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Dry as a Bone, Part 2
07-22-2006, 04:08 PM,
Dry as a Bone, Part 2
StrategyCAt was banned for making a racist remark or denigrating someone's heritage or religion and I believe threatening either a mod or another Blitz member, was he not?

So, again, why was Canuck banned? How is it that everyone else who has been banned from this club has been banned "publicly", but Canuck was not? If it's a "private Club", either ban rule breakers privately or ban rule breakers publically.

Look, for those of us that saw the long deleted "Congratulations" thread, it was apparent for all to see that your MOD was provoking Canuck by insisting that he wasn't a Centurion because he was inactive. That's like saying Audie Murphy wasn't brave and didn't win the MOH because he left the Army to make movies.

And since the MOD was just as "snide and sarky" as Canuck, why does he get a free pass?

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07-22-2006, 05:18 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Ahh.....nows THATS like the Geordie of old! Wading in where everyone else fears to tread and not giving a damn what anyone else says or thinks.

And whats wrong with that I say? We need more members who cause controversy and stir things up a bit. This forum HAS got a bit stale lately. I dare say it IS partly because the CM games are a few years old now and a lot of the topics related to 'em have been been tossed around quite a bit. Hopefully this will be rectified when the new generation Combat Mission games get released (whenever thats going to be!!).

In the meantime what the hells wrong if one or two members let loose with a bit of vitriol now and again? - it keeps life interesting. Hell...I even feel like starting an argument with you meself Geordie!!

- falco.
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07-22-2006, 10:34 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
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07-23-2006, 03:55 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Fair enough. But I've never regarded this MB as being 'Wild West' ever. :conf:

As, apparently, I'm the only person in the entire CM community who has never has never crossed swords with Geordie, I've stuck up for him on more than one occasion when his heated exchanges have threatened to spill over into something more. And I'm afraid I'm going to again. Why?.....Because his postings have simply generated a bit of heated discussion....nothing more, nothing less.

Red Devil.....I think thats simply beneath you to start calling others names (immature attention seekers etc). If thays not wild west I dont know what is. Have any others complained about Geordies postings apart from one or two moderators?.......actually no.

Anyway its NOT my intention to get into any any verbal scraps with anyone here. I've got better things to do with my time.

- falco.
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07-23-2006, 09:52 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
I'm sorry Falco, but I didn't think I called anyone an "immature attention seeker".
This line "Why should others have to put up with the immature diatribe of a few attention seekers?" is not calling anyone names?

I thought this only referred to attention seekers who use immature communication methods to rile folks into believing things that just aren't so. They don't have all the facts, assume more than they know, and yet want to speak for everyone.
When you want to start a valid debate, you don't start off initially accusing staff of lording over things or abusing godlike powers that none of them have. That's not a heated discussion, that's trolling for one, and it's also childish contempt for authority. You can defend anyone's posts, that's your opinion, but I'd make sure what they say is not smoke and mirrors before I'd fall on my sword & agree to it.

We MODS volunteer and agree to follow the agenda and guidelines set by the club's senior officers and owner. Like you say, I've also got better things to do with my time than explain myself to the same complainer every few months. Hey, if folks want me to step down as a custodian, they only need to send their griefs to Steel God, no hard feelings on my end.

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07-24-2006, 03:50 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
what i think we should do is open a local Bar were we can all get together and have afew rinks ans talk smack. then we could air all our differences over a friendly drink. Politically i'm a rightwing bomb thrower and my best friend is some pinko commie bleeding heart liberal. We disagree on everything under the sun, however we relish our election year get togethers. we always get together during election early in the day have always one to many and watch the election results. we pelt each other with all kinds of ethnis and political slurs. but in the end were good friends. I think the reason we can do this is because we respect each others opinions in the end. I've learned a few things from hims and he from me. In the end NOBODY is in sole possesion of the truth. So guys lets just let things be the way they are. Remember life is full of choices, so just make your choices and live with them. So we can all have opinions as long as we don't try to convert or questions others opinions. We are big boys here and don't need a Zorro,florence nightinggale or El Cid to defends us. In the end guys its just living by the rules love them or hate them. so lets just have a drink or two and game on.

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07-24-2006, 04:37 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Someone buy this guy a beer.... I second everything he just said. Bravo!!

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07-24-2006, 03:50 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
RedDevil (FGM) Wrote:"Why should others have to put up with the immature diatribe of a few attention seekers?"

I'm sure there's not a sole who really cares, but this is exactly the reason I left the Blitz messageboard. The intelligent/respectful posting just got crowded out by all the immature nonsense. It only takes a handful to ruin a messageboard...and it certainly wasn't the moderators.
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07-25-2006, 05:10 AM,
RE:��Dry as a Bone, Part 2
falc Wrote:Have any others complained about Geordies postings apart from one or two moderators?.......actually no.

Actually yes
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07-25-2006, 09:29 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
The message board may be "Dry", but I'd rather hear the ho-hum "Flare for Opponent X" or "Shark-Bait in the Water" than have to read annoying, illogical rants by anyone. Stirring up the pot is not what I feel this Message Board is all about. It's apparent that other Members enjoy interesting tactical doctrine and posts that show some cool screen-shots, etc. Not why so & so was banned or why there is no free speech on the Message Board , IMHO.
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