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80 Abrams clobbered
07-01-2007, 12:45 AM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
Anybody have any idea what type of MBT that China is using. I was watching TV the other day and it showed some footage from China and the MBT that where showing didn't look to me to be a T-80 or T-55/T-64/T72 type. Any update on China's AFV.
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07-01-2007, 01:31 AM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
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07-01-2007, 06:18 AM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
The Giant is awake. While we in the west fret over some yahooo's hiding in cave and the bigest weapon they can deploy is a car bomb.

Dam, small, fast' with a big gun and composite armour, DMD,and laser range and night fight ability.

I wil take your average martyr with a strap on bomb any day over 10 to 30 thousand of these babies.
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07-01-2007, 07:13 AM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered

I wonder how many of those 30,000 will be left after they try and cross the Pacific. I just don't see anybodies conventional forces being a "direct threat" to us here. But your strap on guys can be. that's my two cents worth or maybe that's just one.....OH well i usually don't make sense anyways.

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07-01-2007, 08:24 AM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
One of the best Military Discussion forums is ARMCHAIR GENERAL here -http://www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/
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07-01-2007, 11:11 PM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
I hear what your saying Juan: I agree that the USA in a way is an island nation. However I am sure the axis powers in WW2 thought too how would america get 100's of thousand of vechiles and millions of troops across the big water too, but we did.

China and too an extent the Soviet Block are still a bigger threat too us than the middle east.

Here is my nightmare.

Due too China rapid industrial growth and pollution problem something happens too their food sources or other natural issue.

That many people got too eat something and the steppe of Russia or southeast asia with it's rapid modernization looks ripe for the pickin.

It is getting too the point where america's is having less and less economic control over China. I mean if China went Ape Sh-t we no longer have the industrial ability to put clothes on our backs with out them and let's not even consider the captial money and trade surplus they have over us now.
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07-01-2007, 11:22 PM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered

very true, but they need a massive naval growth to even try and come on over like we did. Most important they would have to make good all the losses they would take in crossing, keep the supply open against what can be argued the best navy in the world today that has the six largest airforce in the world. But on the bright side just think of the games that would come after the smoke sttled.:smg:

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07-02-2007, 01:39 PM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
Fortunately the chinese have allways had their hands full with their own people. They really don't seem too interested with adding more to the numbers. but any money you send their way I'm sure is greatly appreciated... thank you waly-mart...
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07-02-2007, 03:22 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-02-2007, 03:24 PM by sross.)
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
The same reasons shine over China invading the US that shined over Germany trying to invade Britain in SeaLion, then add a few thousand miles of ocean to get it done.

I think if the balloon goes up with China it will be with Russia or SE Asia. I can see where it would hurt us economicly in the beginning, but US industry would step up and cover the needs in a couple years. Probably be the biggest boom since the 40's.

I think the conflict would spill into a WWIII and it would all boil down to logistics. China would eventually lose, but it would be long and bloody. They couldn't take Russia because logisticly invading from the east would be a nightmare after the first few hundred miles and us trying to support the counterinvasion across thousands of miles of ocean would be tough. Although, we have done it before and would be able to do it again. It would take us 4-5 years to get the industries pumping out the liberty ships and such that we would need, then it would be all downhill for the Chinese.

Just my opinion.
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07-03-2007, 06:16 AM,
RE: 80 Abrams clobbered
I agree a sea/land military invasion of the US would next too impossible. I mean the American population is armed. The thought of trying too take on 10 or 15 million crazy a-- red necks like me armed with shotguns and hunting rifles dug in on the homeland would scare the hell out of anybody forget about the american military complex. Maybe an united world against us might have the industrial capability. I still think it would be a toss up with that even.

No what I am saying is our power has all ways been the ability to stand alone. In the past we had an industrial complex, farming infrastructure, national will and natural resources too do the great things we have done in the past. Now I am not so sure with our dependence on the rest of the world for most everything.

I just got finished reading Edward Gibbon The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and I am telling you guys the parallel are there. The Hun's are closer than you think.
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