RE: IS this a typo?
"The word encyclopedia, which to us usually means a large set of books, descends from a phrase that involved coming to grips with the contents of such books. The Greek phrase is enkuklios paideia, made up of enkuklios, "cyclical, periodic, ordinary," and paideia, "education," and meaning "general education." Copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be a single Greek word, enkuklopaedia, with the same meaning, and this spurious Greek word became the New Latin word encyclopaedia, coming into English with the sense "general course of instruction," first recorded in 1531. In New Latin the word was chosen as the title of a reference work covering all knowledge. The first such use in English is recorded in 1644."
New Latin? I have to intro (audit back in the day) both Greek and Latin this semester, then picj one to study. t's recommended that I do both for a PhD in History. That was almost enough to make me decide on Political science.
My game plan is to bribe the professor and then do my thesis work on something I can research in English.:whis:
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson