This scenario is now ready for play.........3rd in the V Pz Army at Ardennes scenarios and quite possibly the most unique and challenging of the 3 scenarios to date........suitable for team play or H2H..........does not do well with the AI..........if any interest PM or email me and I will set up a game for you.
"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
I don't send the actual scenario file out anymore.I start the game for players and send the latest map and org files only along with a .bte or .btl file etc.
"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
OOOOOOOHHHH you cant stop Earl.As much as i would love to try it out im up to my eyes in all your other scenarios plus 1-1 battles.Look forward to it being released as a team game.You retired from fishing now??????????
Oh PS any member wanting some unique team play try this one out more realistic and better.Only dedicated players wanted i think as these will be long games but well worth the effort for a new theme on the game.Earl hope ive said everything ok there.