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Dry as a Bone, Part 2
07-30-2006, 03:06 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2

I appreciate your point of view. An honor court wouldn't be a bad idea, with a JAG to review the findings and pass judgement. I would suggest to Steel God that perhaps when there is an issue in one forum, especially a situation involving the MOD, then perhaps a board of other MB mods ought to review the evidence and then suggest to Steel God a recommended punishment. Steel God could then follow the recommendation or level his own punishment. And any banning of a club member should be publicly made, with the violations listed.

As for the Canuck case, I think both sides are at fault. I am assuming you have seen some of the stuff I have seen, since our orbits cross in other places far and wide across the net, and have a pretty good background about what transpired. From what I gather in talking to other Blitz members that I know who no longer bother to post on this MB because they are fearful of speaking freely, there is/was no love lost between Canuck and Red Devil. Canuck freely admits, if you talk to him, that he was rude and belligerent IN PRIVATE, so it does not surprise me that things escalated quickly from the point that Canuck's post got deleted. And thus the ban occured. My take on it is that it still smells, but it's a dead horse and flogging it HERE is a waste of time and energy. As Mr. Steel God has clearly pointed out to me, and to everyone else for that matter, if you don't like things here, leave. So I suspect this place will see a lot less of my time.

As for the rest of you, especially those of you who think things are so hunky dory, I will give you some things to think about. First, question why a current CM Ladder leader and a former Civil War ladder leader have the courage to and feel compelled to put their reputations on the line by "creating havoc" if things are so great around here. Second, take the time to think why a former CM MB assistant MOD would get aggravated to the point that he got banned. Why are so many people, good blitz people, so aggravated that they are "raking muck" by posting on this subject? And if you venture far and wide across the net and speak to many "silent" Blitz members, why do so many say they won't post here anymore...or more accurately, won't post anything that can get them "in trouble". Really, think about me, club cannon fodder by any measure, why would I feel compelled to commit Blitz suicide if everything appeared to be so great and on the up and up? Ask yourselves that.

A gaming club is only a "good" club if everybody has the perception that things are handled fairly and honorably. I am not accusing anyone of unfairness or acting dishonorably, I am suggesting that there is the perception that this banning was not handled in the best way. And once people perceive, rightly or wrongly, that things might not be on the up and up, then the club will suffer.

And with this post, I will be checking out of here. Thanks to all of you for weighing in on this subject. Whether I agree with you or not, I respect the fact that you participated. I am off now to other places on the net where Blitz members who no longer post here post.

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07-30-2006, 09:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-30-2006, 10:35 PM by raz_atoth.)
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
ksbearski Wrote:From what I gather in talking to other Blitz members that I know who no longer bother to post on this MB because they are fearful of speaking freely, there is/was no love lost between Canuck and Red Devil
As Steel God alreay pointed,you can count the members who got banned in the entire history of the blitz on the fingers of one hand.What you try to picture in here-a world in which you tremble in fear just because your opinion happens to be different from the "official" line,is simply not true.Even the fact that you could post the above lines without vanishing into thin air,never to be heard of,is a proof,that things aren't exactly like that.Why be afraid to speak freely then,if the way you say it,is decent enaugh?Have any of those members you speak about,been at least warned for something else than obvious obnoxious behaviour?
ksbearski Wrote:Canuck freely admits, if you talk to him, that he was rude and belligerent IN PRIVATE, so it does not surprise me that things escalated quickly from the point that Canuck's post got deleted. And thus the ban occured. My take on it is that it still smells, but it's a dead horse and flogging it HERE is a waste of time and energy.
Should i understand from the capitalized "IN PRIVATE" that it's not ok to be rude in public,but it's ok to be in private?How about if i'll start to make racist remarks,threaten you or your family-you name it-in private?You'd truly want such behaviour to be posible without any action from an mod/officer because they were made in private?
ksbearski Wrote:A gaming club is only a "good" club if everybody has the perception that things are handled fairly and honorably. I am not accusing anyone of unfairness or acting dishonorably, I am suggesting that there is the perception that this banning was not handled in the best way. And once people perceive, rightly or wrongly, that things might not be on the up and up, then the club will suffer.
It's obvious-but correct me if i'm wrong please-that you believe that Canuck's banning wasn't handed fairly and honorably.You already know,he was banned for his statsments in private.The only way we could proove we did conduct this in a fairly way would be to make this private messages,public,right?Now,i ask you,do you truly want this done?What if it was you,the target of those messages.You'd really want all the insults displayed on the message board?I don't know about you,but i certainly wouldn't.The best situation in a case like this is-as questionable it might seem to some people-to simply let the mods quietly take care of things.And another thing:assuming my assumption that you believe Canuck was treated unfair is true,may i know what are the reasons?Why automatically assume the blitz officers conducted in an unfair way?Do you have any previous cases of members being unfairly banned to back up your story?

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07-30-2006, 09:37 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
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07-31-2006, 03:24 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
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07-31-2006, 06:53 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
What a shame.
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07-31-2006, 07:47 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
I guess I'm missing something here. Granted, I'm new to the club. My first two games are still in progress. But I don't follow the logic of quitting a gaming club based upon a message board. I've been around message boards/mail lists for quite a while and what's going on around here seems to be quite tame in comparison. Unless actually playing the game is secondary to some members, I don't see getting wrapped around the axle over this. Hell, many posts aren't worth reading (my opinion, not a judgement on posts/posters). I just kinda breeze through, looking for new and interesting takes on my favorite computer game. Like someone said much earlier in the thread, I always have the choice to not read/reply.

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07-31-2006, 08:26 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
ATCS-- You didn't miss anything, just a drive by of post mortem idealisms and a philosophical extraordinaire.

I believe this has reached the zenith, Lets get back to gaming!
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07-31-2006, 02:51 PM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
ATCS -- I don't really think Barry aka ksbearski is really dropping from the club. Just dropping from the message board that he never really posts much to anyway. Same with me -- real life work has burned me out and I just haven't been by much the last couple years.
With such a large and varied membership, there is a lot of knowledge and experience to be learned from on the various boards here. Good luck in your battles! BvB/Scott
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08-01-2006, 05:57 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
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08-02-2006, 09:12 AM,
RE: Dry as a Bone, Part 2
Praise God and Pass the Ammunition!
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