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Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
11-24-2006, 04:52 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr, H.Blauzahn vs Der Stuber, turn 10

Gerneral Beyerlein was searching in his desk.
He was pretty sure that there had to be one last bottle of that fine french Cognac he brought back from the campaign in the Normandy.
Damned, where is that bloody bottle? He could really need something stronger than wine...
The "recon" units at Fenetrange turned out to be the spearheads of some US tank force, which took out a whole platoon of Panzergrenadiers meant to reinforce the river guard.
Something in this battle went fundamently wrong from the begining.
Anyway, his men were able to move closer to the objective of Weyer.
What they saw was not really encourageing, but at least there now may be a chance for an assault.
Beyerlein stopped his search for the brandy for a moment to make a note:
The artillery observers made a fine job this time and directed the fire of the german arty directly to the positions of a couple of american ATGs.
This men do deserve an honorable mentioning in the Division's annals.
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11-24-2006, 09:29 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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11-25-2006, 04:20 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr
Turn Seven

"Willi, turn north! We have orders to take up position north of Weyer." barked Fritz. "We must flush those M10s out of hiding! Keep your eyes open, those things are deadly!"

Elsewhere, American recon elements were spotted west of Fenetrange. Hirshland and Ischermuhl have been captured. Two American HQs were eliminated. The assault on Drulingen has begun. Also, Major Dehmel has been mortally wounded in an artillery barrage.

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11-25-2006, 11:47 PM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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11-26-2006, 01:41 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
First & Last Stand (Tiger88-Germans vs Big Dawg-Russians)
Turn 13 or so

Comrade LT. General Ivan Briscovich's plan called for an assault in mass into the ruins of the nameless small village in the center of his map. Surely the German commander would retreat in the face of such overwhelming odds because that is what the Russian commander would do. Surely this German commander will determine that he has a far better chance giving up ground in the face of a certain defeat.

Comrade Lt. General Ivan Briscovich watched in horror as his regiment was slaughtered with each consecutive assault. Whole companies disappeared with each passing moment.

The Lt. General ordered his commanders to move their men into the town. "Seize the town now", screamed the Lt. General.

"Major Korkov, Major Anovich, report your positions!"

"Comrade Lt. General everyone is dead", replied the radio operator. The Majors were captured with most of their men during one of the German counter-attack. We are down to company strength. All the others are dead or captured. There are no more infantry. They are all dead."

The Russian Lt General knew that his days were numbered. Who was that German commander? How could he destroy such a fine army so quickly? Was he so good, or was the Russian just overrated? The Russian commander unsnapped his pistol holster knowing that death was certain. "I will not die before an execution squad in disgrace".

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11-26-2006, 02:50 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr -
H. Blauzahn vs. Der Stuber - Turn 10

Tank units at Drulingen have abandoned any hope of finding any survivors or stragglers retreating from the village. The final report sent back to regimental HQ stated that the entire American force had been wiped out to the last man.
At Fenetrange our reinforcements ran into yet another snag as the young tank platoon commander was ambushed by a well placed 75mm Pak 40 AT and destroyed. That LT was well liked by his men and the rest of the platoon descended on the German AT gun and exacted a swift and terrible revenge on it. They then beat a hasty retreat back to their positions.
Back at Regt HQ the Maj keeps wondering "where are the reinforcements"? This German Panzer Commander has positioned his forces well, with their breakout at Ischermuhl they are about to cut off any avenue of escape for my men at Weyer who are still fighting off continued German advances.
Yet another report hits my desk that advance German infantry units have now entered the outskirts of Rauwiller. "Wait a minute" the Maj shouts, " I'm in Rauwiller" , "I want every available man forward" This Village is the key to our whole defensive front and must be held at all cost.
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11-26-2006, 05:17 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
First and Last Stand - Axis turn 7 - Stryker Vs Hugen Tanken de Tote

Allies appear to be getting ready to throw the kitchen sink, mainly around Tiestand to our Eastern flank, his artillery is devastating but he may have been a little too hesitant early on, losing 12 IS2's for one 88mm tankdestroyer....difficult terrain for the Allies, but a long defensive line for the Axis....German troops holding the line well so far....
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11-27-2006, 02:16 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 4

The Pioneers at Baerendorf managed to clear the minefield the KG had encountered, and set about clearing the road blocks the Americans had erected. Divisional artillery laid a smoke screen to cover the advance of KG Otsenberger towards Ischernuhl. Other strikes fell in Baerendorf, throwing the enemy into confusion.

It has become apparent that the Americans do not intend to make a stand in Baerendorf. With the loss of the forces on the high ground, there were only 2 platoons of infantry left defending the town. Direct fire artillery, and cannon fire from the StuG/Hs, supporting the engineers, caused further damage. The town was secured when the PzIIs of Det 3, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 overran the American positions.

The force of tanks and grenadiers that had bypassed Baerendorf split in two. One group would continue down the road to the West of Kirrberg. The other would ford the small river where Det 3, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 had earlier. These two forces would attack the American forces at Kirrberg from opposite directions. The MkIVs of the Western group engaged a platoon of American ACs, eliminating it.

With Baerendorf secure, it has been decided to attack the American forces in Hirschland in strength. The Engineers and StuGs that were going to assault through the orchards north of the town were ordered to proceed as quickly as possible around the Eastern side of Hirschland. The StuG/Hs in Baerendorf, and a mixed bag of infantry were ordered to attack it from the Western side. An HT mounted MG platoon would act as a blocking force to the North of the town. Best estimates are that at the very least there is 1 MG Plt., 1 Armored Inf. Plt., an AC Plt., and a large calibere HT mounted AA unit defending the town.

Panthers from KG Otsenberger engaged the ACs defending Hirschland with flanking fire, destroying the unit. The rest of KG Otsenberger advanced behind the smoke that had been laid, towards Ischermuhl. The infantry followed the remaining Panthers, and dismounted approx 500m away from the town.

American artillery falls in and around the Panzer Lehr, causing light casualties. The loss of an AA section earlier to American artillery strikes home. American attack planes strafed and rocketed 2 platoons of HT mounted Howiters that had taken up OPs on the high ground 2.5Km north of Hirschland. Both sections were a total loss, with 4 tracks destroyed.

The ACs of 1 of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130, on the high ground North of Gungwiller, once again come under fire from American TDs in Drulingen, and were forced to displace. American units were seen moving South from Drulingen, towards Weyer. It appears as though US commander is not going to attempt to hold Ischermuhl, as infantry units can be seen withdrawing away from the town.

Concealed light mortars on the outskirts of Baerendorf fire at the PzIIs in the town, to no effect. They appear to be covering the withdraw of American forces in that area. Light armor and trucks race away South, an ATG unit and a command party, break across open ground 1000m East of the town.
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11-27-2006, 03:36 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr
Turn Nine

"We need some high explosive rounds, enemy mortars directly ahead!", ordered Fritz.

Otto the loader slammed the round and Gunther fired. The mortar position erupted with explosions. One tube was destroyed and the others displaced.

Soon after recon units radiod that they had located the M10s.

"Mein Gott, panzerjadg....." was all that was heard. A column of smoke marked where the Lynx met it's fate.

"Let's get 'em!", yelled Fritz.

The Panthers took up a better position and spotted the M10s.


The rounds landed among the M10s but had no effect.

"AP you idiot!"

Just then the other Panthers platoon fired knocking out one M10.

The other three M10s were getting ready to return fire at the exposed Panther platoons..........would this be the end.........

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11-27-2006, 03:57 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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