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Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
12-25-2006, 10:16 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr

H. Blauzahn vs. Der Stuber - Final turn - Scenario End

Lt Col Sanders knew his men could not withstand much more at the fortified position at Schalbach and was gathering what men he could when the germans launched their last attack and re took the hill. He gathered the men around and said " there is a couple of case's of unopened wine on that hill, lets go get it". Thats all it took and the remnants of just about every squad and platoon charged the hill one last time, Guns - Knives - Chains they smashed headlong into the landsers and it was hand to hand. The Landsers had done their duty to hold off the americans while the balance of the Panzer Lehr disapeared into the mist.
Maj Grillo tried in vain to give it one last push to take Baerendorf but his tank crews were spent.
The lines have stabilized once again. "So who won some men ask"
Maj. Grillo can only shake his head and think "What a Battle, this is one for the History Books."

Great Match,
Der Stuber
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12-25-2006, 06:33 PM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr, H.Blauzahn vs Der Stuber

The battle is over and so is, to my displeasure, the game. Cry
It was a great and fun game with a fine opponent. cheers
Thanks to Dalton for this entertaining and thrilling experience. :thumbs_up:
Thanks to Thor for this excellent choice of the scenario. :bow:
And many thanks to all you guys, who gave the encouraging feedback to Dalton's and my sitereps. :happy:
I hope you enjoyed it as I did. :whis:

Best regards,
Joerg aka Harald Blauzahn :boom1:
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12-26-2006, 02:37 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-27-2006, 06:22 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 8

Artillery strikes from Division guns managed to dislodge and disrupt American units in the areas of Rauwiller and Weyer. Smoke was laid in Weyer, to cover the attack of Det. 1, Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130.

2 Panther platoons, from 1 Btl, Panzer Lehr 130, and a company from 1Bl, PzGdr Lehr Reg 901 were sent into the fight at Weyer. The Panthers quickly destroyed 2 platoons of ACs and several MG positions. This added weight enabled troops of Det. 1 to advance into Weyer. They were still under heavy American fire, but a foothold had been gained.

Det 2, Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 advanced from Gungwiller, towards Drulingen, supported by a company JgdPz IVs. They were to seize Drulingen, before the Americans could have a chance to re-occupy it. The detachment's HT Howitzer platoon was detailed to attack a Scout Jeep platoon that had headed North, in an apparent attempt sight for artillery strikes into Pz Lehr's rear. The HTs managed to destroy 2 jeeps, from a distance.

The attack on Weyer Ridge continued to be a hard fight. Panthers from 1 Btl, Panzer Lehr 130 moved into position to give supporting fire to the attacking infantry on the ridge. They came under fire from 4 M-10s, located at the SE base of the ridge. They took no damage, and destroyed all 4 M-10s. Under the Panther's supporting fires, the infantry was able to advance another 250M down the ridge. Engineers also set about clearing a minefield protecting the river crossing there.

KG Muhler pressed its advance on Rauwiller. Tanks from II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg. over-ran the American platoon that had earlier destroyed the PZ IIs West of the town. 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. advanced and consolidated its position a-top the Divisional objective it had captured. With the arrival of American forces to the West, the KG also started to re-position to defend from an attack in the area of Fenetrange.

American artillery fell across the Divisional front, causing casualties. Counter attacks were launched in both Weyer and Rauwiller. While both caused casualties and disruption in defending units neither was able to dislodge Lehr forces from their positions. More American armor was seen to the West of Fenetrange.
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12-30-2006, 10:35 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-31-2006, 01:41 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 9

Divisional artillery strikes on American positions in Weyer and on Irschermuhl Ridge caused moderate casualties to American forces. H&I artillery was fired into the Rauwiller area, to disrupt any American preparation for a counter attack against KG Muhler.

3 Co, 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. consolidated its position 1KM North of Rauwiller. Meanwhile, 2 Co. advanced from the West. 500M from the town it found American AT guns, and their transport HTs. 2 Co. destroyed the transports, and one of the gun batteries. The other battery, and an MG platoon drove 2 Co back with accurate fire. 1 Co, was held in reserves, loaded in its HTs. 5 Co., II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130 was dispatched back west towards Kirrberg, to defend against an anticipated American counter attack.

To the West of KG Muhler, units were deployed in anticipation of an American counter attack from the West bank of the Sarre, as well. Units were sent to Postoff to defend the town. The trail units of Panzer Lehr began to arrive from Sarre-Union, to the North, and were immediately deployed in Wolfskirchen, to defend the town, and the river crossings along the Sarre.

Det 2, Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 and the accompanying JgdPz IVs continued its advance on Drulingen, on the far NE edge of the Panzer Lehr front. No resistance was encountered. 2 platoons of Flamen HTs were brought forward to support the advance.

KG Otzenberger continued to press it attacks on Weyer and Ischermuhl Ridge. fighting was heavy, and casualties mounted on both sides. In Weyer, the foothold in the village was holding, and more men were brought forward for its defense. As this happened, more units were able to bring fire to bear on American units to the east of the village, on the valley floor.

On the ridge, more units were brought on-line, in preparation for one final push to clear the ridge. The Panthers on the high ground to the West of the ridge continued to pummel American units in the area. The PzIIs of Det 1, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 were brought forward from Hirschland to provide flank security for the Panthers.

American artillery strikes poured down on the attacking units of KG Otzenberger. They caused even more casualties and threatened to break the attacks on Weyer and the Ischermuhl ridge. American planes also arrived overhead, again. This time, though they were ineffectual. KG Otzenberger Flak Panzers manged to shoot down 2 attacking aircraft, and caused another strike to miss its mark.

American units in Weyer, and on the ridge followed the effective artillery strikes with local counter attacks. The managed to drive some units back and cause casualties, but were unable to affect the overall tactical situation.

American armor could be seen moving to the SE from Schalbach. They did not move down the road to Rauwiller, and appeared to be rallying out of LOS behind the orchards to the West of the Schalbach. An attack from this area would split Panzer Lehr in two. In Rauwiller itself no significant action took place.

At Fenetrange, on the West side of the Sarre, a sizable American task force advanced to the edge of the town. There were 15 Shermans, 15 SP Howitzers and an assortment of supporting ACs and AA HTs. This force attacked a platoon from II Btl, 951 VlkGdr Reg, which was guarding the bridge across the Sarre; driving it from its position.
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12-31-2006, 01:35 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 10

Lehr Artillery strikes fell once more causing casualties and disruption to American units all along the Division front.

Det 2, Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 seized the town square in Drulingen. It came under fire from a lone American MG platoon, suffering no casualties. The JgdPz supporting the attack took several American infantry units which were to the NE of Weyer, some 2KM away under fire. They caused casualties and threw the units into disarray. They also destroyed an American HQ unit to the SE of Drulingen, as well.

In Weyer, a third infantry company was thrown into the fight for the town. Panthers from II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130 moved into the town. A platoon of M-10s was spotted on the SE end of Ischermuhl ridge. They were situated in a defensive posture towards the SE, giving the Panthers excellent shots on there rear armor. All 4 American TDs were quickly dispatched. Flamen HTs were also brought forward to support the final push to clear the Americans from the town.

On Ischermuhl Ridge, Lehr forces traded fire with defending American units. The Americans were driven back. 1 Co, 1 Btl, 901 PzGdr Reg., supported by Engineers and dismounted motor cycle troops, prepared for one last push down the ridge to clear it of American forces.

With American armor massing to its front, it was decided that Det 1, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 would move to the NE to support the attack on the ridge. 7 Co., I Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130 would assume flank security for II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130, on the high ground S/SE of the ridge.

At Rauwiller, 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg.continue its attack towards the town, supported by the MkIvs of 6 Co., I Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130. They over-ran the ATGs earlier encountered, and a quad 50 AA unit. The battalion was able to pushed American units out of their prepared positions on the outskirts of the town.

With just three infantry platoons, II Btl, 951 VlkGdr Reg, in Fenetrange was a battalion in name only. It had no hope of stopping the American TF to its front. The decision to sacrifice the unit was made. It's mission was to delay the Americans as long as possible. A hasty ambush was launched, which destroyed a platoon of AA Hts that had ventured too close. The Btl command, on the East side of the Sarre began to withdrawal. Elswhere, other Lehr units continued to deploy against the American counter attack from the West. Hopefully, the sacrifice of II Btl, would not be in vain.

American artillery continued to fall across the Division front. Casualties continued to mount in the Division.

In Weyer, the Americans counter attacked for a third time, they destroyed one infantry platoon, but were unable to push KG Otzenberger from the town. On Ischermuhl Ridge, American forces pulled back to the very far SE end of the ridge. American TDs, SP Howitzers and loaded HTs could be seen around Schalbach.

At Rauwiller, American units re-occupied their positions along the West edge of the town. A TD platoon attacked and destroyed the remaining platoons of Det 3, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abtl. 130. This loss will no doubt be felt as the battle continues. Two American tank platoons were seen some 4 KM SW of Kirrberg. That meant that American units had already crossed the Sarre, unseen and were a threat to KG Muhler's right flank.

The American TF at Fenetrange reacted swiftly to the ambush by II Btl, 951 VlkGdr Reg. After unsuccessfully assaulting German positions, its heavy firepower was brought to bear. The II Btl units in the town were reduced, and the remaining soldat captured, as American tanks over-ran their postitions.
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01-06-2007, 03:41 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-08-2007, 04:35 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 11

Lehr artillery strikes at Rauwiller drove some American units out of their prepared positions a second time. Those that weathered the shells were left in a state of disarray. In Weyer, artillery also managed to throw the counter-attacking American units into confusion.

Drulingen, on the far left of the Division front was fully secured after a brief firefight with the lone American MG platoon defending the town. The survivors were captured in a quick infantry assault, supported by Flamen HT. Det 1, Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 brought it's remaining units forward to bolster the defenses of the town.

In Weyer, to the SW of Drulingen, KG Otzenberger units brought heavy fire down on the remaining American units in the area. The American units were quickly losing combat power, and being pushed back into small pockets of resistance.

On Ischermuhl Ridge, KG Otzenberger units advanced online down the ridge. The Americans now only controlled an small foot hold on the SE end of the ridge. The PzIIs of Det 1, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 moved into position to support the final attack on the ridge.

The Panthers on the high ground to the S/SW of the ridge turned their attention to the exposed units in Schalbach. They managed to destroy 4 fully loaded HTs, and one SP Howitzer. 7 Co., I Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130 moved into position to provide flank security for the Panthers.

1 Co, I Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. was brought forward to add its weight to the attack on Rauwiller. I Btl drove American forces on the North edge of the town back, and started towards the center of the town from the West. The battalion prepared for the assault to seize the town completely. Flamen HTs were brought forward and units moved into advantageous attack positions.

I Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130., minus 6 Co, which was supporting the infantry in Rauwiller, postioned itself to counter the American thrust from the SW of Kirrberg. Supporting units from KG Muhler were place in OPs to give good observation of the high ground to the SW of the town.

Lehr units moved South along both banks of the Sarre. Their mission was to harass the American units attacking from Fenetrange on the left flank. Engineers dropped the Northern most Sarre River bridge in the Lehr sector. II Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. continued to prepare defensive positions in Wolfskirchen in the Disivision's rear, in case American units forced a river crossing at the ford on the Sarre, some 2KM to the West.

All Lehr units to the West of Postoff were ordered back to the East side of the small river that ran by the town. Defensive arrangements were hastily being setup in Postoff, as well as Baerendorf to the South.

American artillery fell on units at Weyer and Rauwiller. Many rounds landed in empty space and caused no damage. Units in Weyer did suffer some causalities, but these were light. Smoke was also laid to cover the advance of American units to the SW of Kirrberg.

American units in Weyer brought heavy fire down, causing further casualties in attacking Lehr units. They were unable to make any headway in throwing back the German units, though. An exceptionally intrepid officer, with an under-strengthed platoon attacked the left most unit on the line. Many American units were left in exposed positions.

On Ischermuhl Ridge, two American platoons attempted a local counter attack. They gained back some lost ground, and managed to destroy a PZII. This attack did little to break up the attacking Lehr units, though.

7 Co., II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130 came under intense fire from American armor in the orchards to the West of Schalbach and American TDs to the east of Rauwiller. 7Co. returned ineffective fire, as one of its platoons was destroyed, and the other disrupted. This could potentially leave a big gap right in the center of the Panzer Lehr front.

Additional American armor advanced SW of Kirrberg. At least 3 Sherman platoons, 1 TD platoon,a nd an AC section have been seen. The AC section advanced to within 1 3/4KM of Kirrberg.

Tank fire from Fenetrange destroyed to HQ unit of II Btl, 951 VlkGdr Reg. All that was left between Fenetrange and Postoff was a lone infantry platoon. It came under fire from an AC section and was forced back. In its retreat, it was harassed by long range fire from an AA HT unit. The attacking AC unit, with an additional one, moved up the rail line that ran along the East bank of the Sarre. American units had now crossed the Sarre,in force, in two places.
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01-08-2007, 05:06 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 12

Lehr artillery fire fell on American position in Weyer and Rauwiller with devastating effects. In Weyer, several American units were driven back and disrupted, as they took casualties they could ill afford. Most importantly, shell fire destroyed a MGC HT unit, and drove its accompanying Engineer units off Ischermuhl Ridge, This effectively unhinged the American defenses in the area. In Rauwiller, the shells disrupted, or drove back every American unit to the front of I Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. This left the town center wide open to attack.

In Weyer, the final attempt to clear the town, and surrounding areas began. The platoon attacking the left flank was pinned under heavy rifle and machine gun fire, then captured as 2 Panthers over-ran their position. Tank and machine gun fire destroyed an HQ unit and SP Howitzer unit on the edge of the town. More infantry units were driven from their positions and captured. The Flamen HTs that had been brought forward were instrumental in destroying several isolated American units.

The last American unit on Ischermuhl Ridge was captured, as Lehr units cleared the ridge. The Panthers from I Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130, which had been providing fire support, displaced 1KM to the West and North of their positions. This put them in a good position to counter any attack by American armor across the high ground from the Schalbach area.

I Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg., support by 6 Co, II Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. mounted an assault to clear the town of Rauwiller. Infantry with Panzerfausts destroyed a weak AC platoon 500M North of the town center. Flamen Hts and tanks then drove through defending units East and South of the town. American mortar and MG units were either destroyed or driven back by these flanking movements. Two platoons from 1Co, I Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg.secured the town by close assaulting the remaining American defenders. Two beat up infantry platoons and an mortar section were captured in the process.

2 Co, was brought off the line and loaded back into its HTs to act as a mobile defense against American counter attacks in the area. I Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130., minus 6 Co, engaged the American ACs to the South of Kirrberg, destroying all of them. It then displaced into new fighting positions.

Lehr units continued their withdrawl back into Postoff, and into defensive positions around Baerendorf. From the West bank of the Sarre, 8 Marder IIs, from 2Co. PzrJg Abtl 130, engaged and destroyed one of the American AC sections that was advancing up the rail line on the opposite bank. 3 Acs were left burning. Lehr forces on the East bank of the Sarre continued South, towards the American TF.

The action along the Division front was probably the most violent thus far encountered. There were no less than 9 close assaults by Lehr units. Approx 12 American units were either destroyed or captured, with more driven back. 3 American leaders where captured, or killed during the fighting, as well.

The Americans fired artillery, in response to the vicious German attacks. Casualties were taken in Rauwiller and Weyer. None was enough to break the momentum of the Lehr's attacks. The remaining American units in both towns, little more than an understrengthed companys, attempted to counter attack, to no effect. Individual leaders were also see retreating back into Schalbach, from Weyer.

The American M-4s in the orchards West of Schalbach traded fire with the Panthers of I Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130, which was approx. 2.5KM to the North. No casualties were taken on either side. Additionally, American Armed units, and a Jeep section, continued to advance towards Kirrberg.

Five American M-3 Stuarts, a Jeep section, and an M-10 platoon counter attacked the Marders of 2Co. PzrJg Abtl 130, North of Fenetrange. All 8 German vehicles were reduced to ruins. The pillars of smoke could be seen as far away as Wolfskirchen.

More American vehicles, most notably HTs filled with infantry, could be seen streaming into Fenetrange. Rough estimates are that an American Armored Infantry battalion, supported by at least 3 companies of tanks and TDs are crossing the Sarre at Fenetrange.
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01-24-2007, 07:04 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
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01-29-2007, 11:32 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!

No sitrep this time from me, I was too busy fighting and couldn't get away from the front to issue a report, Divisonal HQ was only 2km behind the frontline.

First and Last Stand was without a doubt the most brutal and bloodthirsty scenario I have played..I have played plenty where the body count has been higher and the number of burning wrecks larger, however, this has never happened in such a confined space. The town of Leunberg was a graveyard of massive proportions, littered with the wrecks of over 60 vehicles and hundreds of infantry.

This game more than any other, brought out the slaughter of the Eastern Front. Turn after turn the Russian behemoth lumbered forward into Leunberg only to be driven back by determined German resistance, platoons where swallowed up in the rubble of the town as Stalins Organs played their familiar tune. The bunker which became the main focus of Russian attack changed hands some eight times as counterattack followed attack. The German infantry suffered terribly as they tried to protect the armour from prying Russian tanks. Their sacrifice was not in vain as the Panthers and Jadgpanther were able inflict a horrendous toll on the Js-II's and Su's and remain largely unscathed.

After 10 turns of attempting to bludgeon into the town the Russian attack then diversified, making good use of smoke and pressing on the flanks of the town, which made the defense of Leunberg untenable. The Russians had been dealt severe casualties, but their artillery was still supreme. The German infantry fell back to the heights behind the town into their prepared trenches, covered by their armour. Reinforcements began to arrive to bolster the second position and the Russian attack first stalled and was then called off.

Looking down the the hill into Leunberg, hundreds of fires burned freely from buildings and destroyed vehicles, fuelling the funeral pyres. Littered with rubble and the remnants of hundreds of corpses, Leunberg had become hallowed ground.

Matt ~Digger

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03-18-2007, 01:39 AM,
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Ping. Just pulling the thread back up so guys can review and vote. :thumbs_up:

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