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Attention All CM'ers.
11-27-2006, 08:55 AM,
Attention All CM'ers.

Id like to bring to a head all the inter forum conflict that has been going on recently.

In the past I have been guilty of flaming, trolling and being obnoxious to certain members.... we all have a go at others at some point - especially considering I have been a member here for 5 years and have seen changes on many fronts regarding moderators, members etc etc.

But enough is enough.

To the guys at FraGMent I say 'Well done', you have set up a decent forum and there is some good discussions happening over there. Im sure you can also admit there has been a fair amount of shit stirring as well. At the end of the day any forum that generates good discussion regarding the CM series of games is a bonus for all within the CM community. We have to remember this game is getting on a bit now and new members joining to play CM will eventually become a thing of the past as new games arrive with funkier graphics and better style systems so it is important that the CM community we have now doesnt get divided into 2 camps despite the differences of opinion I feel now is the time to show some unity regarding 'the game'.

To the Blitz I say - things have been getting quieter lately on the CM front. People have blamed the mods, others have blamed the scoring system while yet others have blamed the poor MB software. It is time for the moderators here to drop personal grievances and become the bigger man by not getting involved (sounds awful coming from me as I was always the first to get the claws out on certain people) but if we dont move forward we will always be dragged back into the mire of personal abuse and name calling. Not good for anyone at the end of the day.... and what satisfaction may be gained from calling someone a knob is shortlived but the bad feeling lingers on. Anoter thing that needs to be looked into is the overall Blitz site.... it needs a damn good spit and polish.... perhaps its even worth a look into the software behind the site and see if an upgrade etc can oil these creaky joints. We need to look to the future and tha means providing a suitable place where all the old CM veterans can mix with any new players but also with the next generation of wargames coming out. Theatre of War, Medieval Total War 2, Les grognards. The Blitz needs to tap this market and promote itself as an enjoyable place to divulge in conversation regarding these games.

To all concerned I say it is time to move on.... to stop tossing the shit around.... agree to disagree and let playing and enjoying the game be the number one priority at all CM forums.

I hope no one takes exception to this post and thinks Im taking a little dig at them or their forums but I am only doing this to call for calm and to take a step back and look at the bigger picture for a change.


11-27-2006, 09:25 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
Bootie, a very worthy thread and you do yourself immense credit.

For what it is worth I have never personally thought you are any of the things you accuse yourself of. Many people such as myself have the odd moment of saying things they regret and you are far from the worst in this regard (not by saying that intending to point the finger at anyone in particular).

I am personally quite sure that the Blitz will continue to grow. It is, if nothing else, the best opponent finder on the web. There will be new systems coming out that we can add in such as the ones you mentioned......I am salivating especially at the thought of Les Grognards.

I agree with you that new players coming in need to be somewhat protected, but I don't think it can be done with, say, Les Grognards which would inevitably go in the Napoleonics section, or CM:Shock Force which goes presumably in the CM board. You only have to look at the Battlefront boards to see how a crusty old elite can intimidate newcomers. But at least with new games all players will be starting from roughly the same level of ignorance as to the game mechanics......and those are always fine thread starters. With other games like Theatre of War, perhaps these can have their own forum.....although these are matters for the club leadership to consider.
11-27-2006, 09:46 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
Shane, it's a little hard for me to drop personal grieviences when over 50% of the fragment posts are about me, and from the same people.

So you're right, I will do the Blitz a favor, and step down as custodian.

It's just not fair to all these CM guys that they have to suffer the impedious inepitude of my custodianship.

I will write Paul of my custodian resignation and I hope the club finds someone of better moral standards to uphold the standard of this club than I have done over the past years.

My apologies to all I have failed, cheers to those who I have helped, and farewell to everyone else.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
11-27-2006, 10:06 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
Seriously WTF.

I might not be the longest serving member of this board, but in the year and a bit I have been posting here I have only ever seen one poster set out to troll and I think we all know who that is.

I havnt looked at the fragment forums but if people are bitching over there about people over here all I can say is WTF that is total pathetic, sorry, I meant beyond pathetic and is plumbing some kind of new low. Shame shame shame on who ever is engaging in such juvinile and cowardly behaviour.

Compared to every other board I post on this board is a haven of peace and harmony and dare I say it maturity.

If some posters are so craven that they feel the need to slink off and set up a new forum and then direct considerable energies to using that forum to attack posters here then just feckin bann the tossers and have done with it as they have put themselves beyond the pale and have thereby lost the right to be treated with any respect.
11-27-2006, 10:07 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
I know exactly where you are coming from Randy regarding FraGMent... there have been derogatory comments about both me and you and also the Blitz in general at their forum. At the end of the day it is their forum and they can post whatever they like... its up to others to rise above it.

Im sad that you think you have to leave your post as custodian instead of just rising above baiting posts on other forums. Thankyou for your time as custodian though and I hope we get someone else onboard who can put as much work into the running of the Blitz as you have (Im sure it will be an eye opener to whoever steps up regarding the amount of work that is involved).

No apologies needed.... you moderated in the way you seen best fit for the forum. Some were comfortable within those rules..... others werent. It will be the same for anymoderato at any time.... you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

11-27-2006, 10:37 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
...the most International sight i've seen...
...me in Hawaii...playing Japan/Italy/GB/USA...
from here...
My problem...i've only been PBEM'ing a year...
but i must say,when i see poop stirring...
and Old troubles brought back up...
I have to wonder...?
why Freak New Players-out
keep that to an e-mail...not a MB...
must know...people from everywhere looking...learning...lol

11-27-2006, 10:51 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
I've submitted my offer to resign to Paul, with my reasons, he will decide for me what I will do.

I will also mention that, however anyone may find distasteful or demeaning of my position, Geordie will not find himself here any longer.

I find that his presence is not supportive or beneficial to the betterment of this club and he has repeatidly crossed the line of MB rules time and time again.
Therefore the progressive accumulations of his actions, he has become a past icon of what not to do in these forums.

Be sure to give him a good howdy doody on the fragment forums since that will be his new home.

All CM games needing posted against him can be reported to the shadow player.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
11-27-2006, 10:59 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
I agree GoM... what the Blitz needs right now is stability. Randy stepping down hasnt helped that stability as we are back to square one regarding the moderation of this forum. The CM forum has proved to be a poison chalice for the moderators and we have lost one after the other.

I thought on the whole Randy has done a good job apart from sometimes letting his feelings get the better of him... (in his shoes anyone would be hard pressed to stay neutral after the flak he has taken on other boards and I dont condone his outbursts but understand 100% why he made them... Ive been guilty of the exact same thing in the past).

Needless to say with that workload of his shoulders we will see him starting to climb the CM ladder again. If he can catch me that is. :)


11-27-2006, 11:15 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
RedDevil Wrote:I've submitted my offer to resign to Paul, with my reasons, he will decide for me what I will do.

In that case I hope Paul decides to refuse your resignation. Regarding Georgie I admit he has been a major PITA at times but banning him IMO wasnt the way to go. We need to foster respect between all CM players. Im not a moderator but if I was in your shoes I would have given him a final warning about his conduct on this forum 'and' the Fragment forum.... it is Panzertwats forum and they can post whatever they want but when they continually drone on about how pants the Blitz is then sneak in the back door to post results and admire their ladder positions it does inadvertently damage the reputation of this fine old club and a lack of respect toward this club anywhere on the internet should be punishable under club rules. Needless to say there is nothing written into the rules at present - but perhaps it should be to stop this kind of thing happening in future. Its not being big brother but why should the Blitz support players who stab them in the back.

11-27-2006, 11:15 AM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
As a relatively new member here (less than six months), I have to say that most of the crap on here is easy to overlook. Granted, none of it was aimed at me, so that may be why I can ignore it. But this forum is far more civilized that some others, and as Fullhouse said, it's the best place to find quality opponents. I would hate to think that this community is about to fall apart just as I start to become involved. I may be a latecomer to the scene, but I am excited about playing for a long time. I'm sure there are many others that feel the same way.

Just my two cents worth. *shrug*

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