I beg to report I have achieved a Major German Victory in this one vs the AI.
As the Russki's advanced across the valley,they were engaged at long range by the two Tigers and the AT and they got a disruption or two and some vehicle kills somewhat disrupting the dash to the town...
Tough to believe, right?
Truth is,... Like Kirk and the Kobayashi Maru scenario, I also CHEATED...
I did a little editing,changing the turns from 30 min to 15 min and cut the movement factors in half to reflect this.(I had to change the SS/Russian units dat files and backed up my origionals. )
As I did not touch the attack factors at all,this basically made things twice as violent. I thought this would be a problem,throwing the results out of whack,but the effect seems more realistic to me,at least in the case of this test scenario.
I also changed the scenario length to reflect the turn time change,experimenting with various lengths.
A helpful side effect for the Germans was being able to setup the Opportunity fire before the Russians arrived next to my units.