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Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
08-19-2006, 05:51 AM,
Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
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08-21-2006, 11:46 AM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
Hi Volcano

Does your new version include the distribution of the 1st AB 6pdr AT guns into the Para's?

I think your latest changes will add to balance of MG44 which already can be tough fight for both sides.

I would like to see a few other changes, some ideas I had were (these may be options for a new less predictable H2H scenario);

1. Make it possible for the 1st AB the get to the Bridge. Delay the release of the SS around Arnhem by 1 more turn. The British holding the Arnhem bridge makes it hard for the German's to reinforce the Island until they take back the bridge but it does greatly weaken the 1st AB.

2. Which bridges are demolished makes a big difference to the speed of advance of the Allies, I would like to see a H2H version that virtually guarantees the historical bridge demolishion results (ie Son is destroyed, Grave is captured etc ... ).

3. I would also consider Fixing 30 corp for a limited period of the night turns on the and may be the second night could be % chance for each turn (not sure if this can be done) between say between 0:00 and 4:00.

4. I would also add a very small chance of the Hummel Tiger Co and other reinforcements arriving near Nijmegan, this would create a little more of Gavin's concerns and uncertianty into the game.

Any way I will look at you latest changes and there impact on the game I already have under way.


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08-22-2006, 01:41 AM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
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08-22-2006, 04:50 AM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack

Yes, email me the information about missing units and the 59.Infanterie.Div strength.
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08-22-2006, 05:46 AM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack

Yes the Brit AB currently takes into account the integrated 6 lbr and PIAT. I had them rated too low before.

In play test we were able to get to Arnhem with the Brit AB if you push hard enough so I dont think I will make a change to the SS release time right now.

I will keep your other suggestions in mind. Thanks.
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08-22-2006, 10:17 AM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
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08-22-2006, 11:57 AM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
A word of caution from regular MG44 player, do not make the Germans to powerful as the Germans can slow XXX corp enough so they will never rescue the 1st AB in time and may not even make the rhine in big enough numbers to cross it.

Volcano when you made the bridge with the 1st AB Para's how shattered was the 1st AB? Did you play with explicit supply where you need to hold the Drop zones or run out of Ammo real quick? I have played MG44 many times on both sides and other the 1st AB recon no Para's have made it to the bridge.

As for the release times for SS around Arnhem I will do some more research to see what the germans did and why.



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08-22-2006, 12:49 PM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
I think the key would be to give the Germans some nice threat capability on the corridor without making them impervious to XXXth Corps' advance.

I'm just about finished with a stock campaign as the German (varied Polish drop), where I wiped 1st AB and the Poles clean off, but will just barely win a minor victory. I've scrambled to remove from the map all units along the corridor--just so the Allied player doesn't get the VPs for crushing them. I have _nothing_ south of the Rhine.
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08-22-2006, 02:07 PM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
Rev Rico, can you send me your campaign and associated files? I would not attempt to duplicate your campaign, rather, get an idea of the missing units and changes to the 59th Infantry Div.
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08-22-2006, 09:48 PM,
RE: Updated Market-Garden '44 ALT art / scenario pack
Volcano Man,
I need your e-mail to send the files.

IIRC Regarding new units:
-KG Rink was increased by 400 men of the 347 FEB and I/732/712.
-Each Bn of the 59th ID was increased to 450 men and able to breakdown into companies.
-A 300 man SturmPioneer Bn was added to II FJ Korps
-A 5 vehicle Stug III unit was added to II FJ Korps
-A FJ.Werfer Rgt was added to II FJ Korps that included 100 men and 24 NWs.
-KG Henke was added to Nijmegen at start area absorbing the alreading existing Erz Bn and garrison unit but added more men and guns.
-4 JgPz IVs added to 10 SS OOB to arrive in North, 2 added to 9 SS instead of being factored into the JgPz Inf Coy.
-506 Tiger Bn has its inherent AA Btty

I think those were the "historical" changes. I added other nuaces (e.g., small 10 men German straggler units that wander the battlefield keeping the Allies awake), hypothetical unit (6th Airborne Div, 116th PzDiv, etc...), and guestimates (replacement panzer units for the SS Divs that arrive very late in the campaign to simumtalte the replacements they received not possible with the units given.).


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