RE: Most Feared Opponents toughest and most feared opponents!
Tank Killer and Steelrain60 immeadiately come to mind. I almost feel like a winner when I get a minor defeat against these two guys. Many others are also annhilating me on the field of battle quite handily.
But when I really contemplate my worst adversary, then I have to say that the guy who really gives me the toughest most aggrivating, dissapointing and most exasperating time is me....yeah, you heard it! I gotta be my own worst enemy and I scare myself at times.
I forget to use smoke, I use armor like most guys use infantry, and I attack with the belief that my troops have the firepower of Marines and the morale of Japanese Samurai....even when I play as the Italians!
I stroll into a battle like an over-the-hill punchy prize fighter who leads with his chin, has a glass jaw and goes down like a bum from Palookaville!
Reality SUCKS!!!
Mike/Yossarian :smoke: