"The 88e DIT is under Amade. Amade is a corps equivalent formation so all his units are out of range at start. The best thing to do as soon as possible is to bring the DITs in the group back to Amade's HQ in Arras since he is not released for several days."
Thanks. The reason I'm asking is that Amade is listed as being under Reserve Territoriale and I can't find that HQ on the board nor among the reinforcements. Also interestingly enough, the 88th does not appear to be listed in the printable 1914 oob.
"The good thing is, everything is designed to where the DITs should fall back as soon as possible to Amade, and Amade should fall back to gradually towards the south as was historical until his group left the map area."
Well, the problem is the 88th needs to be sent immediately to Tournai where it will likely be
vernichtet, sorry to say. I'm in the middle of day 1 and von Kluck might be headed that way. Fortunately though, Armade is not fixed and I can load him up on a train and send him to the front. I guess you wanted to fix him but forgot, thank goodness!