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Message from the moderator
05-13-2008, 07:13 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-13-2008, 07:52 AM by Bootie.)
Message from the moderator

Just a little clarification in regards to posts and what I expect.

* If your post is not CM specific please make sure it is tagged off topic with the appropriate icon.

* Swear words will not be tolerated, much like most other forums on the internet there is no need for them. If you do slip one in, your post will be moderated with the swear word removed. Its not heavy handed moderating just general net etiquette.

* If you believe my moderation of any subject to be incorrect please PM me and allow me to explain my decision.

* If you see something you believe needs moderated please PM me or the person responsible for the post and bring it to mine or their attention rather than posting on the forum as this can build up animosity if one person or another complains about anothers post on more than one occassion and airs his grievances on the board.

These are the guidelines I'd like ALL of us to work by. Im still new in the job here and am still finding my feet in relation to moderation technique and lines in the sand. I believe by notifying you folk of what I expect as time goes on things will settle down nicely and we all will know what is acceptable and what isnt.

Thanks for reading.
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05-13-2008, 07:41 AM,
RE: Message from the moderator

What are your thoughts on suggesting that members first contact the person concerned privately and explain their concerns....see if that clears things up straight away?

Often, it seems to me that people don't even realise they have offended someone.....when it gets pointed out to them in private they will apologise and fix something by themselves. Whereas when a complaint goes straight to a mod then its of necessity a bit more formal.

Sometimes people will be uncomfortable PMing another member, whether by their own reticent nature or the perceived personality of the person causing them offence (or their relationship (or lack thereof) with that person), and that's fine...bring it to the mod.

But perhaps the first thing people could think of is whether they can sort out any issue directly, man to man. They might be surprised at how well things turn out....we all have a lot in common.

The only other thing I would suggest is that we don't make this place too school-marmish. Any school-kids reading this site are (a) too young to get the innuendo or (b) if they're not too young, they're off swapping Penthouse magazines with their mates anyways. Nothing they read here is going to matter a damn.
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05-13-2008, 07:51 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-13-2008, 07:52 AM by Bootie.)
RE: Message from the moderator
Yeah if it can be sorted out mano et mano then by all means go for it. As for making this area too wholesome for us grizzled grognards, I had to act regarding some topics that were being posted because other members expressed concerns about the content. The moderation on swearing is basic net etiquette IMO that we should respect in this forum.

Edited my original post accordingly with your suggestion ;)
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05-13-2008, 09:50 AM,
RE: Message from the moderator
I agree with Bootie on this and think we have the system for dealing with this. We are new at this but so far think we are doing ok.

The rules are there for everyone to see in the ROE's and will be inforced by Bootie and I without favor.

So good posting and have some fun
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05-13-2008, 10:32 AM,
RE: Message from the moderator
Possibly the toughest line to determine is that fine line between funny and objectionable, because it's so subjective. Of course you have to act on complaints; I'm just stating the other perhaps more relaxed POV so hopefully we get a line somewhere in the middle. You have my earnest sympathies in figuring out where exactly that is in any particular case :)

Thanks for your efforts to date in moderating the forum cheers
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05-13-2008, 04:41 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-13-2008, 04:42 PM by wigam.)
RE: Message from the moderator
I agree that we have to find that line in the sand. We are using the Blitz's own ROE's for that line and see that as fair. The rules were around before us and so us enforcing them seems fair to me. And I think we can accept that these rules are just and fair to all and plainly spelt out.

I hope you all will agree that we have been nothing but fair so far. So Bootie and I ask for everyone's support in the CM forum. The ROE's are there and it comes down to our interpratation of them, funny or objectionable, so if needed we will PM that person concerned. Moderate yourself if its needed so we don't have to and things will be great.

Great gaming all.
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05-14-2008, 12:00 AM,
RE: Message from the moderator
I think you guys have been fair, and I appreciate it. And I really like the way you put the "moderated by bootie/wigam for violation of xxx" and then leave it at that.
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