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Bonus points
08-05-2007, 05:38 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-05-2007, 05:41 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: ��Bonus points
The Coil Wrote:Come to think of it, I've still never heard from any of those noobs you 'beat'.��C'mon noobs, don't be shy, you can fess up to the whuppin' POS laid on you

Well I just played 15 'Firefs v Tigs' and only lost 3.
The other 12 were wins and draws against a mix of experienced and not-so-experienced players.
I'll go and report the results if you want.. ;)

PS - i still don't know what the 'bonus points' for writing AAR's are..
Are they ladder points or what?
I didn't really want them anyway, I was only joking when I said I did.. :)
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08-06-2007, 03:49 PM,
RE: Bonus points
PoorOldSpike Wrote:
The Coil Wrote:Come to think of it, I've still never heard from any of those noobs you 'beat'.��C'mon noobs, don't be shy, you can fess up to the whuppin' POS laid on you

Well I just played 15 'Firefs v Tigs' and only lost 3.
The other 12 were wins and draws against a mix of experienced and not-so-experienced players.

What a strange changing of the subject that was.

Ah well. Maybe someday we'll succeed in finding out the name of one of those phantom newbies you beat. And maybe OJ will find the real killer. We can all hope.
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08-06-2007, 04:50 PM,
RE: Bonus points
Anyway, when I begin a game against anybody, how should I know whether they're a noob or experienced, because usually they never mention their exp level.
Heck I could be playing a ladder leader or a raw recruit for all I know, I don't know or care.. :)
Sure I could find out by looking up their ladder stats but I never bother, I can't understand the Blitz ladder anyway, its far too complicated in my opinion with different points systems and categories and time periods etc all bundled within it, sortable by mouse clicks, that's one of the reasons I don't play in it.
By contrast the WPC ladder where I've been for the past 3 years is just one simple solid ladder that allows peoples position to be seen at a glance.
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08-06-2007, 05:07 PM,
RE: Bonus points
PoorOldSpike Wrote:Anyway, when I begin a game against anybody, how should I know whether they're a noob or experienced, because usually they never mention their exp level.

what does that have to do with their name? You dont find out that either?
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08-06-2007, 05:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-06-2007, 05:36 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Bonus points
Colonel Talvela Wrote:what does that have to do with their name? You dont find out that either?

Huh? When anybody contacts me and says - "fancy a game?" I reply - "sure mate, got any scen or params in mind?", and off we go.
I couldn't care less whether this is his first ever game or his 500th.. :)
Sure, I could go and try to look up his ladder stats but like i said I can't figger out how the ladder works, so I don't bother looking.
However as the game progresses it quickly becomes apparent to me what experience the guy's got. For example if I see him operating his tanks in tight hunting packs I think - "Uh-oh I better watch myself, this guy knows how to punch"... ;)

PS-I've played about 20 different Blitz doods since Randy graciously invited me to join the club 4 months ago, so maybe I've played a ladder leader or other top-ranker in there somewhere, I simply don't know who's where on the ladder, I haven't a clue..
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08-06-2007, 05:43 PM,
RE: Bonus points
Colonel Talvela Wrote:what does that have to do with their name? You dont find out that either?
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08-06-2007, 06:00 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-06-2007, 06:09 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Bonus points
Dunno what you mean mate, here are some of the Blitz doods who i've played (some more than once), but like I said I haven't a clue where they were on the ladder because I never bothered looking -

Leto (Leto win)
Herroberst (Herroberst win)
Bluehand (Bluehand win)

Schwerpunkt (POS win)
Raz Atoth (POS win)
Andre (POS win)
CMant (POS win)
Sphinx (POS win)
DPhillipsd (POS win)
Andre rematch (POS win)
CMant rematch (POS win)

Maakt Droog (Draw)
Maakt Droog rematch (Draw)
Sphinx rematch (Draw)
Herroberst (Draw)
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08-06-2007, 06:26 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-06-2007, 06:26 PM by Colonel Talvela.)
RE: Bonus points
we might be getting somewhere. those are your tigers v firefly opponents. You seem to know them well. The Coil - annoying clicky aggitator that he is - has this strange fixation with wanting to know who all the blitz people were that you beat in other games (NOT Tigers v firefly) but you didnt report.

Personally I couldn't care less. But I figure if I post these three messages trying to help him he might give me three clickies.
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08-06-2007, 07:17 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-06-2007, 07:26 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Bonus points
Look Talvela mate,there are some people at Blitz who live in abject terror in case I'm going to challenge them to a game (maybe you and Coil are ones) so they let it be known on the board that they "don't like POS", so that if I ever challenge them they can say "no way, I wouldn't play you if you were the last person on earth".
Neat get-out huh?.. ;)

Other tricks they pull to get out of facing me are to let it be known around the board that they only play big 3000+ points games (my limit is 2000), or that they only play combined Arms (I play armour), or that they only play 30+ turns (my max is 25+), or that they only play in the Blitz ladder (I don't).
This gives them a whole array of excuses to wheel out if I challenge them.. ;)
However there are always plenty of doods who will play me, they're made of the right stuff, real fighters, my kind of people.. :)

"Give me a man who'll fight!" - Roosevelt quote when looking for a commander to give the rampaging Japs payback after Pearl Harbor....In Nimitz he found a man who'd fight, he went on to stop them in their tracks at Midway...

Hey Talvela and Coil, I hereby challenge you to a game, how about it?
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08-06-2007, 07:17 PM,
RE: Bonus points
Alright, alright......enough poking of the POS through the bars, you two. Put the sticks down already. The legendary opponents of POS are destined to be lost in the mists of time, vanished into the Bermuda Triangle, sleeping with Atlantis. Goooooooone. It's Humpty Dumpty, fallen off the wall, and nowt can put it back together again. Can't get blood out of a POStone.
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