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SPWAW noob with some questions...
05-15-2007, 09:47 PM,
SPWAW noob with some questions...
Just got SPWAW...

Two questions:

-What version are most using and where's the best place to download it?
-Is there a simplified manual somewhere out there? I simply have neither the time nor patience to wade through over 200 pages of text. So far I've been playing the AI and learning as I go.

If you have the answers or want to play a noob, drop me a line.
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05-16-2007, 02:18 AM,
RE: SPWAW noob with some questions...
Hello Mark,

Opened a can of worms here..

Ok - there are 5 versions of SPWAW that are played here..

SPWAW v8.04
SPWAW Enhanced (a mod of SPWAW)
SPWAW-H2H (a mod of SPWAW)

the H2H mod is available here exclusively at the blitz
The Enhanced Mod is available at SPWAW.com (I think - check with 'ALBY' for that one)

All SPWAW games were based on the original Steel Panthers -3 published by now defunct SSI games in about 1998.

Next are some very excelent versions created by SPCAMO Group.
WinWW2 v2.5
WinMBT v3.5

Both of the SPCAMO games are avilable as a free download at:

A CD version is available for both also, and the CD has many enhancements that the freebie does not have.

These are based on the original SSI game: SP-2 Main Battle Tank. SPCAMO has spent 1000's of volunteer hours tweaking/improving.

IMHO, WinWW2 and WinMBT are the best of the bunch.

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05-16-2007, 02:31 AM,
RE: SPWAW noob with some questions...
Check with weasel or general SP for a mentor. That is an experienced player that will show you the ropes without giving you shell shock.
SP is best when played against a human opponent, or in the case of some players here, near human.
The AI, like ALL AI's, regardless of the game, is dumb as a post.
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson
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05-16-2007, 05:03 AM,
RE: SPWAW noob with some questions...
Grumbler Wrote:.........SP is best when played against a human opponent, or in the case of some players here, near human.
The AI, like ALL AI's, regardless of the game, is dumb as a post.....

So when i was told by an oppo that i was as hard to play against as the AI that was an insult. ;)

Damn.....i thought my game was improving slightly. Big Grin

Go for the WinSP games, you wont regret it.....and beware Shark2

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05-16-2007, 07:33 AM,
RE: SPWAW noob with some questions...
Hello Fubar,


Actually you are doing better.. our last turn you didn't quite lose an entire platoon of tanks to my Onto's.. but then I NEED to break things, because if I don't my USMC troops will revolt against me.. :smg: ..and it seems no matter how many T-34's are KO'd, there is another to step into it's place.. ammo is becoming a sore commodity, and it doesn't help when one of my own tanks drives in front of a Zippo and gets fried.. just after arriving with reloads.. :hissy:

Glad your are with us!


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05-16-2007, 08:47 AM,
RE: SPWAW noob with some questions...
Greybeard Wrote:Hello Fubar,


Actually you are doing better.. our last turn you didn't quite lose an entire platoon of tanks to my Onto's.. but then I NEED to break things, because if I don't my USMC troops will revolt against me.. :smg: ..and it seems no matter how many T-34's are KO'd, there is another to step into it's place.. ammo is becoming a sore commodity, and it doesn't help when one of my own tanks drives in front of a Zippo and gets fried.. just after arriving with reloads.. :hissy:

Glad your are with us!



Hi Greybeard

My secret plan is to obscure the field of battle with the smoke of a hundred burning T-34's, then when your Onto's are lost and driving round in circles i'll sneak up behind them and shove potatoes up the exhausts until they conk out. Then when the crews get out i'll thump 'em with my special North Korean whackin' stick. Big Grin


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