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04-30-2007, 08:20 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-28-2007, 11:35 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Attacking

This from a Pripet Trophy game, it's no big deal and happens all the time in CM as players move their 'chesspieces' around making moves and counter-moves..

PIC 1 - I want to nail that IV-long at top right and I estimate that I need to place my T-34/76's on the end of that dotted red LOS to see him (He's facing away at the moment, distracted by a T-34 group on the other side of a house)
So I lay in 'Fast' move plots to take 2 T-34's sploshing through the ford to the firing point, set armour-arcs to point the turrets at him, unbutton and hit 'Go' for a typical high-speed dagger-thrust that the T-34 is so good at.
(I'd have liked to use all 3 T-34's but had to hold one back to counter another IV out of frame)

[Image: prip1.jpg]

PIC 2 - En route..

[Image: prip2.jpg]

PIC 3 - Zappo, it works like a dream, my boys fire 4 times and score 2 hits, he fires back once and misses..
You had your chance Jack..

[Image: prip3.jpg]

PIC 4 - The victims view, the T-34's arrived so fast behind him he hardly knew what hit him, note his turret is turning like crazy to engage..

[Image: prip5.jpg]
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04-30-2007, 08:27 AM,
RE: Attacking
Good move... I wouldve been fannying around worried about any of his armour popping out at me en route... LOL
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04-30-2007, 10:15 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2007, 06:25 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Attacking

This is from later in the same Pripet Trophy game as above, again it's no big deal, just a typical tank wolfpack attack showing how lone tanks usually don't have a chance..

PIC 1 - My oppo ringed the church with a perimeter of 4x PzIV's.
My T-34 hunting packs have already picked off 3 one by one.
The 4th has holed up near the church but he's being stalked by 4 x T-34's and hasn't a prayer especially as he's looking the other way..
I calculate the LOS (red dotted line) and lay in 'Fast' plots with a 'Hunt' hook on the end of each to ensure my boys finish on or astride the line pointing in the general direction of the IV. (I didn't set the hooks at too sharp an angle lest the hard turn slowed them too much)
I then unbutton, assign armour-arcs pointing at him and hit 'Go'..

[Image: bbb.jpg]

PIC 2 - He's toast before he can even fire back..
[Image: bbc.jpg]

PIC 3 - Yer should have watched yer back Charlie..
[Image: bbd.jpg]

PS - Earlier in the game my oppo (Easymeat) ambushed and wiped out this entire T-34 platoon of mine for the loss of a single IV,
leaving the 3 dead T-34's littering the field..
"A many of us shall, I fear, find native graves" (Henry V before Agincourt)
Here the last man standing (Pz IV) trundles off (dotted line) looking for more trouble..

[Image: aaa.jpg]

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04-30-2007, 10:48 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-24-2007, 03:52 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Attacking

PIC 1 - My oppo has got a couple of IV-longs lurking down near the grey flag, know what ahm sayin'?
[Image: hass1.jpg]

PIC 2 - I gotta hunch he'll come a-pokin' round de corner so I send mah Shers to watch de street, and they start kicking ass, i'm kool baby..
[Image: hass2.jpg]

PIC 3 -You betta not mess wid me boy, catch mah drift?
[Image: hass3.jpg]

Tac note - Beats me why he didn't send his 2 panzers out together, as 2 against 3 is a lot better than 1 against 3..
Maybe he flunked simple maths at school.. ;)

[Image: swat2.jpg]
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04-30-2007, 01:54 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-30-2007, 04:12 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Attacking

PIC 1 - I tried to be smart with my 5x Stugs and sent them straight at the left flag (white arrow) with the intention of dropping off an infantry garrison there, then swinging right to roll up the other two flags.
However Dogface65 not only met them head on with his M10's (broad yellow arrow), but also sent other M10's round into the Stugs flanks (small yellow arrows) from where they poured a hail of shot (red arrows) into the Stugs weak sides.
The turretless Stugs,had no chance of pivoting in time to return fire and were all wiped out..
Result - Major victory for Dogface65

[Image: italwalls1.jpg]

PIC 2 - A view from the American side of my wrecked Stug spearhead..

[Image: italwalls2.jpg]
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05-02-2007, 12:34 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-24-2007, 03:56 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Attacking
[Image: T34s-slope.jpg]
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05-05-2007, 10:20 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-24-2007, 04:03 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Attacking
Bunker near Utah Beach
The firing slit of any bunker has zero armour through which a shot will fly sooner or later, so even small-calibres in CM can therefore knock out bunkers and pillboxes if you put a hail of fire their way..
(this one appears to have some camouflage netting interlaced with branches draped across its slit (or was this the back door?) but it didn't seem to help much)

[Image: bunker-utah.jpg]
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05-09-2007, 08:39 PM,
RE: Attacking
Some don't like it hot..
snippet from Cmbb Manual -
p135 - Warm temperature reduces fatigue recovery rate by 15%. Hot temperature by 40%.
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05-09-2007, 09:01 PM,
RE: Attacking
From Cmbb Manual page 137 -
"If a Move to Contact unit had 'hide' planned as the last part of its move, it will hide when it makes enemy contact."
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05-09-2007, 11:09 PM,
RE: Attacking
Interesting, for most of the war the Russians were always more sluggish than their German counterparts of the same experience level..
Cmbb Manual p 130 - "Soviets are equal to Germans in order delay efficiency (for an equal experience level) starting in Jan 44. Before that, Soviet order delays are one experience level lower than for a German unit of the same experience (ie Soviet regulas have similar delays as German greens)"
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