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How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
01-12-2007, 12:16 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
But it does count on the ladder!You get points for every rating you submit.The only difference between a h2h game and a ladder game is that the h2h game result is automatically a 'draw',so both you and your opponent will get the same number of points(10*scenario SM) no mater the real result.
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01-12-2007, 12:25 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
Just to clarify, you receive points which count towards promotion in rank. What you do not receive is "game credit", i.e., the test does not count as an official win, loss or draw, thus no credit for centurion awards, etc.

In my opinion, designers should test as well, and submit reports for the reasons I mentioned above.

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01-12-2007, 01:35 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-12-2007, 02:38 AM by Soldier.)
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
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01-12-2007, 01:49 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
If players need more incentive to play test scenarios other than extra points what about making up some new medals for players who test XX number of scenarios from the H2H section. After all who doesn't like having a few gongs to impress the ladies.Big Grin

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01-12-2007, 02:00 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
Ok well perhaps we can let the scenarios be tested by the designers but for fairness will have to keep an eye on the results.... so no 10-10-10 guys... LMAO

So new rule... designers CAN test and report on their own scenarios.

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01-12-2007, 02:26 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
Here's what I did with my H2H scenario, Blunder at Finok.

I play tested it with my regular opponents (some Blitz members, some not) but no member claimed any points because as we played through the scenario and faults spotted, I would stop the game, fix the faults and we would start again. They were play testing it to help me out, not for the points. The original scenario was posted at the old scenario depot but when that folded and the H2H section was advertised, I took another look at the scenario and made changes to it (minor stuff). This scenario cannot be found at the new SD, only here.

Posted by Soldier - Today 04:35 PM
The main reason I've suddenly decided to test my own scenario, is because I've realized that it's taking way too long for others to take interest in it, just for the sake of testing it.

This is also a problem at the Proving Grounds with two player scenarios!
So the designer must sit on his hands and wait until two play testers pick it or, play test it against one of your regular opponents :)
It seems to be getting messy here at the H2H section with designers posting comments on their own scenario. Why not just keep it simple by having just play testers post comments but not designers?

Here's a tip for designers. When you have put together a scenario, go out into the CM community and ADVERTISE it! Explain what the scenario is about, make it sound exciting!! I know of other designers who do this and it works! :smoke:

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01-12-2007, 02:40 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-12-2007, 11:49 AM by Soldier.)
RE:��How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
Fubar Wrote:If players need more incentive to play test scenarios other than extra points what about making up some new medals for players who test XX number of scenarios from the H2H section. After all who doesn't like having a few gongs to impress the ladies.Big Grin


Great idea!
I mean how difficult can it be, to give those hard working testers some recognition..
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01-12-2007, 02:54 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
Ok me and the team will have a think about it and try and rustle something up.

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01-12-2007, 03:08 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
I can live without doing my own Test Reports. The only think I would make a comment on (with explanation) as to the Balance of the game/scenario.
The other two, Enjoyment and Briefings are out of the question.
I can see myself being biased on Enjoyment for sure... :-)
I would be foolish to score myself high on briefing, cause I know it needs brushing up.
I'll leave that for the experts to tell me how best to express myself, in my briefings, etc.
I'm aware of my defective English vocabulary and sentencing structure.. :-(
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01-12-2007, 09:29 AM,
RE: How does this H2H Scenario Thing Work?
I have one scenario in and I've tested two in the last six months. The question for me isn't: "Would I like to test a scenario?" as opposed to: "Would I rather test a scenario as opposed to...play any other type of game." It is opportunity cost - I'm only going to play so many games at one time. There needs to be more or different incentives to test a scenario v. doing some other interesting type of game. That's me anyway - and I liked testing.

BTW - My scenario was tested and I made some adjustments based on comments. After I reposted the scenario I lost my valuable (and qualifying!) scores. That was a little disappointing - perhaps I posted incorrectly or there is good reason for this.

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