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Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
07-20-2006, 04:01 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
"David Hasselhof. He was in that Bay Watch show in te 80's or 90's Not sure as I don't worship the one-eyed god."
You probably watch much more TV than I do. The Only TV I watch with any regularity is Memphis Tigers Basketball. This time of the year I go weeks without even turn the set on. Growing up as a Navy/Diplo brat, I never picked up the habit. Between tours, when we were back in the States, it was a lot more fun stealing lunch money from liberals then watching TV.
Mickey Mouse Club or pounding some pencil-necked geeks face in? Once I figured out that I wasn't going to see Annettee Funicullo's frim, glistening young teats without their covers, it became a no-brainer.
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-20-2006, 07:21 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
No Grummi, I don't subscribe to that crap. I 'have'nt had TV reception in 4 years. I got tired of AFN propaganda about being PC. For me Political correctness is "Incorrect Politics" . The only time I watch TV is when I visit my mother or go to the dentist. That chinese cat cartoon rocks!

A Navy Brat? Ever lived in Newport RI? You said you were at Monterey. I was there in the early 80's. my kind of party:cool:

Mickey Mouse club??? Now you age IS showing. Never saw it. I was too busy obsessing with Penny from Lost in SpaceBig Grin

And I don't know why you'd target liberals. When you turn a conservative upside-down and shke him you get Much more lunch money:smoke: I know.

So before we get tossed for having a social hour here I'll get back to signing the petition......

You and those defective RR-jeeps. Why not some BTR clones? You had a butt load of them in our last game. A BTR40A even killed a M41!Eek with 14.5mm fire. I'm glad they fixed that as MBT3.01 the BTRs were expensive and ineffective. Now they jusy have to fix the 12.7mm. I never deployed anywhere without .50cal API/API-T ammo. On my mess truck that isBig Grin The game only gives you Ball or occasionally SLAP(very rare). One of my peeves but hey so's pasturised beer.

So, yous guys got the turn for a while. No smack talk? You smoked too much of the field that you cant see squat? Could you throw some more smoke out there? Greybeard needs a good LZBig Grin

And I would have taken your light tanks.

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07-20-2006, 08:03 AM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Having a lot of something last game is a good reason to not have bunches of it this game. Both you and GB know who Col. Boyd was, so I see no reason to give you a running start at my OODA loop. :P

If I needed pocket change, I would just ask mom. I was strong arming geeks because I could, not for profit. Fishing bored me and after I got caught shooting the gumballs off SP jeeps with my red ryder, dad nixed hunting. Although I did get to go out with granpa and shoot jacks in the desert outside of Blyth. Grand pa use a rolling block Single Shot 22 with a bull barrel and took them running out to about 250 yards. I wasn't that good, so I killed a lot of rocks. I still get all warm and fuzzy thinking about how many gumballs I could have nailed with that 22. So abusing wimps was a hobby.

I thought about the Type 62, but it cost over 50 points, IIRC. That 75mm RR jeep costs about 12, I think, or maybe 17. Something along those lines. I could buy 2 companies of jeeps for what 2 platoons of Type 62's cost. And the Jeep company has 17 or so jeeps compared to 7 typs 62's. Remember, I didn't buy them to fight with. If you drive up net to one, he'll shoot at you, but their orders are to observe and report. Their weapon isn't the RR, but the radio. I knew what ever I bought, I was going to lose a bunch of them, so numbers was important. Quanity does have a Quality of it's own.

"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula"
- General George Patton Jr

My fav from georgie;
"Just drive down that road, until you get blown up"
- General George Patton, about reconnaissance troops
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-20-2006, 01:05 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Explain to me how you have 4 players on one game. Exactly how is it played?

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07-20-2006, 01:18 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
We are playing as teams. we each control only our own forces, you move your troops then send the turn to your partner who then moves his troops, After that he sends it back to the other team. It has been easy so far,,,,,,,,,,,but I attribute that to the others in the game. Greybeard or Grumbler can probably explain it better.

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07-20-2006, 01:53 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
I use the shortreengage techinque. I cover one eye, drink lots of beer and move the mouse around the screen clicking on whatever is almost in focus.
There is so much smoke on this map that everybody is sort of wandering thru the fog waiting to bump into something.
You know, if we had played this in a non-secure slot, we could post the turns and let everybody have a good laugh:laughing: watching the 2 sharks and a MEGALODON chase the poor minnow around in the smoke. The Minnow ain't worried, since he know if the sharks carch him they will start fighting over who is hottest, Ginger or Mary Ann.:kill:
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-20-2006, 01:57 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
Hello JP, General SP,

JP - you've got it right.. once the game starts it's pretty straight forward - the harder part is the purchasing.. one player has to take a shopping list and do all the purchasing for all the team members..

It's possible to have more than 2 players on a team, the more the merrier, but then you begin to run the same risk of running a tourney.. real life sometimes catches up to people and they have to drop out, and then a replacement is needed..

Pretty fun stuff though, as a team environment lets people learn from each other..

Order of play is going sort of like this:

SR and I look at the turn and see of our plans need to be modified.. we share assets as needed, but by and large we control our own troops..(hey Greybeard - I saw a RR jeep that needs 'dusting'..) sometimes the game will pass between us 2-3 times before we are satisfied and hit the 'end turn' button...

next we pass the completed turn to JP and Grumbler.. they get their heads together, look in consternation at their losses Big Grin and go thru mostly the same pass-back-and-forth that SR and I do..

When they are satisfied, one hits the end turn and sends out the files..

When the game is over, SR and I will report the victory :whis: - we agree with JP and Grumbler who will pair up with whom for end of game reporting..

Glad to answer more questions when you have them..

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07-20-2006, 03:10 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
What really happens is I adjust my arty over a hex or so, check to see how far along GB is in his sneaking helios thingie, then I pass the turn to JP, who does his thing and sends it on. ;)

That may change later when things get Fast and Furious; Korea. But for now, once is enough, since both sides are mostly sneaking around. I'm pretty much where I want to be, now I just have to hold on, while JP is poised for the kill. We just have to lure our opponents into the kill box. Of course, that was last turn, THINGS could have changed.
I actually like it, sorta. In a 'normal' game, I pretty much know how it will work out by about turn 7 or so. I either have a good plan and I'm more or less on track, or I'm scrambling desperately to make something good happen out of the mess I have in front of me. Figuring out what one person will do within the parameters of the battlefield, time and units available isn't all that hard. But when it's two heads there is no telling what sort of mischief they will get up to between them.:whis:
Anyway, I hope to get a turn here pretty soon now. It is sort of a drag waiting for the file swaps to get done. We are averaging about a turn per week. That will pick up after I slaughter GB's Air Assault troops.:boom2:
I mean, how long can it take to not move troops you don't have?:chin:
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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07-20-2006, 05:38 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
I also have been an intoxicated reader of the posts. To be honest i have laughed so hard at some my sides felt they were about to split

But in saying that it soundes like a great idea. What do you think Gary. Up for a run?
Find a couple of others and off we go. only if you are keen.

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07-20-2006, 06:09 PM,
RE: Tag Team trash talk (T5) ??
I was in a 6 vs 6 fighting some time ago and it was so much fun that I am ready to go any time if you need a player in a team battle.

[Image: Medals50_thumb8.gif]
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