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Dry as a Bone, Part 2
07-25-2006, 09:55 AM,
RE: ��Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Colonel Talvela Wrote:
falc Wrote:Have any others complained about Geordies postings apart from one or two moderators?.......actually no.

Actually yes

OK.....forgive my ignorance here but I havnt seen any. Unless the complaints were private e-mails or something.

- falco. Big Grin
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07-25-2006, 12:01 PM,
RE:��Dry as a Bone, Part 2
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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07-25-2006, 12:12 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
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07-25-2006, 03:38 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Mr. Red Devil-

Thanks for the courtesy of a reply. I recognize that Mr. Steel God and yourself have to protect the interests of this club and therefore I can appreciate your desire to keep things private. However, perhaps you can clear up a few things for us simple, lowly members.

After an extended absence, Mr. Blitzcanuck made his reappearance and in 8 posts managed to get himself banned. I saw the posts and am interested in knowing which one contained the straw that brole the camel's back, as I would not want to suffer the same fate as Canuck and it might benefit the membership to know the type of post that could get us all banned.

You allude in your response to me that there were other issues as well. Can we deduce from your response that Canuck conducted himself in a not so stellar manner in PRIVATE? I was under the impression that the club ROE's pertained to public posting and public behavior on the MB's, as well as the intricacies of reporting games, the ladder rules, etc., so am I mis-reading the rules of engagement section, specifically rules 5 and 20, in that they only pertain to PUBLIC posting? I am not so niave to think that someone should not be banned if they privately threaten some club officer with physical violence or say, for example, threaten to do harm to the club website, but I would think that if someone privately disagreed with a MOD, perhaps in a rude manner, that surely wouldn't be enough to get someone banned...or would it?

But let's say the rules of engagement for the club govern public behavior, then to ban someone for non-threatening private behavior wouldn't fall under the established conventions as we all understand them and adhere to, would it? However, if the rules of engagement do govern private communications, then they wouldn't be private, as my understanding of the club structure is that there are only two or three people that can outright ban a member, and in order for a member to be banned based on the contents of a private message, then by definition the message wouldn't be private, it would be "shared", if it was used to ban someone, would it not?

I hope you are not offended by my questions, I am just trying to gain some insight as to how this whole banning thing operates. As Steel God pointed out, there's only been four persons banned in the history of the club, so it is a fairly traumatic event and I for one would say that if someone got banned, it would be helpful to know the reason so that the rest of us would have some guidance as to what's acceptable and what is not.

I can not express my appreciation adequately for the hard work that you and the other Blitz mods and officers put in to make this site and club go.


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07-25-2006, 03:58 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-25-2006, 04:01 PM by Colonel Talvela.)
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
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07-25-2006, 08:56 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Dear Mr ksbearski;
Thank you for your inquiry.

Should any of you behavior violate the rules of the Club you will be given ample warning before a banning. Should any of your conduct be considered disruptive to our main purpose here you can rest assured you would have been notified privately, as that is how that business is conducted. Until then you should have no fears and conduct yourself in a manner which you yourself would like to be treated, and that will pretty much assure you will never have a problem.

If that's all too hard for you, may I recommend that you avoid this part of the Internet? You arrived here by free will, and if you find it not to your liking I encourage you not to subject yourself to our harsh rules a second more than is necessary.

Have a Wonderful Day;

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07-26-2006, 02:50 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Tanker Wrote:

Can't agree here. There is no aggression and antagonism in disagreeing with someone. And if you don't like annoying, illogical rants, don't click on 'em.

I'm with you to a point Marty, but you probably haven't read some of the posts. I know I shouldn't read 'em, but human nature dictates we are drawn to these things like we are to Police tape, mass murderer stories in the newspaper and car crashes- They ain't pretty but morbid fascination keeps drawing us back....LOL
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07-26-2006, 05:57 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
"You arrived here by free will, and if you find it not to your liking I encourage you not to subject yourself to our harsh rules a second more than is necessary."

Ah, it won't be long now I suspect.
mTk :chin:
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07-26-2006, 07:48 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-26-2006, 09:08 AM by Major Hurt.)
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
I think it's a matter of differentiating between spirited, constructive debate - or disagreement - and shit-disturbing for the sake of shit-disturbing.

To be fair, I have no idea what transpired between Canuck and the Officers of the Club that ultimately necessitated his banning. I was rather friendly with him, and never had any sort of reason to even mildly dislike him. The last time I communicated with him was around the time he forfeited his position as an Officer of the Blitz. The impression I had at the time was that he was just rather burned out on CM, and otherwise occupied with some other issues. I was bummed to see him go, as I genuinely like the guy, but I was sure he had his reasons.

About his banning (which I was unaware of until last week), what can I say? I don't know anything about how it came about and therefore am completely unqualified to comment on it. What I do know is that in all this club's existence there have only been a handful of similar bannings which leads me to merit the powers that be with some benefit of the doubt.

But I admit, while I occasionally browse the Blitz MB, I don't post much as I'm a relative newbie, and have seen, from time to time, the occasional chucklehead gumming up the works on here. You know...the occasional guy who challenges someone, half a world away, to a fistfight over a dispute about tactics. For the most part I stick to my own clubs MB, which is also slow, but usually suits me fine.

Personally I think CMs MB's are slowing down lately owing largely to the age of the game, and the fact that it is summer...at least here in North America.

All in all I think that people need to think more critically about things; regardless of what. I'm not just speaking of the Blitz MB; but people need to be less rigid in their need to be right, and less calcified in their critical thinking.

As I said, spirited conversation and argument is one thing...but banner flying and shit-disturbing is a whole other matter. There are plenty of places to go for that sort of anguish, and in my opinion this MB isn't one of them. I mean, with the way things are today, you can spark an argument on any other forum about anything; but I view this place, and all other forums of Combat Mission discussion, as a brand apart from that.

Anyway...what the hell do I know...just my $.02

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07-27-2006, 04:43 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
I don't post here much, but I've been a member on several ladders since 2000. :soap:I can't measure how much enjoyment I've gotten out of being a member. And you know what? It's all been for FREE!Eek I can't imagine how much work it has taken on the part of guys like the Red Devil to make this club not only work, but thrive and grow. When the nuisance level gets so bad that a guy like 'Dev offers to step down then it's time for everyone to wake up, appreciate what they have, chill out and have some respect.cheers We need to have some appreciation for the guys who make this all work so we can enjoy our gamming.
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