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Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
11-15-2006, 09:48 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-15-2006, 11:24 AM by Thor.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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11-15-2006, 10:19 PM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Allied turn four Scorched Earth vs Ed in First and Last Stand (that's the Russian side we are talking about here...)

Ops, dont u hate it when it all goes wrong. Allied infantry charge forward under cover of another barrage which lands somewhere and maybe, just maybe disturbs those cows grazing in a nearby field. Axis infantry fire their dratted long range small arms and slaughter several platoons of brave Russian soldiery. It's a good job we ordered an extra reserve of wooden crosses, even if they were meant for the other side.

Russkie armour, never afraid to learn from enemy tactics adopts the shoot & scoot policy and score a few hits against that pesky infantry. It looks like the Russkie offensive against Leunberg has stalled before it has even begun due to it's vigerous defence. Perhaps Berlin was a better option after all........ :-)


Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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11-16-2006, 06:08 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
First & Last Stand

Turn 3
Panzer Division Clausewitz situated 40 kms NW of Berlin at Leuenberg is ordered to make a stand at this location to defend to capital of the Reich from the mass ranks of Russains situated in the area. The division is well supplied with armour, but much of it has been recovered from battlefields from all over Europe and repaired. Some of the panzers still bear the scars where AT rounds have struck them and they have been hastily repainted inside. This hardly gives there present crews a great deal of confindence. The crews and soldiers of this division are comprised of old men and young boys, with a few veterans scattered amongst them. Many of these have been wounded in the recent past or are a still carrying their injuries with them into this final battle. With these old men and boys we have been ordered to stop the Russians. "Gott Mit Uns" (God is with us)
Stirring speeches have been made and the soldiers know what is being asked of them. The Russians must be stopped here no matter what the sacrifice, their women and families are depending on them.
In the early morning light the the unmistakable sound of Russian armour can be heard and the men and boys of the division shiver with nervous tension at the approach of the inevitable.
Shortly after first contact is made after a barrage of artillery fire from the Russians, the Panzers inflict some losses amonst the JSII's but more and more are seen moving in the distance. It isn't too long before our brave soldiers and panzers are also taking losses. No matter we must stand firm even if this is to be the last stand of our Division. As I look into the distance the long cannons of the JSII's are training towards us explosions are all about us, bits of bodies are flying through the air. Men are being cut
to pieces by maching gun, fire armegeddon is upon us.

Turn 4
The cannons of the JSII's and the rockets of the Stalin Organs have been cutting to pieces the forward entrenched troops of the Division. They are are simply no match for this mass firepower of the Red tide we see before us. With little artillery to support then, General Clausewitz orders the withdrawal of these elements of the Division into the town of Leuenberg, where they must hold at all costs. This is where the main thrust of the Soviet attack appears to be aimed. On either flank at the moment there appears to be nothing more than probing attacks. Thankfully many "fausts" have been issued to the division. Not one more step back is the order now, this is where we stand.
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11-16-2006, 07:31 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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11-17-2006, 12:14 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Allied turn 5 of First & last stand Ed vs Scorched Earth.

The carnage amongst the Russian infantry continues with no where to go but forward they brave the steel storm. Allied armour continues to snipe and scores more hits amongst the Axis infantry in a mirror image of Axis armour tactics.

Leunberg is proving a tough nut to get into, but the Allied forces are re-massing for another go......

We also thought we would try a flanking move, we wont be trying that again..... :-)
Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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11-17-2006, 02:07 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr, turn four.

Willi back off the throttle as the Panther entered hostile territory. Fritz called out for an AP round. Otto the loader readied the deadly ammo. Meanwhile, Gunther scanned his gunsights for the nasty M10 tank destroyers.

Reports were coming in of enemy armor near Drulingen and Weyer. American recon elements seemed to be watching from every clump of trees. M8 armored cars and jeeps were being dispatched all over the place. Their burning wreckage littered the battlefield.

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11-17-2006, 06:03 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
"Strike of the Lehr" Harald Blauzahn vs Der Stuber

Turn 6:

General Beyerlein joined his man on the battlefield.
The subordinate commanders sent their first reports about the raging battle.
Things, as it seems, are developing asymetric.
While the western column of the Panzer Lehr is advancing at good speed and took a number of objectives earlier than sceduled, the eastern column's attack stalled. With great amazement the General realizes, that he underrated the will of the GIs to resist. Esp. the clever and effective use of the damned M10 tank destroyers makes him think. Why, the heck, are his wonderfull Panthers unable to eleminate those? No doubt, many american vehicles were already destroyed, but mostly recon cars.
What is the plan of his allied counterpart? Are his troops in the west only evading to remass? Is he planning, when being reinforced, to strike back?
Beyerlein only sees one solution to solve this problems: Keep the initiative and move forward! Drauf und dran!
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11-17-2006, 10:00 PM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Turn 5
Pulling back of the forward elements of the division proved to be a wise move the Russian Artillery and rockets of the Stalin Organs fell mostly on the vacated territory. However the deadley Jabos caused havoc shooting and bombing anything seen in the open.
The boastful and drunken Russians had been allowed to enter the outskirts of Leuenberg by the vacating of the front lines. A brave counter attack was thrown in led by Captain Bestmann with the old men and vetrans of the 2cnd company 1/42 Panzergrenadiers. Many drunken Russians paid a costly price for their comtempt of the Fatherland. A lesson was given to them that this was going to be no easy victory and all the vacated ground was retaken.
The hoped for reinforcements have not arrived yet and we can only pray they will arrive before it's too late, we will surely need them.
The tanks of the Russian armour seem to be paying great respect to our Panzers. They appear like ghosts and then dissapear after firing of a shot. It seems all Russians are not as brave as their commnders would have us believe.
Let them come, not a step backward is the order from Berlin.
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11-17-2006, 10:41 PM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Allied turn 6: First & LAst STand - Ed vs Scorched Earth

Wooh hoo - bwhaha ha ha, we have done it, we now officially have more trucks than infantry. :-)

After an all too easy series of disruptions and a great reluctance on the part of the Russian troops to actually open fire on targets in the open!!!, large numbers go meekly into the bag. Very disappointing for Mrs Stalin.

Allied armour tries to rectify the situation, but as comrade in arms to our brave soldiers joins them in their brave efforts in adopting a pacifistic policy of non-agression against german troops. In other words they fail to open fire as well. So much for op fire settings. If i had any HT's i'll be sending them in next :-), they may be more successful.

Ok chaps, back to school and RTFM!!!! on how to engage the enemy.

Allied armour scoots forward and brews up several PIV's whilst the rest of our trucks cower behind bushes.....

Scorched Earth
[email protected]
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11-18-2006, 09:25 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
' Sir, our intelligence has let us down!'
'How do you mean?' barked Colonel Astashkin.
'Well sir, the old men and turned out to be grizzled veterans, we found grey wigs everywhere, it was a decoy!'
'and to add insult to injury, some of our SU122,s have an o and d painted on between the S and U!'
Colonel Astashkin turned bright red, ' RAZE LEUENBERG !!!!!!!!'
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