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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
07-12-2006, 10:33 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-12-2006, 10:39 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 16.00 hours (Turn 13)

Cpt. Gebhardt's unit advanced towards Novosady Station and releived 2 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl. Along the way, the Light Plt, of 4 Co, II/28Pz dispatched the lone BT-7 that 2 Co. had engaged. 2 Co. then moved N and attacked another Russian HQ unit that had been sighted. Cannon fire caused damage. The Russian unit retreated N into heavy woods, and contact was lost.

The Light Plt, of 2 Co., I/28 Pz and 3 Plt, 1 Co., 88th/18 Recon Btl coordinated an attack against the Russian HQ unit that the Light Plt had seen. The unit was overrun. Amonst the dead was a Russian battalion commander.

3 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl advanced S along the Povodista Road, onto the high ground E of Lipki.

6 Co., II/Pz tanks, led by Maj. Schede flanked 2 KV-1 tanks that were attacking their positions. Fire from Russian tanks on Lipki Ridge destroyed the 3 tanks of 2 Plt. as they advanced. 1 plt fired into the rear of the Russian tanks, destroying one. The second one became bogged down and was abandonded by its crew, who were captured by 1 Plt, I/28 Pz. The KV was also captured intact. To the S of Lipki, Col Eckhardt led an attack against 6 KV-1s that were attacking his postion. The faster German tanks were able to manuver around the slower KVs and get into favorable firing postions to the flanks and rear. Five were reduced by cannon fire, and the crew of the 6th one surrendered after the unit commander was killed. Col Eckhardt then order his units to reposition, to prepare for the next Russian attack.

The PzJgs of 2Plt, 88th/18 AT Blt. were sent N from Stayki to protect the Regimental rear against Russian armored cars that had been seen the the NW of Stayki, on Hill 215.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
6 x Pz IV
5 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
2 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
5 x T-26
48 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40 (1 captured)
8 x KV-1 (2 captured)
10 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
2 x ATG
43 x Inf Squads (approx 335-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
5 x Russian HQ. (2 Destroyed, one damaged)
4 x Russian officer - KIA
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07-13-2006, 07:13 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
So far not good for me.My opponent Pedja has decided to dig in after taking enough hexes to ensure victory.That i dont mind his call but the Luftwaffe has been deadly in one or two turns taking out quite a few of my armour.So now with a depleted armour force at turn 12 ithink im forced to attack a very crafty opponent.
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07-13-2006, 10:33 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-14-2006, 01:38 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 16.30 hours (Turn 14)

3 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl, advanced S, along the Povodista road. The 50mm ATGs of 4th Co. engaged 3 T-26s, which were heading S, at a range of 1500m. All three tanks were destroyed. The armored cars of 1 Co., minus 3 Plt. advanced in support of 3 Co. 3 Plt.moved E, in search of the Russian trucks that had been seen. It found them apporx. 1500m NE of Novosady Station along the main road to Shilino. It was unable to attack them immediately. The Russian trucks scattered at the sight of German armored cars in thier midst.

At Lipki, the remaining tanks of 6 Co. destroyed an AAG MG section in the woods E of the village. Col. Eckhardt realigned his units in order to reduce the threat of the big 152mm guns of the KV-3s sitting on Lipki Ridge. He then called in an additional airstrike on the exposed Russian tanks; which subsequently pulled back out of LOS on the ridge.

Cpt. Gebhardt advanced N from the area W of Novosady Station, and cut the Mocow Motor Hiway at the top of Lipki Ridge, securing another Regimental objective. He placed the 3 armored cars of 1 Plt, 2 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl 1KM to his NE, astride the Hiway, to observe any Russian traffic coming from the E/NE. He sent the remianing armored car of 2 Plt, 2 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl along the main road to Shilino; at the far eastern edge of the Regimental operations area, with the misson of cutting off retreat of the Russian trucks that 3 Plt, 1 Co. had found.

Three Russian HQ units broke cover and made a run towards the safety of Kurganovka. The 3 armored cars of 1 Plt, 2 Co. blocked their path. A fierce firefight developed, and 1Plt was destroyed. The surviving crewmen made their way to the rear on foot.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
6 x Pz IV
8 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
3 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
8 x T-26
48 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40 (1 captured)
8 x KV-1 (2 captured)
10 x Trucks
10 x BA-20
2 x ATG
44 x Inf Squads (approx 340-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
5 x Russian HQ.
4 x Russian officer - KIA
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07-14-2006, 10:45 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
Hans and Joerg had just settled into thier new position when they heard the rustling of leaves. Glimpses of brown uniforms darted from tree to tree.

"Joerg, get ready"

"I'm ready!"

"Fire." Whispered the Feldwebel.

With that order the platoon opened fire.

"Look Hans, they are running away!"

"Did you hit anyone?"

"I don't think so, but I sure scared the crap out of one."

"So I can smell!"

Just then the Feldwebel came by.

"They will be back, the commisar will see to that. Try to hit one of them next time."


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07-18-2006, 11:40 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
It was a bad to get post from the mail man it seems as a letter from the local Gualiter informed me of an assignment posting to the Eastern Front at the same time I got confirmation that my brother was missing in North Africa after a scrap with the Amis.

I arrived at Division Headquarters and found that confusion was the order of the day and that I was to be posted to a command given the assignment of being a blocking force to stem the russian Hoard.

Arriving in a battered KfZ 1, I foundf the situation horrifying in that a few landsers were all that stood between a sea of red and the rear of the command. Oh sure there were Panzers, but as my driver told me, there were never enough tanks when compared to the wave of steel that the russians usually threw at them.

The driver didnt seem phased the least at the prospects of being hit by this wave of pesants; saying that he had seen it before and as usual the unit hung in here to make it a most interesting day.

I settled into a building that had once been a factory that made some farm chemicals, it smelled so much like the resat of the countryside,one great dung hole. The commander, a well worn Major, looking beyond his actuall years greeted me with a simple grin saying " who pissed in your mess kit son that you are here?"

I didnt have an answer, after all I had not been in Russia but a few hours. " NO matter, You will take command of my communications section, I need Lt Schoner up front since he has been in this dung longer than us both, his expirence will be of help.

I took back my pay book from the Major and turned to the door where a runner just leaving, pointed me to the radio room.

There I was shocked to learn that communications had broken down and most of my reports to Division would go un-filed for long periods of time. ( My Password wasnt working on the Blitz).

The Russians, reputed to be under the command of Col K.K Roskovski, a favorite of Uncle Joe himself, opened up with a crash of artillery and a probe of our lines with infantry and engineers.

Our men seemed almost spellbound by the appearance of the Russians as none opened any Op-Fire on the advancing men in mustard colored uniforms.

The Russians at first used a sort of groundhog approach with thier armor poping up and shooting at our tank positions in the south and in the center.

We traded fire with a few tanks and an 88 section but little was gained by the fire except where some of out landsers were positioned east of out southern positions in a shoe factory; giving the Russian foot sloogers a welcome.

Our Artillery offered a scattered response to that of the Russians with no true effect being felt or noted.

Three minutes into the conflict the platoons of armor of our southern positions offered no resistance of note and curses could be heard by some tropops as a assualt gun platoon simply allowed armor to drive past in what looked like a flanking of our lines from the south.

But for some reason the Russian armor remained at tehw wooded crossroads while a recon unit was dispatched to our rear to develop what lay behind the southern most ridge and our rear.

Russian engineers moved with caution towards the southern most village trying to clear a minefield blocking a full assualt by russian panzers, but a platoon of landsers on outpost, kept a liveli fire and drove the Russian engineers off and accurate mortar fire further reduced them in the woods they souhght cover in.

Strong Russina Panzer probes to south center of the front was met with stiff resistance at the shoe factory and when the russian infantry advanced along the woods with support from half tracks along the road, they were delt with in a strong fashion.

To the north sector Russian Panzers probed and found that mounting the center summit meant dealing with the 88's and well position armor.

Five minutes into the action, it appeared a action of attrition was the Soviet order of the day as shots were traded with the Russian Panzers taking out one here and there but at a cost that was clearly telling.

Russian radio traffic suggested that they had lost contact with thier recon units, and for good reason since they had been wiped out with little to show for the probe. it was clear that a frontal assualt to the village in the south would be the route to be taken and a wave of Stalins Organs was heard screaming towards the front in an efort to force the center and divert our forces from the southern flank.

Eight minutes intop the action it seemed that the Panzers had finally found its nerve and joined in the fighting; but the wave of Russian Armor was in some cases almost a drowning affair. The Assualt gun so timid allowing Russians to drive by finally paid the price and was a smoking ruin..a fate better than the punishment company the commander was bound for when this action was over.

Ten minutes into the action, Russian Panzers smoldered atop the centeral heights, but finallt the landsers in the village were forced back as the local commander is killed and his panzers along with his infantry support is driven westward out of the village.

More curses can be heard over the radio net as panzer NCOs order thier guns to op-fire at soviet guards and Russian tanks respond at our panzers; thier gunnery more telling than our reply.

Its now fourteen minutes into the action and im ordered to teh south to see if I can put together a counterattack; as Stalins Organs scream overhead the positions to our center, I drive south, and see if I can stop the bleeding, or is the wound too deep .

Fifteen minutes and we shal see if the Russian infection is mortal to our blocking action or can we bandage the wound and save the day

I make my report tomorrow, now that communications has been restored...The wolf's lair is wanting to know if we are doing our duty..Not another step backwards is the telex...but 1800 km away this is but another mindless order.

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07-18-2006, 10:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-18-2006, 10:59 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
another double post
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07-18-2006, 10:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-18-2006, 10:58 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 17.00 hours (Turn 15)

3 Plt, 1 Co. 88th/18 Recon Btl. headed back W, towards the Moscow Motor Hiway, in order to engage the Russian HQ units that had destroyed 1Plt., 2 Co. They found them and attacked, causing confusion among the Russian ranks. The Light Plts of 1 and 2 Co., I/28Pz attacked them from the opposite direction. Their MkIIs drove into the Russian column, guns blazing. A running battle ensued, with destroyed Russian vehicles littering the hiway for a kilometer. Regimental forces managed to capture 2 Russian battalion Commanders, and destroy 3 HQ units.

2 Plt, 2 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl drove through Shilino, in pursuit of the escaping Russian trucks. It caught up to them approx 1.5 KM to the NE of the town. The lone armored car of 2 Plt. hastily assaulted the Russians, destroying all 8 Russian transports. It then headed N of Shilino, in order to cut the Moscow Motor Hiway E of Kurganovka.

3 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl, supported by the armored cars of 1 Co, set about creating defensive positions along the high ground to the E of Lipki, in order to prevent Russian forces from regaining control of it.

After finishing defensive positions within the rubble of Lipki, Maj. von Burstin was ordered to take his pioneers forward, to investigate Lipki Ridge. 6 Co. killed or wounded another 10 Russian infantry in the woods E. of Lipki, with cannon fire.

The Russian KVs on Lipki Ridge withdrew to the NE along the Moscow Motor Hiway. 5 BA-20 armored cars were spotted operating 4-5 KM to the Regiment's rear, along the road to Borisov.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
6 x Pz IV
8 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
3 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
8 x T-26
48 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40 (1 captured)
8 x KV-1 (2 captured)
10 x Trucks
18 x BA-20
2 x ATG
45 x Inf Squads (approx 350-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
5 x Russian Btl HQ.
6 x Russian officer (4-KIA 2-PW)
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07-19-2006, 04:56 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."  SFS R
Once again Hans and Joerg watched as the enemy moved into the woods that lined the south side of the critical rollbahn.

"Give 'em hell, boys!" yelled the Feldwebel.

Shots rang out and some Russians collapsed to the ground.

"I got one!" exclaimed Joerg.

"Me too!" said Hans.

"Move up the road and clear them woods!" ordered the Feldwebel.

"Lets go Hans!"

The platoon moved foward firing into the tree line, several more Russians fell dead.

Just then a Jagdpanzer fired over the platoons head. The round finished off the remenants of the Russian platoon.

"Holy shnitzel!! That was intense!"

The Hauptmans Kubelwagon came careening down the road to where the boys were standing.

"Get them panzerfaust ready! The panzers are coming!"

Joerg fumbled with his panzerfaust trying to raise the site........

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07-20-2006, 10:56 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Moving down the road towards the village anchoring our southern most point of the line; we find it is well in the hands of the Russians; some Engineers dash ahead of us and someone pops a canister of smoke out, a well welcomed act as Oberst Lucht joins me in the assualt towards the village.

From my radio set I can hear cries of Ruiisans at the front as thier crash boom seems ot have fallen into thier mist; what do these animals care for human life? None is the answer.

As I peer thru the smoke canister I can see Russian Panzers moving northward to the rail bridge, once within our lines and fully fortified, but now guarded by forces in the woods nearby as the Panzers that once guarded the vital structure have been routed or eliminated alltogether.

The crack of a Panther is heard above the din of battle and teh rumble of Russian diesel engines to our front; loud cursing in the set of my radio can be heard as yet another Panzer commander fires at the Russian infantry instead of the the panzers that may seal thier fate.

Col Lucht mutters to me that he needs infoantry and perhaps another company of Panthers, better yet tigers; a engineer soldat chuckles and sardoniocally suggest that pigs may fly or the Fuerher might join us in this counter attack.

Fololishly yet another probe to our south by Russian recon into the woods on our right is reported by outpost troops; it is met by accurate fire and dispatched. A rookie like myself cheers the news, and is met with taunts from the hollowed eyed veterans of the kampfgruppe.

"They lose a couple of halftracks, we lose panthers, ja we are winning this war easily" one jokingly mutters. It is true, the Amis lend these animals halftracks like they are candy bars.

again at the railroad tracks the duel continues as our gunner plaster the Ruussian tanks darting to and fro and finally take teh briddge with hardly loose paint from thier panzers. Door knockers I mutter looking thru my glasses; "Ja great against Ami Ronson's or Polish tin cans, but these T-34's nein".

"Tell me Herr Oberfeldweber, who did you bugger to get this plum assignment?" a chizzled veteran ask as we move towards the village once again and a T-34 shell shrieks into our mist. before I could answer another engineer laughs and answers " Oh no doubt Eva herself, he seems to be such who would bugger only the highest in the party"

Things look grim ten minutes into the battle, yet we have a few tricks up out tunics, if only we could do more than dent the paint jobs of those Russian Panzers and bugger a few lend lease Halftracks.

I had heard that General K.K., the Russian in charge of this force is good I said; " Look at his handiwork young man", the Oberst said his stalheim slid down almost covering his eyes, "he is here in his element, a real shark for sure" was his reply.

"Ja and we are his dinner guppies" an engineer exclaimed. I replied that I think we may still pull this one off and laughs thru the smoke came around me. "Another party faithful in our mist...pass him the tartar sauce, he needs to get dressed for the shark.

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07-21-2006, 12:20 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
The situation on the rollbahn was starting to get critical. Hans and Joerg readied themselves for the next Russian attack.

"Here come the Russian panzers!"

"Infantry to the left!"

Just then all hell broke loose. The Russian panzers turned and fired at the PzJgIV platoon that was to the rear of the boys position.

"Oh crap!!!!"

The shells screamed overhead but missed the target. Soon the tank destroyers were returning fire. They were joined by some Panthers and engineers.

"Take that!"

"Burn! Baby Burn!"

Several T34s burst into flames and the others retreated.

"Clear that treeline!" yelled the Hauptman.

Hans and Joerg took aim and fired.

"How many of these animals do we have to kill!"

"All of them!!!!!!"

More Russian infantry fell dead, others ran, but one platoon remained....

"I hear more panzers coming from the east, Hans."

"We are sitting ducks out here on the road."

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