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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
06-28-2006, 12:17 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Allied turn 13 (yes i know we lost one some where - probably back in those woods where the bears Cr*p everywhere...)

Scorched Earth vs Wolfman:

Well it all goes Pete Tong for the Axis forces. Paralysis strikes their rear (here i go again, out on my own again - just breaking into song there, feel free to join in...). More Axis arty joins the scrap heap as does the remainder of that HQ. Russkie infantry make a brave op fire dash to reveal more axis armour on the hill crest, by the river, in the middle of the map (i told u map reading was not our forte) Any way, they get shot up, as Allied armour is on a roll, bringing those HQ's forward & keeping them in supply works a treat...

Axis armour re-takes our only seized objective, but they can keep the real estate, were here to kill the Jerries....

Axis score: 222, Allied score: 605, for a score of 383, an Allied minor victory......, one turn to go, can the Axis pull a rabbit out of the hat?

Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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06-28-2006, 03:13 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
SITREP Turn 11

....My small command team has been ducking artillery fire for the past hour. It is fortunate indeed that it has been uneffective-more problems I don't need......where are those cigarettes....

"Sir....sir....try these.....I found them in the wreckage of a new ruski tank inside Krupki. I had time to grab the manual and some personal effects before pulling back and finding the command group....."

I don't believe it.....my intel chief has survived AND is holding out a pack of Lucky Strikes....so those reports of American tanks were true. Damn them....and our submariners........


"...Sir-in the north Ivan has managed to turn our flank yet the surviving Pz-IV reserve has managed to fight back killing several tanks and forcing one platoon to halt it's advance. Our exposed anti-infantry vehicles were able to pull back under cover. The remaining 88 attempted to displace to avoid artillery fire and was ambushed by a tank platoon and destroyed while it's supporting infantry cover was forced to surrender...."

That 88 unit is a dreadful loss...my fault for keeping it on ambush for so long....but who knew the reds would be able to capture so many of my Panzers.......


"...In the immediate area around Krupki heavy fighting continues. The lone Tiger platoon with Captain Diestel in command absorbed countless cannon hits without damage and repaid the favor by killing a couple tanks and freezing their platoons in place. A supporting Panther platoon destroyed a couple more tanks and forced another unit to seek cover. On the west side of Krupki a lone Jagdpanzer held it's ground against several tank assaults and managed to survive...pinning an enemy tank platoon. Again...Panthers moved in and destroyed more tanks before pulling back to overwatch. Supporting infantry in the area forced Ivan foot troops back and into the open where engineers forced them back into the center of town. In the factory complex the infantry hold out....killing many reds caught in the minefields and woods while pinning the survivors...."

I must hold out....only a little longer. How much does Herr "Akula" have left to throw at me?

Rasputin out cheers
"We herd sheep....we drive cattle...we LEAD people! Lead me...follow me...or get out of my way!"
GEN George Patton
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06-28-2006, 11:11 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Blocking Action at Krupki Allied Turns 2 - 3 (Yes I have been slow but the football is on)

Comrade Geneal Diggerovish listens carefully to radio reports coming from his commanders in each sector over the last few minutes of action..

In the north T-34's probing forward wer fire upon by a 75mm HT battery and then by a radio ambitious halftrack crew..these fascist aggressors were destroyed in quick sucession and then their supporting infantry broke and ran into the open only to come under direct fire from M4's and then rounded up by armoured cars and herded to the rear under the watchful gaze of an SMG platoon..It's the Gulag for these Germans. More tanks arrived from the rear to obtain LOS on the lip of the hill in front..Colonel Raskolnikov had done well in this area, at present there were no casualties and the German pickets had been destroyed..Reports of heavy tanks to the rear of the German lines urged caution..The advance would be measured and methodical..

In the Centre the Rifle platoon had one of its squads wiped out whilst trying to maintain LOS on the 88mm and the edge of the town..Their sacrifice provided useful information as a Panther platoon was spotted..Surging up the road again the final remaining 88m was dispatched by an M4 after it fired wide, Engineers rushed forward along the road towards the mines...dropping smoke to conceal armour movements from behind..Despite the Corps Commanders order General Diggerovosh was unsure that rushing up the main road was such a good idea..better to test out the enemies strength before commiting his valuable armour assetts..

In the south, Artillery Fire provided smoke cover as an advancing Rifle platoon attempts to gain LOS on the factory complex..The Germans have scouted forward with a HT and flakHT which were destroyed by OP fire..an engineer platoon which wandered into plain site was wiped out by direct fire from the T-34's of Col Tolstoy..closer to the centre..Tolstoys older T-34's bumped a German infantry platoon driving them back with loss towards the factory complex, another picket discovered, these T-34's had been acting as a rearguard scouting the roads for probing German recon units..

General was satisfied with what has transpired so far...Concerned about revealing all of his armoured strength and well aware of the capabilities of the defenders..He was content to probe the enemy defenses at the moment feeling them out rather than just blundering into Krupki and unleashing an orgy of death on his tankers..The factory complex could be the key the the town, it was well covered and would provide excellent cover for his infantry..

The radio crackled with static, it was Dottski from Corps HQ..

"How is the advance going, Comrade General"

This could only mean one thing the advance,would have to be hurried..
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06-28-2006, 11:15 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
Feldwebel Steffen approached Hans and Joerg and stood in silence behind them. He scanned the treeline with his field glasses for what seemed to be an eterninty. The sweat poured down the faces of the two grenadiers.

Finally the Feldwebel spoke, "The time for humour is past, soldiers."

"We have reports of massed Soviet panzers to the east. The few Russian infantrymen sneaking up to the tree line may soon become a human wave."

"But Feldwebel Steffen, it looks as if our brave Hauptman is holding back the Reds with his mighty panzers." says Joerg with a snicker.

"The Lynx is a fine machine boys, soon you will be glad they are with us.", snapped the Feldwebel. "Now man that MG42 and be prepared to fight."

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06-28-2006, 02:30 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Terror at Borisov Fritz vs Asiaticus

Allied Turn 2

Facist recon elments and some PzIIIs come back to finish the job on the BAs in Lipki. Some tracked units follow them into the area too.

Stayki overrun by PzIIs and PzIIIs coming in behind them.

Motorcycle and truck mounted troops move in from the direction of Nemanitza with some tracked vehilces.

Facist Recon unit posted on the hill north of Lipki moves down to the road east of Lipki and encounters one of our tank companies and looses a vehilce and pulls back out of range.

Soviet tank company advances on the recon platoon fires and whipes it out. Another company comes up in support.

Other recon elements keep an eye on the Facist advance as Soviet forces prepare for action.

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06-28-2006, 06:39 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Final Allied turn 14: Scorched earth vs Wolfman:

Well played Wolfman, it's all to play on the last Axis turn. Can the Axis bring it back to a draw? Despite a ferocious counterattack which cost several Russkie tank crews their lives the Allies grimly hold on as Panthers & Tigers pop out of the woodwork (well we are in the woods after all).

The Allies return fire & kill another Tiger & some HT's, but as the wind picks up and covers the battlefield in drifting smoke from all of the wrecks, the Allies melt away like mist to prepare ambush positions for un-wary Jerries.....

Axis score: 243, Allied score: 626, for a score of 383, an Allied Minor Victory (unless it all changes on the final Axis turn).
Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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06-28-2006, 11:24 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Final turn of Scorched earth vs Wolfman is in:

After a bitter fight, & a lot of sneaking around the Allies pull out a Minor Victory in the last turns. Final score is: Axis: 243, Allies: 632 for a final score of: 389. Great game Wolfman, well played.
Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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06-29-2006, 04:50 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
"Ok Hans, you heard him, get ready for the Red horde!"

"I am ready, Joerg"

The two grenadier scan the treeline in silence.

Six minutes later........

"I think the Ruskies ran away."

"Ja, Hans, the Hauptman has scared them off with his brave attack!"

"They should give him some real panzers!"

"Ja, then he could scare the whole Soviet Army away."


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06-29-2006, 10:05 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
[size=large]Sitrep: Axis turn 10 & Allied turn 11: Oberst vs Macnab

I hate indirect fire!!!! Axis arty manages a hit on my unloaded 85 mm ATG and knocks out 1 sp of both the gun & truck.:hissy: Meanwhile an engineer unit is observed retreating W of the wooded hex just S of the captured VP hex. Also another Tiger plt with a leader emerges from the orchard taking up an ambush postion. In the far N, the 10 VP hex reveals a Tiger plt. Both the Tiger and the HT fire at my rifle plt with no success.

The start of my turn sees a heavy rocket and arty barrage against the 10 VP hex but also with no visible results. I advance my engineer unit from the strongpoint just SW of the 25 VP hex into the woods directly W and discover the Axis engineer unit. Two plts of T34/85, engage from the NE but only manage to force them to retreat off of the ridge to the W. To engage the Tiger plt I push a T34/34 plt into the strongpoint. No opp fire from the Tiger. A second plt also moves forward and this time the Tiger notices something and fires taking out 1 sp. I then advance another T34/85 directly W down the paved road until it comes within LOS of the Tiger. Another shot but this time no losses. The T34 is joined by an M4 plt and together they take on the Tiger at point blank range, achieving only a disruption. Not knowing what lies to the W just beyond the edge of the ridge, I chose to assault the Tiger and take a rear shot. A T34/85 assaults and destroys the 1 sp Tiger!!, but the Leader retreats. Choosing caution, I pull back my units to defensive postions on the ridge. To the N, the rifle plt attempts to sneak around the W of the VP hex but is fired upon. loses 1 sp and retreats into woods , NW of the VP hex.

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06-29-2006, 12:16 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Blocking Action at Krupki

Allied Turn 4

The turn opens with an ineffectual German artillery barrage and some pot shots against my Riflemen viewing the north hex of the factory complex, as well as the smoke covered riflemen viewing the south hex of the said complex. Followed by Fascist halftracks retreating from view...the riflemen hold firm as the German scouts bumped by the T-34's last turn retreat into the complex for safety..little do they realise it will be their tomb..

With a roar, the mighty Katashuya batteries rain death down on the Germans hudding in the factory complex..rockets burst through the roofs of both hexes disrupting all the defenders and causing casualties.122mm Howitzers fire blind into Krupki with no visible result.

Col Tolstoys' T-34's surge forward into the factory overunning an MG platoon, guns spewing death, the defenders retreat to the safety of the Northern factory hex as more T-34's roll into view and roll into the northern hex, with only a lake behind them these defenders have nowhere to run. The morally shattered defenders raise their hands in surrender still disorganised from the rocket attack..The company of Armour retire out of the factory hurding prisoners before them, leaving the factory complex eeirly empty of attacker and defender alike..The German defenders can only look on from accross the lake..as all radio communications from the factory go silent...

In the north Col Raskolnikovs T-34's, which were skillfully moved under the lip of the northern hill line, edge nervously up onto the hill under cover of a smokescreen..A loud crack is heard and a T-34 explodes in a fireball...A solitary Tiger in the village, with a big 10 printed on it, surely this is the population...calling for support the remaining 2 T-34's remain stationary as Col Raskolnikov commits more T-34's this time on the ridge south of Lebednevo..Another Tiger appears in the village firing at the T-34 on the ridge..Its thick glacis plate defelects the blow but the tanks are disrupted..More T-34's roll on the ridge and return fire..Finally a Tiger is disrupted..Raskolnikov radios for help further south..Col Bogdanovichs' M4's roll onto the ridge to support the fire into the village a Tiger goes up in flames and both are now disrupted..

A lone T-34 now probes to the south of the village dodging past the mines the Ba-64 crew have clearly identified and attempts to enter the village from the south..Engineers.who are clearly on an Erstatz coffee break as no fire is forthcoming..Both Colonels tanks hurl round anfter round into these tough defenders, finally they retreat into the village with the Tigers in good order..Leading the fire personally Col Bogdanovichs' command M4 fires and disrupts these stalwart Engineers.

As the Germans huddle in the village another T-34 feels it way forward into the smoke..preparing to charge the defenders..It is fired on by a hopeful halftrack crew spotting on the ridge line adjacent to the village..Bogdanovichs' M-4's turn it into 6 flaming wrecks as the T-34 continues its advance a Tiger fires and the round bounces off..they have had their shots and the T-34's gleefully pounce on the defenders from the north and south..the village is in Russian hands and 7 tigers and their supporting Engineers are killed or captured...

More armour moves up to cover any counterattack with fire support..

General Diggerovishs' attack is proceeding well..at last he has something to tell Corps HQ..Dottski answers the field phone..

"We have penetrated their northern defenses and are preparing to roll the northern flank, Enemy in the factory has been killed or captured, casualties are light"

Perhaps Krupki can be taken after all...

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