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Defensive Fire
07-26-2007, 07:39 AM,
Defensive Fire
Is there an option that will cause all the defending units to fire any remaining shots after the attacker ends his turn? I mean to say that it seems strange at the moment that an enemy unit that is surrounded and does not fire in his turn will be not be fired on by all the units around him. Whereas if he does fire he will then get blasted. Is this the norm or do I need check an option? :conf:
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07-26-2007, 01:37 PM,
RE: Defensive Fire
If i understand the question then its the norm, the only thing u can change is automatic DEF fire or manual DEF fire.

Rangers Lead the Way
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07-26-2007, 03:30 PM,
RE: Defensive Fire
ok will try to clarify. I have been playing for a while now with a friend with the manual defensive fire method (we have always played this way). So lots of email exchanges. And I am used to seeing the defender fire everything he has in the defensive fire phase. Now we are playing with the default turn sequence, that is without manual defensive fire (this makes for a completely different game, but a much faster one). Anyway it seems now the defenders fire is far less potent in the default method as opposed to the manual method, as sometimes the defender may not fire at all, which seems a bit weird especially when the defender has a firepower advantage eg. has an enemy unit surrounded or vastly out numbered.

So it is normal or accepted that if a player in his turn does not initiate combat by firing or moving then the defending units will do nothing? That is not fire? Apart from manual defensive fire is there an option that will cause the defenders to fire even if they are not triggered during the turn?

I guess if you have not played with the manual method you would not no of this big difference in play. It just seems that defensive fire in the default method of play is very puny viz the manual method.

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07-26-2007, 10:43 PM,
RE: Defensive Fire
U r correct i usually dont use manual def fire just for game speed reasons even though id prefer it. This sounds like a Q for Glenn or one of the experts here.

Rangers Lead the Way
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07-26-2007, 11:07 PM,
RE: Defensive Fire
There is no way to cause the defender to fire all remaining shots under the default method of play. What gets fired by the AI is it, and those shots are based on a variety of internal factors which I don't know that include quality and unit type, I would guess.

But yes, the result is many fewer defensive shots. Now when playing with manual defensive fire, you can select auto defensive fire to then fire the defensive fire and eliminate one exchange of emails.

On the other hand, under the manual defensive fire method, there is no defender fire during the enemy movement, do something is lost there, but overall that method does tend to help the defender.

[Image: exercise.png]
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07-27-2007, 06:25 AM,
RE: Defensive Fire
Thanks for the clarification. Just wanted to make sure I understood the method properly. The result is I basically have to learn how to play again. It really is an entirely different game. But on the whole I think getting a turn done in one email exchange rather than a whole bunch of email exchanges is better. Perhaps an optional rule for making the defender fire all his shots off at the end of the turn would balance it a bit more. Cheers
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