Foul. Wrote:This DB is part of Volcano Man's Alt scenario's project, the best person to explain it would be Ed himself, he can be contacted at [email protected] hope that helps. :)
Well, McNamara is a real smart guy who worked on another game series on a different scale and published by a different company. I've talked to BobMac by phone myself and he is a really REALLY Smart guy who knows an awful lot about WWII weapons and such.
The Database you ask about is a conversion for common Panzer Values to those used by MacNamara in his game. Is it better or more correct? Well you be the judge as it is another opinion and POV on something which is difficult to peg down exactly.
FWIW, I worked as a playtester on the game when McNamara developed these values and Iknow there was plenty of controvesary over what those values were, also by smart people who knew what they were talking about. I recall huge debates over the effective of Arty on Tanks for instance.
In the end it is impossible to say which set of values are better or worse - they merely represent different opinions. I confess to using *some* of those values myself in AFVs in Budapest, our last game and someone posted here that those values were ridiculous - so go figure:)