11-29-2009, 10:44 PM,

Posts: 471
Joined: Aug 2003
the demo is out , had a short play it looks very good and will take awhile to get to grips with it all .
12-07-2009, 11:30 PM,

Posts: 471
Joined: Aug 2003
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
Ok I have been playing the demo for awhile now,there is good and bad to it.
Graphics are good , the way you can order your corp or division to deploy into line or mix works well. The Art move to the front and then deploy.
The big trouble is making sure you give orders to all your formations if not they will attack the enemy a mile away, marching into the valley of death!! Also the attacks are so disjointed trying to plan a mixed advance is a total head ache ,soon as you give the corp a new position to march to the cavalry fly off, and charge front on the nearest Art unit.
The infantry then march to the new line,but then attack any body near by,even if over a mile away. Seeing a infantry regiment march on its own towards the enemy corp and being destroyed makes no sense .
Now as the battle goes on gaps open, so you order a Division to fill the gaps.I wish I could ,you get the to move to the position deploy into line they then march back to the original position backs to the enemy and get destroyed .
So the concept of the game is good but game play is total crap, I can see why Battlefront dropped this game having one turkey(CMSF) they could not have another one .
I am sorry for JMM for all the work he has put into the game but it just dont work.
12-17-2009, 12:19 AM,
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
Hello Bidermann,
Just found out that the demo has been released, downloading now.
Maybe it is the command structure. Did the units receive orders? Is there an order delay, none, normal, realistic?
In these games graphics is far easier than unit behaviour.
Also downloading books 1 and 2 of the manuals.
12-17-2009, 04:29 AM,

Posts: 471
Joined: Aug 2003
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
Yes there is an order delay, but the problem is that you tell a corp to advance to a location ,but instead of moving there and deploy as ordered they race off and attack !! lol
I understand there alot of bugs with the demo and not so many in the main game! I dont understand that because I thought the game engine and AI should be the same.
But we will see , I hope they do sort out all the problems because it could be a very good game
01-21-2010, 04:10 AM,
Private 1st Class

Posts: 29
Joined: Jan 2004
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
Greetings all.....been a few years since I last wandered the halls of the Blitz.
There have been 2 patch released since Demo2's arrival. One apparently solving many of the issues that Vista and W7 users were having. Overall I would say from what I am seeing that the AI has settled down considerably. The AI's tendency to un-case the colors and charge off to its doom have been greatly reduced. They still have work to do in this area and a few others like units facing the wrong direction from time to time.The arraignment over there is a bit odd...If you have preordered you have access to Demo 2 and the patchs.....if you didn't all you get is Demo 1 which in my opinion was terrible and wont do much to help sell the game,more then likely the opposite.
The developers are active on the forums and due seem to be listing to the communities input and acting on it,so I have high hopes that this will prove to be an excellent title.
01-31-2010, 02:17 PM,

Posts: 71
Joined: May 2006
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
It appears from what I have heard the second Demo should be out to the public soon.....
02-03-2010, 04:49 PM,

Posts: 471
Joined: Aug 2003
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
The full game is out now, I have installed but not played yet.The game has a load of battles and armies to choose from.
02-06-2010, 01:56 PM,

Posts: 71
Joined: May 2006
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
Indeed...I look forward to getting a copy eventually....
02-08-2010, 01:39 AM,

Posts: 471
Joined: Aug 2003
RE: histwar-les-grognards-demo
There are a few bugs to sort out yet, game unstable and likes to crash.But I hold my breath in hope they will be all sorted as if so it will be a great game.