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Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
07-15-2006, 06:29 AM,
Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Hello Grumbler, JP,

Soon the axe will fall!! Give up hope now, and it will save you some pain later Big Grin

The turn is in my willing (and eager) hands now, and I'll see if my USMC troops will be able to break some more things..


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07-15-2006, 08:59 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
If pain is weakness leaving the body, you guys ( yankee for yaw'll) should be pretty strong by now.:kill:

I've been really buzy this week, but I swear I will get some turns out tonight or tommorrow, if there are no thunderbumpers transiting the area. I keep the computers off when giga-volts of electricity are flying about.Fiery
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-15-2006, 10:18 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Watch where you swing that axe......you could hurt yourself in the process..........Have not seen alot of movement from yourside of the board..............

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07-15-2006, 08:29 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
:soap:Ok GRUMMI, (strange, that was the name of the band at the fest last night:conf:) First off it's "yous guys".As in yous guys are gonna get your butts whipped.:smg:

Secondly you must be insane. :PTexas invented BBQ and is home to the greatest BBQ on the planet. Everything else is just imitation.

And JAD, we're old and slow and don't see very well anymore. Come closer,closer, yeah that's it:boom3:

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07-15-2006, 10:52 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Well, at least it wasn't ABBA, so you got out ok.:whis:

Every year there is a contest held to determine who makes the World's best Bar-B-Que. It's held here in Memphis TN., not Texas. Being a beefeater, I have always liked Texas, even if there is nothing there but steers and queers.
But Bar-B-Que was invented in the Caribbian, by what later became know as buccaneers (Ones who Bar-B-Que). :pirate:

Cortez stocked a bunch of Islands with Pigs and Goats. Sailors that had deserted lived on the Islands, and smoked (ber-b-qued) the pigs as trade goods for ships transporting goods (gold) from the Americas to Spain. After a while they figured out it was easier work Whipto capture the ships then bust their backs processing pigs for the Spanish crews, most of whom had little problems with seeing their officers rope dancing from a yardarm.Hang

When do you leave for Damascus and a little live fire training?

"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-17-2006, 07:09 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-17-2006, 07:12 AM by shortreengage.)
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
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07-17-2006, 08:23 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
I'm the picador and JP is the matador. I think. I'm better at slinging the bull then bullfighting.:cool2:

Hasselhoff ? What is a Hasselhoff? My german is limited to just a few words; gootntight for virgin and petergreese for vasolene and that is aboot it.
I thought you were still a treadhead.
I really wanted regular jeeps instead of those RR ones, since that RR can't hit anything and I was thinking cheap speed and recon, not firepower. The Norks don't really have any scout vehicles that fit with the way I use them. The BTR-40 is too big, and the Type 62 tankette/APC/IFV is to pricey and slow
Fortunatly, they RRJeeps come in bunches and I will have some left to pull back in a couple of turns when my dismounts get dug in on that ridge line. Then I will pull them back to reinforce my reserve.

Location is everything. Trust me on that.
Memphis is famous for several things. Issac Hays, James Earl Ray, The Tigers and the active half of Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction.
Or, as we say in these here parts, buttered soul, buttered nipple, jump shot and head shot.Eek

"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-18-2006, 07:22 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Hello Grumbler,

The turn is out, and on it's way back to you's guys :)

Don't suffocate from all the smoke.. I see that you guys are tossing a little here and there also.. tired of losing RR on the north slopes?

We have some very good directional audio devices, and we'll be able zone in from all the hacking and coughing..

Saw another OOB error in the NK's kit also.. when they have the 75mm Recoiless Rifle, it seems that there are HE rounds, but no HEAT ammo..

B10's are better anyway for the same price

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07-18-2006, 11:12 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Congratulations, you found a path to get your helios up to the ridgeline.
I have a fireworks display on order to help you celebrate. And while you might think I don't know you have me spotted, I do.
Brief-halt-prior-to-attacking-again is trying to blow smoke up the proctologist's obsession, but I ain't buying it. I know about the yellow bar across the top of the acreen that flashes when the Program is checking if it wants to op fire. Obvioulsy, there must be a unit spotted to trip that part of the program, so being the MEGALODON that I am, I move 1 hex per turn and make a note of what hexes are in LOS when the yellow bar flashes. So I am certain one of my tanks is spotted.;)
That's ok, if I was really worried about it, I wouldn't have left it there, would I?:conf:

"Frederick the Great's horse was on seven separate campaigns with him. In the end he was still a dumb horse."
- Unknown (on experience in military decision-making)

"When you are the anvil, be patient. When you are the hammer, strike."
-Arabian Proverb
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-18-2006, 07:19 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-18-2006, 07:26 PM by shortreengage.)
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
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