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Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
08-09-2007, 02:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2007, 02:27 PM by McIvan.)
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
I dunno....I'm severely tempted by the taking up drinking option. The hughs might have to wait :whis:
08-09-2007, 06:21 PM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
The moderators will begin to shut down and remove clickie related threads / posts in an effort to achieve harmony and promote CM related topic posts from the bowels of obscurity. We feel the overall impact would be beneficial to The Blitz CM community as a whole and whilst regulating the clickie fetish few from having their release of pent up clickie hormones, we've decided the benefits outweigh the risks.


The way I understand this we are allowed to click but not discuss or defend our opinions on our site. Hmm smacks a bit of a dictatorship. If you don't want a discussion of the issue then eliminate the issue.

Clickies remain = Free discussion
Clickies gone = nothing to discuss
08-09-2007, 06:31 PM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
I think clickies should mean what i thought they meant when I first joined. ie 1 clickie = 1 game played all the way through. Win, lose, or draw; if you stayed and fought for the full length of a battle with out disappearing or reducing your return rate to 1 pbem a week you deserve a green clickie. if you ditched before the end just to avoid surrendering you deserve a red clickie.
the rest of the clickie arguement is just trivial bs... consitent opponents deserve clickies and i feel can blabber all they want on the forum. the rest should shut up and play.
08-09-2007, 08:11 PM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
All forums require decisions on boundaries, Dan, unless they are to be unmoderated. There are some topics that simply invite acrimony and can reasonably be forseen to be not worth the trouble.

I have some sympathy with your view that clickies should go rather than there be restrictions on discussion negative rep points however, as they aren't going in the forseeable future imo guidelines are reasonable. A difference of opinion between two members, rather than being something that pertains to wargaming, will very seldom be improved in my experience by being conducted in public and is a very negative & offputting read for other members.
08-09-2007, 08:16 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2007, 08:17 PM by Koen.)
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
You know what?

Stop babbling! :hissy:
Start designing battles!
Start testing and reviewing scenarios! [HERE f.e.]

That's what Combat Mission is all about!

[sorry, seen too many of these useless discussions on too many boards...all the time you invest in this 'emptyness' is wasted time...you can change the system but you can't change the attitude of people...they'll have to do it themselves...good luck with that]

visit WaT HERE!!!
08-09-2007, 08:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-09-2007, 08:57 PM by RedDevil.)
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
Panzer Dan Wrote:RD,
The way I understand this we are allowed to click but not discuss or defend our opinions on our site. Hmm smacks a bit of a dictatorship. If you don't want a discussion of the issue then eliminate the issue.
Clickies remain = Free discussion
Clickies gone = nothing to discuss

By all means defend and discuss anything you feel worthy of interest. Keep in mind there are limits on the type, direction and content of the material, and how they are conducted determines the longevity of the discussion.

Sex, drugs, religion, politics, current events, personal issues (this is where we feel complaining about red rep points falls into) = nothing to discuss here

War related, Pre2k historical events, and just about anything else not listed above, but hopefully pertains to wargaming or games in general = Free Discussion
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
08-10-2007, 01:36 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
POS this is a thread for discussing why the clickie posts need to remain on these forums.. NOT a place for you to complain about them again.. all posts not discussing the the need or benefits for the continuance of allowing them to be posted are being removed from this thread. RD

In other words the only opinion that matters is the one RD posseses.
Hmm, smacks of dictatorship!

Okay, let's keep the clickies, but only if we can discuss them.
08-10-2007, 01:43 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
McIvan Wrote:I dunno....I'm severely tempted by the taking up drinking option. The hughs might have to wait :whis:

I'll buy, BTW can i get you intrested in a CM QB 3K game?

08-10-2007, 01:52 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-10-2007, 01:53 AM by The Coil.)
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
Panzer Dan Wrote:In other words the only opinion that matters is the one RD posseses.
Hmm, smacks of dictatorship!

Well, you can have an opinion, too - but only RD can tell you if it matters...

Seriously, though, PanzerD, I think there's two issues that have led to the proposed clickie discussion ban. One, {hirr}Some Unnamed Person bombarding the boards with mindless clikcie threads (in contrast to my well thought out and intelligent clickie threads), and two, another unnamed Person Of Substance (get it?) whining to no end about getting red clickies.

As one who is responsible for much of the mindless clickie banter, I don't really view the first as that big of a deal - it had gotten a little out of hand when the top ten threads on the board are about clickies and how we lost them/want them/miss them/whatever, McI and RD just stepped in to say 'cool it', and we (sort of) did. Not censorship, just a little friendly moderating to keep the board from becoming (totally) trivial. At least that's how I saw it...

In the second instance, there is one particular person who whines to no end and goes running to RD like a scalded puppy every time he gets a red clickie, even though RD has made his views on red clickies clear numerous times. It's irritating, it's completely unconstructive, it does nothing to help the CM community or the boards (although it gives me and Colonel T a reason to sharpen up the poking sticks, which is a bit amusing). I can certainly forsee long public flamewars over who gave who a red clickie for what. For a while now, the Blitz has been mercifully free of this sort of thing (unless you count me baiting a certain someone as a flamewar. I think of it more as a sport). I for one don't want to have to read about two people arguing over red clickies. Or even scroll by it. But that's all just my opinion. I won't know if it matters until RD tells me if it does... ;)

By the way, join the fun, have a "pretzel". Can't have anyone walking around with 0 "pretzels".
08-10-2007, 03:12 AM,
RE: Forum Rules involving Clickie posts
Panzer Dan Wrote:POS this is a thread for discussing why the clickie posts need to remain on these forums.. NOT a place for you to complain about them again.. all posts not discussing the the need or benefits for the continuance of allowing them to be posted are being removed from this thread. RD

In other words the only opinion that matters is the one RD posseses.
Hmm, smacks of dictatorship!

Okay, let's keep the clickies, but only if we can discuss them.

In all fairness POS did not post anything that slightly resembled discussing the clickie postings in this thread. He posted his pictorial history of his reputation screen and complained that he had once again received a red rep point and was going to leave the site because of it.

This is not discussing the reasons for allowing rep threads, but was a post of someone simply complaining about his own rep points. Therefore, since it was simply a post of personal grief over a red rep point he had gotten for his posts here, it did not contribute or show any semblance of participating in the discussion and was removed.

We do not need public announcements of every rep point given from someone.

We should discuss the reasons for not moderating the posts that pertain to rep points in this thread.

My post clearly stated this thread was for discussing this, and not a place to post complaints about your own personal rep points.
We are only discussing the allowing of threads and posts complaining about the issuance of rep points.
The discussion involving rep points is so that we may decide to make an addition to forum posting rules or not.
The forum rules are posted clearly for all to see and compliance is enforced by the moderators here. The overall criteria of forum posting rules was decided by public inquiries such as this one and staff votes based on the results.

How does this then smack of "dictatorship"?

The issue concerning keeping the clickies or not was decided last year when they were 1st introduced. This is not the discussion we are having in this thread or at this time.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.

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