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Attention All CM'ers.
11-27-2006, 02:34 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2006, 02:42 PM by McIvan.)
RE:��Attention All CM'ers.
11-27-2006, 02:51 PM,
RE:��Attention All CM'ers.
RedDevil Wrote:I've submitted my offer to resign to Paul, with my reasons, he will decide for me what I will do.

Well i picked his thread up late, but What the hell you talking about. I hope your offer gets kicked into the trash can. I personally have totally missed all the BS about you and this board. I don't vist other MB since i only belong to this club i don't care a rats a** what is being said about this club in other sites. I for one support all the decisions made in the name of this club. Even when i was reprimanded in the past. Randy you have my vote for you to keep your post without reservation.

11-27-2006, 03:31 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2006, 04:23 PM by Major Hurt.)
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
11-27-2006, 08:22 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2006, 08:49 PM by Fullhouse.)
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
McIvan Wrote:
Fullhouse Wrote:I havnt looked at the fragment forums
Quote:but if people are bitching over there about people over here all I can say is WTF that is total pathetic, sorry, I meant beyond pathetic and is plumbing some kind of new low. Shame shame shame on who ever is engaging in such juvinile and cowardly behaviour.
Quote:If some posters are so craven that they feel the need to slink off and set up a new forum and then direct considerable energies to using that forum to attack posters here then just feckin bann the tossers and have done with it as they have put themselves beyond the pale and have thereby lost the right to be treated with any respect.
Unbelievable. Kindly go and browse the Fragment forums before posting such ignorant accusations.

You will naturally, given current events, see a thread or two unhappy with the moderation of this board. That is their opinion, to which they are surely entitled ON THAT BOARD. Having been banned, they are hardly going to be happy.

But you should also check out the superb tactics and AAR sections. You will soon see which areas are getting "considerable energies" devoted to them in comparison.

After that you will have some idea of what you are talking about. You certainly do not know anything about why the board was set up.

I direct your use of the terms "WTF", "bitching", "tossers" and "feckin" to the moderators for the appropriate action.

Were do I accuse anyone? I said IF. And IF they were doing the things I said then the conclusions about said behaviour stand. This was why I made it clear I had not read the fragment forum, to qualify what I said.

I have read the fragment forums now, and it whilst there is plenty of good content on there, there was plenty of bitching about members of the blitz forum and about the blitz forum itself posted way before current events. I am not saying that the forum was set up expressely for that purpose but to deny that it is being used for that purpose AT TIMES is just naive and dishonest.

I suggest that instead of Fragment posters taking the easy way out and coming here to bash me, why not try to put your own house in order? The fragment forums could be excellent if not for a few individuals using it to promote individual agendas and to explore personal grievances. Having read the frag forums the above is a fair and balanced conclusion and as I have said before, denying that is just dishonest.

11-27-2006, 09:00 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2006, 09:12 PM by McIvan.)
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
Fullhouse Wrote:Were do I accuse anyone? I said IF. And IF they were doing the things I said then the conclusions about said behaviour stand.
That's disingenous sophistry. If it stands, then anyone can post the most vile and disgusting aspersions as long as they preface it with the word "if". You can't just pull that stuff out of the proverbial and use "if" as an alibi.
Quote:I have read the fragment forums now, and it whilst there is plenty of good content on there, there was plenty of bitching about members of the forum and about this forum itself posted way before current events.
Just as long as you've read it. I may not agree with your opinion, but it is at least now somewhat informed. I direct you to Major Hurt's post above regarding the circumstances in which the Fragment boards came about. I'm not going to get into the merits or otherwise of the opinions posted there.
Quote: I am not saying that the forum was set up expressely for that purpose but to deny that it is being used for that purpose AT TIMES is just naive and dishonest.
Well, actually, that's exactly what you said, and that was specifically what I objected to, when you hadn't even read the forums for goodness sake. The rest of your para fails right there.

Please specify exactly who you are calling "naive and dishonest"? Or may I presume you meant that "IF" someone denied it you consider they would be so :p
11-27-2006, 09:37 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2006, 09:46 PM by Fullhouse.)
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
[quote=Fullhouse]Were do I accuse anyone? I said IF. And IF they were doing the things I said then the conclusions about said behaviour stand.
[quote]That's disingenous sophistry. If it stands, then anyone can post the most vile and disgusting aspersions as long as they preface it with the word "if". You can't just pull that stuff out of the proverbial and use "if" as an alibi.[/quote]

This is just absurd. If I had mentioned names then you may have a case. Is it sophistry to say IF someone stamped on my bollox then that person would be a XXXX? No of course not. It is just a form of if X then Y and there is nothing sophist about that and is a standard clause used everyday. If you want to deny the ability to do that then converstation becomes immpossible. I did not make any specific accusation towards individauls nor present any clauses as actual fact.

Again you should move towards attempting some honesty about the content of the fragement forums. This is the true sophistry. Instead of pedantic and undounded observations about my post, why not admit that some of those IFs do in fact turn out to be true and then try to resovle the issues created thereby. To make things things clear YOU are being blatently dishonest if you claim there has been no bitching about the blitz forum and blitz members on the Fragment forum.
11-27-2006, 10:19 PM,
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
Also McIvan,

If you would like to deny the fact that some are using the Fragment forum for the advancement of personal agendas and exploration of personal grievance I point you in direction of the For Posterity thread started by Geordie.

What is amazing about that forum is the incestuos doublethink. No one calls out Geordie for trolling which is exactily what he did in that Rushing the Flags thread, but nearly everyone has a hard on for bashing RD for his response to that trolling.BTW this is what an accusation looks like fyi.

Without the biased partisan deeply irrational and at times frankly hysterical posting going on over there Fragement would be a great forum. As it stands certain members are using it as a soapbox and are thus demeaning it greatly.
It bemuses me greatly why the other members tolerate it.
11-27-2006, 10:43 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-27-2006, 10:47 PM by RedDevil.)
RE: Attention All CM'ers.
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