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Mines - how best to use them.
12-27-2006, 07:39 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-27-2006, 07:48 AM by Bootie.)
Mines - how best to use them.
Guys I have my own ideas on how to use mines but would like to hear some of your tips in regars to use.

Some questions Ive wondered about other guys tactics spring to mind.

1 - Near your defending flags or far away?

2 - Thinly strung out or used en mass?

3 - Do you overlap them?

4 - In the open or in woods?

5 - Do you use them in conjunction with barbed wire/roadblocks?

Lets see what alternative tactics some of you guys come up with... personally I would like to tie them to dogs backs and let them run of in search of some german tank but thats just me I guess... LOL

[Image: 1fbyud.jpg]

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12-28-2006, 03:33 AM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
I tend to place anti armor mines on roads, to deny rapid movement to my opponent, etc. Also in clear narrow terrain, within otherwise impassable terrain to vehicles, etc.

My favorite place for anti personal mines, is in small patches of good cover terrain, enemy infantry tents to use to sneak up close to my defensive positions.
My hidden infantry and other support weapons (over watching such minefield/minefields) will hold their fire until enemy Inf unit stumbles into the said minefield and attempts to leave it into to open terrain around it, etc..
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12-28-2006, 05:34 AM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
People tend to not buy roadblocks, but they can be nice with mines if you can hide them (the RBs) behind terrain. basically, the idea is to roadblock the end of a route, and mine the way in - enemy afvs cross the mines, then hit the blocks and either go back over the mines or stay stuck. its a nice backup for the minefields, and can effectively force the enemy to stick the the attack routes you wish.

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12-28-2006, 06:19 AM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
Good Tip Grumlin
i've been finding out how good hidden roadblocks/mines are
from the wrong end of a Partisan Battle...
i'm not the Partisans this time...lol
but getting spanked just like you said

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12-28-2006, 07:39 AM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
Bootie Wrote:... personally I would like to tie them to dogs backs and let them run of in search of some german tank but thats just me I guess... LOL

I wouldn't let Rolf Harris or the RSPCA hear you saying that. ;)

I like to use anti personnel mines at the far ends of barbed wire emplacements, then the enemy has a choice. Get caught up in the barbed wire and get shot to pieces or go around (straight into my mine fields) and then get blown up and shot to pieces. :whis:

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12-28-2006, 08:12 AM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
Aloha Fubar
we about to do a Partisan battle...
no airpower for me...
but will give you a fun wire/minefeild run for your money...

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12-28-2006, 11:18 PM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
I agree with solider regards AP mines, AT's are harder as if in the open they tend, (in my experinece at least), to be easily spotted. Tend to use them more as area denial rather than any real chance at taking out enemy armour, and to that end I buy the cheaper daisy chain AT's. same result but for less cost. Put a HMG or 2 covering them to shoot up anyone trying to remove them and hey presto.
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12-28-2006, 11:40 PM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
AT mines are handy for road junctions. You stand more of a chance blowing a tank or vehicle up.

Another tactic: daisy chain mines on the road and at each end of the tile, add the hidden AT mines. He will spot the ones on the road, drive around them and....BOOM! :)

Also like using roadblocks with snipers. The road blocks slows down the enemy vehicles and the snipers then take out the commanders! ;)

How about a roadblock with AT teams placed nearby at each end of the roadblock? you can place barbed wire at each end of it thus slowing down any enemy infantry sent forward to hunt out the AT teams. :smoke:
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01-15-2007, 04:47 AM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
I like to use AP mines with my wire, creating an area that is just too nasty to go, AT mines I use in both area denial and chock points. All obstales are covered by fire of some kind and the major one have a target near for some good old artillery fire.
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01-15-2007, 04:51 AM,
RE: Mines - how best to use them.
I typically use mines for area denial, hoping to force my opponent into even less desirable places, namely a kill-sack. I would place mines in the ideal places an attacker would use to use as a jumpoff point for the final assault. The are great for attriting and slowing things down, all of which favor the defender.
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