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The new clickies, a question (or two)
08-07-2007, 01:48 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-07-2007, 01:49 PM by The Coil.)
The new clickies, a question (or two)
Trying to figure out exactly how the new clicky system works (because clickies are my sole reason for existing...). RD, you said:

RedDevil Wrote:Coil,
From what I gather you and all other registered users are still able to give 3 reps a day @ 1 point each.

*** also take note that it appears you can only give 1 vote to a person now and only change your #'s and message

By the way, The Coil, you are my Combat Mission idol. I aspire to be like you in every way. Here's 15 moderator clickies from me.

Does this imply that I can only give one vote to a particular person per day, or is it only one vote to a person forever, that I can adjust between + and -1 as my opinion of them changes? It's important, because I need to know if I should be trying to impress a wide variety of people, or the same people over and over.

Also, does this apply to past clickies? That is, if someone had given me 5 clickies in the past, does it only count for one rep point now?

Finally, is there any way to know exactly what post a particular clicky was given for, like in the old system? Kind of nice to know exactly why the clickies were given and such like...

Finally finally, (and this I, for once, mean in seriousness), I'm not so sure about the wisdom of making past clicky comments public to all. It seems like it could cause some bad blood if stuff people said in believing it to be private is suddenly made public without any warning/notice - sort of on the level of publicly posting the contents of a private message, it just seems a bit un-kosher. Not really concerned personally, as I've only given out one red clicky in my life, and that one I happily signed, and it apparently got erased in the purge. But it seems like you might be opening a can of worms with this. Of course, it's probably too late now, so everyone can just man up and take responsibility for what they've said...
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08-07-2007, 09:33 PM,
RE: The new clickies, a question (or two)
I'm not exactly sure just how this system works as the MYbb documentation seems to have neglected this area and I can't find anything on it upon their forums.
I am only guessing at this point, that:
1. As a registered user, You may give 3 reps a day to 3 different members.
2. You may change your vote for a member up or down as you see fit, but not add new votes to increase their #'s.
3. You may change your message, accordingly as well.

This to me makes sense, as to gain a large reputation you must influence a large number of members to vote for you. Rather than depend on a few friends to bolster your #'s, you must now convince those other fellow members as well that you're worthy of a reputation.

I think it suits well for the purpose now and abuse curbed to a point. it might make us think about those messages we leave a bit more since they'll be exposed now.
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08-07-2007, 10:39 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-08-2007, 12:56 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: The new clickies, a question (or two)
The Coil Wrote:.... I'm not so sure about the wisdom of making past clicky comments public to all....

I agree, let's show mercy and grant an amnesty for all past offenders, but from now on it'll be good to know who sends death threats and stuff... :)
Jesus said:- "Every careless word you speak will be judged...What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the rooftops." (Matt 12:36,Luke 12:3)
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08-08-2007, 02:02 PM,
RE: The new clickies, a question (or two)
RedDevil Wrote:2. You may change your vote for a member up or down as you see fit, but not add new votes to increase their #'s.

This to me makes sense, as to gain a large reputation you must influence a large number of members to vote for you. Rather than depend on a few friends to bolster your #'s, you must now convince those other fellow members as well that you're worthy of a reputation.

I think it suits well for the purpose now and abuse curbed to a point. it might make us think about those messages we leave a bit more since they'll be exposed now.

Umm, if you can stand it, one more clickie question/thought (and if you've had enough clickie talk, feel free to ignore me, I'd certainly understand).

I like the new system, and think it makes sense - as you noted, it limits the potential for abuse. Also limits the ability of one person to pile on clickies to another, either red or green. However, past clickies seem to still be cumulative. For example, consider the rep rating of Glenn Saunders - it's 84, but only because one other player has given him a skillion clickies. Seems a bit unfair. Here's my radical proposal: Delete all past clickies and have everyone start from scratch under the new system. Elegant and fair. And it'd be so fun to hear the stink Leto would put up. Think about it - it's a (semi-)serious suggestion. Of course, this assumes there's a giant 'clicky-reset' switch somewhere that can be flipped in a few seconds (in my mind, the switch is red, surrounded by a black and yellow striped border). If it took more than 30 seconds away from doing something more constructive and useful to the boards, it's probably not worth it...

Also, I still haven't gotten my 'Clickies for Prizes Redemption Catalog' in the mail yet. When did you send them out?
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