrels in the woods?


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05-01-2008, 01:36 PM,
RE: Music to kick butt by
I must be almost an exception....because I don't actually like listening to period music....although a bit of opera doesn't go astray (but then that is hardly WWII period music). Generally speaking the first thing I do with Campaign Series or HPS titles like Panzer Campaigns is turn off the music.

Modern stuff all the way for me.

Er.....that is, if you count everything after the 60's dissappeared into a haze of illicit substances as "modern".....
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05-06-2008, 08:37 AM,
RE: Music to kick butt by
I might only listen to music (or TV) during a turn where I'm just plotting my next move. During the action sequence (film) I'm glued to just it alone.

But I will mention another great ''war'' track....Ride of the Valkyries (Richard Wagner). Perhaps never used better in any movie than in the film, Apocolypse Now. Okay, not WW2, but still rousing attack music!!
(and I like all the little subtle stuff in the flick, like tapping the rifle magazine on the helmet, to seat all the rounds inside to the edge!!)


And the nutty commander (actor Robert Duvall) has one of the best lines in war movie history....''I love the smell of napalm in the morning....it smells like: Victory.''


(trivia --- in my signature below, Gus, is also Robert Duvall, but from an old TV western mini-series --- I might have to change my avatar to him some day, although I still like the Iron Major, from the old Sergeant Rock comic books!!) ;)
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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05-06-2008, 10:13 AM,
RE: Music to kick butt by
Quote:....''I love the smell of napalm in the morning....it smells like: Victory.''

One of my favorite moves...until it starts getting strange!

As far a music...NIN, Rob Zombie, Disturbed.Whip

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05-07-2008, 12:25 AM,
RE: Music to kick butt by
For those who do like period music, I stumbled upon a 37 minute vid of German marching songs:

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