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A Heads Up!
12-29-2006, 09:12 AM,
RE:�� A Heads Up!
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
12-29-2006, 09:24 AM,
RE: ��A Heads Up!
RedDevil Wrote:Don't you think someone would be disgusted when people go over there post all these tips on tactics etc.., then complain on fragment that the blitz is quiet (yet they never posted tactics at the blitz EVER!) then pop in to record their games after sitting in fragment saying the blitz sucks... how can you respect members like that?

Randy - I think that was your best point - you can ride that horse all day long...

The Blitz is more quiet - but is it because it's dying? I'd say it's because the members here are spending more time actually playing each other - the game is the focus here - not the latest MB gossip. I'd say my ratio of actually playing the game to participating in discussions here is about 90%-10%. I wouldn't doubt it if it was the other way around with some of the characters over at Fragment. So it's different. Is it superior? I don't think so...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
12-29-2006, 09:27 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
12-29-2006, 09:47 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-29-2006, 09:50 AM by McIvan.)
RE: A Heads Up!
RedDevil Wrote:Who cares about the reputation of the fragment forums? After all it's mainly inhabited by Banned members of the Blitz or people who have been kicked out of other clubs. Great company!
I care, because I post there as well as here, as do others. How could they/we NOT care? It is about our personal reputations, not just the forum's.
Quote:Come on Ivan, surely you've missed the boat here mate, you can't expect me to idly sit back and NOT report stupidfying activities happening on the fragment forums, as many of our members play games with those who post there.
I don't expect you not to post, I'm pretty sure I would have posted it in your shoes. I just expect a moderator to give a right of reply to people that you are having a go at. I don't understand why this fundamental "right of reply" concept is so hard. You'll note I didn't say a WORD on this thread until you started deleting posts. It's the principle of the thing. Principles matter to me, even as flawed as I might personally be at applying them.

That's, ermmm....definitely the final word from me. Must go.
12-29-2006, 09:49 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
I guess we all have our own views and by now the members here will have formed their own opinions. Progressing with this will lead to nothing but more arguing. If members are unhappy here.... leave as Randy suggests, nothing is stopping you. The CM section is just a small corner of the Blitz and if it takes a hit in members wanting to post somewhere else go for it. It certainly will not spell the end of the Blitz.

At the end of the day it is only a minority who criticise the Blitz from the FraGMent forums and yes they are mainly the banned ones. But you need to remember that forum was built to house the malcontents initially and it contained nothing but criticism for members of the Blitz when it started - to say it wasnt is laughable.

Walkure, Der Kuenstler, SteelGod, RedDevil, FullHouse and myself are some of those that have taken serious flak from the guys over there so its pathetic that if anything is said detrimental about FraGMent over here there is a screaming match.

The Blitz can defend itself anyway it see's fit after the crap that was thrown around about it over there.

But guys... knock this on the head as it will go round in circles.

12-29-2006, 03:37 PM,
RE: A Heads Up!
12-29-2006, 10:18 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-29-2006, 10:38 PM by Fullhouse.)
RE: A Heads Up!
Looks like I missed this party. Well Ill just throw out my 2 cents and leave.

I personaly have no problem with swearing and links to porn. I do have a problem with a forum being used as a soapbox for personal attacks.

The key thing is that those personal attacks are pro-active, where as any here are reactive.

I cant take a forum that tolerates the behaviour of Geordie as he behaves on fragment seriously. Im not saying ban him, Im just saying as a community tell him to stfx with the contstant campaighn of anti blitz propoganda and move on and let it ly.

The invitation of Para 101 into the ranks could not evince this more clearly.

That is what confuses me about the fragment community. It tolerates geordies et al paranoir emotional hysteria and blatently overt anti blitz agenda (by tolerates I mean never calls him out on it.)

I still cant wrap my head around why some fragmenters on here will jump all over red dev for any percieved transgression yet are as silent the lambs over on fragment.

I would respect there stance a hella of a lot more if they could find the stones to actualy call out Geordie on his turf, to deny that he needs it is ludicrous. A community can self regulate without banning. The problem is that on fragment no one seems to have the balls to call out geordie et al and get them to move on and thus remove the cancer of there vendetta from the fagment fourms. Over here they all brave enough to air their thoughts.

Just to be consistent. I do think Red over reacts sometimes. I would prefer it if no threads were deleted as I am an adult and can make up my own mind with out some one holding my hand.It is important though to remember that is is a reaction. If I had been at the recieving end of the campaighn on Frag Im not sure my reactions would be the most balanced. Red Dev himself admited this and offered to resign. The community here didnt want that. I would also apprecaite more information from the powers that be vis a ve banniings and the like. I would prefer it they assumed that I am an adult who can handle the information repsonsibly.

Also I admit I was mistaken to attack (I didnt but it can be fairly percieved that I did) the whole frag forum before reading it. I think red dev does exagerate alot certain negative aspects of the frag, the shame being that he dosnt need to as there are apects of it that can be rightly criticised without exageration.

12-29-2006, 10:31 PM,
RE: A Heads Up!
RD: See? That's the point I was reacting on it.... ;)
So... Fullhouse, I repeat again (it was in "accindentaly" deleted post): No one was inviting 101para to the World at War ladder and I am really tired to oppose this lie. But, and that's true, 101para joined WaW ladder and decision is on players, if they want to play with him or not. If he be cheating again, he will be kicked out ofcourse.

There was more things I wrote (from the WaW administrator point of view), but I'll do not write it again. Really tired from this comedy.
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12-29-2006, 11:51 PM,
RE: A Heads Up!
Seems there's a vendetta to get rid of me because I do things that aren't proper.
I don't tolerate things like a good moderator is supposed to.
I abuse my power in the eyes of the oppressed.
I make things happen because I make a decision and live with it, Deleted posts is not the end of the world for anyone, get over it.

It seems you guys have problems with me because I won't put up with the influx of people like yourselves who can't enjoy themselves in a gaming world without having to slander or ridicule others for the sake of atttention.

Hell, I don't even know who I'm being compared to in terms of a good moderator. This is a wargaming site for crying out loud, what kind of expert moderating skills are needed to keep posts removed that just don't belong here?

This is not some free speech governed web site, it's privately owned and supported in funding by members who have yet to complain about the job being done by those who volunteer their services.

Having a right to know why and what is going on behind the scenes is not a given here, sorry but that was decided LONG ago.

Deleting posts made defending a site that has attacked this site and it's members, and continues to do so, isn't allowed?
Fair game, IMO if that site can bash the Blitz all it wants and no one posts in her defense. you know, those members who enjoyed her so long, giving you a site to find friends and report games, and yet they can't bring up a single word of defense for her.

The posters who reside at both sites cannot bear to make any such outcries over there yet want to raise issues over here?

Oh no lets not call out the stock over there for what they really are, but let's put all this energy into jumping around like monkies on cupcakes over here and give the custodian a hard time for his "nazi-like" styles that goes against the ways of your new great forum.

I really care less about what those people THINK or demand more and more every day simply for their lack of guts to call out the king, who was banned here for the very same things he does freely over there, but yet want to disrupt life over here because they think this site is going to bend over for their whims.

The Blitz gave all of the posters everything they needed to have an enjoyable gaming experience, without public cheating outbursts and flame wars and slandering players's styles.

But because of a few troublemakers giving you an opportunity to speak up NOW freely and slander anyone who you want to unappossed, when you never had the balls to do it before, people trip over themselves running over there and become a part of that circus.

That's fine, but don't complain over here when something is said about it.

You have no right to defend anything about that fragment clown haven or its members here, irregardless of principles or reputations, if you can live with the same crap on those forums and not speak up about it there.

Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
12-30-2006, 07:25 AM,
RE: A Heads Up!
I see you deleted my last one for calling for you to step down. This is not YOUR message board, just thought I would remind you of that. Frankly your behavior is the one in question, a lack of reason and LOTS of emotion. Just step aside and let someone who is not biased against anyone whoever looked at the Fragment Site. You have done good work in the past, but your emotions are out of control. Do what is best for the Blitz and let someone else take over the moderation job. Privately funded, does that mean you, and if so how much does one have to pay to get a say at the Blitz? This has NOTHING to do with Para 101 and everything to do with your censorship of posts that violate not rule on the Blitz, but upset YOU.

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