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The Blitz Forums the Thread...
08-06-2007, 08:07 AM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
Fubar Wrote:Maybe we should all send Raz a few brews as a thanks for all his hard work.....just imagine all those different beers from around the world.

God i'm making myself thirsty. ;)

Well,all i've done was to patch the MB here and there,but,by God,this man is right!Fortunately for all of you and especially for Randy-who would have been responsible for creating and enforcing such a rule,i must be the only man alive who hates beer :smoke: I do like wine,though :whis:
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08-06-2007, 08:21 AM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
McIvan Wrote:Probably about as many as answer polls.....

I'm ambivalent about the rep system personally; I'm not fussed if it stays or goes.

I suspect what we are getting is a change to the rep system which identifies who gave you the rep, which should solve a few complaints, and no doubt create others.

I propose, for discussion, that we have a forum rule that people can't post berating people for red clickies, and have to conduct their wars of outraged dignity by PM.

McIvan Wrote:PS....one other thing missing is the short list of all the forums by abbreviation....made it real easy to navigate from one forum to another.....I presume that's on Raz's very lengthy to-do list :(

If you feel the need to detour the posting topics away from red clickie bereavement, make it happen.
I agree the clickie crying should be dealt with VIA PMs and emails.
It is personal and not something worth publicly arousing blood pressure over.

Raz has quite the list LOL other things are slightly more priority at the moment but the links will return shortly.

If I had more funds, I'd gladly send the lad a few euros to buy himself a good saturday night drunk :)
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-06-2007, 03:32 PM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
Man, leave town for a few days, and miss all the INSANE TALK ABOUT CHANGING THE CLICKY SYSTEM! Are you people mad???

Fubar Wrote:I thought there'd been talk of abandoning the Rep system because of the past abuse!!

It hasn't been abused. There's only one person talking about abandoning it, because he's the only person on the board who has gotten more than a handful of red clickies. That's not abuse, that's the system working as it was designed to.

Bootie Wrote:Keep it or Coil will be devastated. besides... it winds POS up and what is more entertaining than a p*ssed of POS??

Have I ever told you all what a wise man I think Bootie is? I'd give him a green clicky right now, if I was certain it'd make his rep go up instead of down. And if I could figure out how to.

RedDevil Wrote:no the rep system was never the discussion of discontinue, it was complained about by a member or 2 :) the new system will certainly bring about some discussion tho Big Grin

Betcha can't name two. ;) The most exciting part about the new system is the ability to trade your rep points in for valuable prizes, like RD promised we'd be able to:

RedDevil Wrote:Soon you'll be able to trade your rep points for valuable prizes. I promise. By the way, I really admire the Coil

Hey thanks, RD. Um, while we're talking about message board functions open to abuse, why don't you take a look at how the 'quote' works?

PoorOldSpike Wrote:What the????...
This morning my rep said '29', then I posted about 6 stunning tac posts in the Armour and Guns threads and my rep dropped to '27'.. !!!
Right that's it, I'm switching off and taking the rest of the day off to sulk and watch TV.

I find it odd that you let complete strangers control your life with a clicky or two.

Mad Russian Wrote:Now might be a good time to review if members still want it. Why put it back together if it's not wanted/needed anyway.

Of course they still want it, silly. I took a poll of Blitz members within three feet of me, and everyone said it's a must have feature.

Bootie Wrote:As for the rep system.... why change it because a couple of people didnt like it??

Did I mention how wise Bootie is?

RedDevil Wrote:The reputation system remains as it is with the addition of new features which will hopefully be along soon as time permits to restore the forums to their former glory.

Prizes for clickies! Yay!

PoorOldSpike Wrote:What, the rep system?
Yeah it does more harm than good because anybody can send a red to anybody without having to put their name to it. See how the system's open to abuse and sabotage? By the way, I think The Coil is sooooo great. Everyone should give him a green clicky!

Maybe the system is open to abuse or sabotage, but it's never been abused or sabotaged. Anyway, the mods can track any kind of abuse and deal with it quickly. If it were widely abused (or abused at all), your complaints might have a bit more traction. If you want to whine about forum features, you should complain about the 'quote' function, it gets abused far more often.

RedDevil Wrote:This will all change once you see the new features.

Like prizes for clickies, for instance.

Fubar Wrote:I'd be intrigued to know just how many of the 5,891 registered Blitz members actually bother to use the rep system?

All of us, if you extrapolate from my poll.

Fubar Wrote:Considering the poor turn out in the average poll whats the point...

We should definitely get rid of the poll system.

McIvan Wrote:I'm ambivalent about the rep system personally; I'm not fussed if it stays or goes.

I propose, for discussion, that we have a forum rule that people can't post berating people for red clickies, and have to conduct their wars of outraged dignity by PM.

Ambivalent? How can anyone be ambivalent about clickies? That's crazy talk!

That's not a bad rule. Frankly, it strikes me as a bit silly that anyone would care enough about getting a red clicky to have to conduct a "war of outraged dignity" (nice phrase, btw), either publicly or privately.

But I reserve the right to conduct a very public war of outraged dignity each and every time Colonel T gives me a red clicky.

Colonel Talvela Wrote:The Coil is the greatest CM player ever. The one time we played, he absolutely anihiliated me in a draw. I'd never give him a red clicky.

OK, CT, I'll hold you to that.

Umm, last thought...while we're dealing with tweaking the boards, why don't we make it so I can quote Leto without it screwing up the quote box. That'd be cool.
08-06-2007, 05:17 PM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
The Coil Wrote:Maybe the system is open to abuse or sabotage, but it's never been abused or sabotaged

Prove it.. ;)
The list of ways it can be abused is as long as your arm and can do lots of damage to Blitz but it seems I'm the only one who can see that.
Anyway rep systems are childish and meaningless and serve no useful purpose by reducing clubs to kindergarten level.
Some other clubs don't have them and therefore have a much more sensible adult atmosphere.
If Blitz insists on keeping its rep system it should at least get rid of the anonymous aspect of it and make sure the senders name is automatically attached to each clicky so they can no longer hide like wimps.. :)
08-06-2007, 09:32 PM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
LMGDAO @ The Coil's post and his unselfishly use of Quote abuse exploit.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-06-2007, 11:59 PM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
Do you actually mean I can give green clickies to POS and make his rep go down?;)
08-07-2007, 12:58 AM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
reputation system is now working like it should.. this will be interesting :)


Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-07-2007, 01:16 AM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
RedDevil Wrote:reputation system is now working like it should.. this will be interesting :)




I always wondered who gave me my rep points.....now i know. Have to take it easy on them now in our games. ;)

08-07-2007, 05:05 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-07-2007, 09:25 AM by The Coil.)
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
PoorOldSpike Wrote:Prove it.. ;)

Generally speaking, it's the guy making the wild unsubstantiated claim that has to offer proof, especially given the logical impossibility of proving the negative claim.

If you want it to work the other way around, that's fine by me. But I generally don't engage in discussions with communist robots from the planet Weembo. Please prove you are not one before we move on.

PoorOldSpike Wrote:The list of ways it can be abused is as long as your arm and can do lots of damage to Blitz but it seems I'm the only one who can see that.

You have an interesting way of dodging the actual argument and repeating yourself as if that makes you more likely to be right. I believe my statement was:

The Coil Wrote:Maybe the system is open to abuse or sabotage, but it's never been abused or sabotaged.

Offer up one (not asking for much, just one) instance of abuse that doesn't involve you, and I'll think that maybe you have a point. But I don't think you can, anymore than you can come up with a name of any of those newbies you claimed to beat. I fully expect you to respond with some irrelevant counter argument or slightly off topic observation as usual, but I'm open to being proved wrong.

PoorOldSpike Wrote:Anyway rep systems are childish and meaningless and serve no useful purpose by reducing clubs to kindergarten level.
Some other clubs don't have them and therefore have a much more sensible adult atmosphere.

No useful purpose? They amuse me to no end. That's plenty useful.

The only childish people on this forum are you...umm, and me, and sometimes Colonel T. Colonel T and I have earned the right to be childish, because we've been ladder leaders at the Blitz. Keep working, and maybe sometime you can lead the ladder, too. I can give you a few pointers that might help your game, just ask.

Of course, if you don't like the 'childish atmosphere' here, you can always jump over to those other forums. I'm sure they'd love to have your stunning screenshots and whatnot. And they'd be lucky to get them.

PoorOldSpike Wrote:If Blitz insists on keeping its rep system it should at least get rid of the anonymous aspect of it and make sure the senders name is automatically attached to each clicky so they can no longer hide like wimps.. :)

Done. Does this mean you'll quit griping about clickies now?
08-07-2007, 05:09 AM,
RE: The Blitz Forums the Thread...
RedDevil Wrote:reputation system is now working like it should.. this will be interesting :)



Wow, didn't know it'd be retroactive. Now I can find out who gave me all those anonymous red clickies!

Ah, just as I suspected...it's Colonel T. Now I'm off to start a PM message flame war with him!

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