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Sniper Wars
09-20-2007, 09:58 AM,
Sniper Wars
VinroC and I have settled on a fun way to have a fun side game each battle with snipers (aka, sharpshooters).

we have developed rules to carry them forward ea./battle...!!

famous snipers attached....= )

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"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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09-21-2007, 08:14 AM,
RE: Sniper Wars
If there is someone you play all the time this little side game is a blast.We still have normal battles only now we buy at least one sniper each battle to keep track of his kills & number of battles he has lived.

here are some of the rules we use

1. A player can have as many snipers as thay like but only three can be in the points race.

2. Out of the three snipers only one can be the sniper ace (you)

3. Your sniper or snipers do not have to show up to every battle , but remember its a kills race

4. If your sniper ace is KIA you lose all his kills .In the next battle your ace will be your next highest scoring sniper.you may also hire a new sniper to have all three slot filled.

thes are the basic rules we use,we have a few more having to do with the snipes ranks and stuff like that

this is what my score card looked like frome battle one...also going into next battle.

sniper 1. ACE = +3 KILLS ----- +1 BATTLES----KIA
snipe 2. +1 KILLS ----- +1 BATTLES
sniper 3. 0 KILLS ----- +1 BATTLES

sniper 1. ACE +1 KILLS ----- +1 BATTLES
sniper 2. 0 KILLS ----- +1 BATTLES
sniper 3. 0 KILLS ----- 0 BATTLES

Hope you guys like it,have funcheers
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09-21-2007, 08:30 AM,
RE: Sniper Wars
Smart idea, it'd be cool to use something similar for tank aces. :bow:

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09-21-2007, 08:35 AM,
RE: Sniper Wars
Yes tank aces would be fun to . could just about work off the same rules set : )
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09-21-2007, 09:11 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-21-2007, 09:15 AM by Kelen.)
RE: Sniper Wars
Tanker aces would be interesting.

I see a couple of problems however.

A) A tank that does well, rarely, (or so it appears to me), survives to the end of the battle. The reasons for this being twofold:

1) If it's managed to take out 2 or 3 enemy tanks, it suddenly seems to attract the attention of every available bit firepower on the battlefield, (this being the, "For chrissake will someone please take out that bloody tank!!" mentality). And,
2) The owning player, myself included, (and sometimes it appears even the AI), starts to believe in it's invulnerability and gets cocky/careless. This combined with point '1' normally seals it fate fairly quickly.

B) So a crew that might have taken out 2 or 3 tanks is likely to end the game on foot, having been shot out of their vehicle; and as a result is likely to have sustained casaulties. There isn't, (to my knowledge), any way of tracking which crew members are killed, so really you're tracking tank crews rather than an individual commander, (sorry for those that were hoping to be a new Whittmann). This means that unless the entire crew survives what you carry through to the next battle will be the remaining crew + replacements. This would lead to the 100yr old spade syndrome.

Like the idea, and I would be interested in any thoughts on how to make this work in practice.
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09-21-2007, 09:47 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-21-2007, 09:47 AM by Fubar.)
RE: Sniper Wars
I personally wouldn't mind saying that as long as some of the crew survive the battle then they could carry on to the next game, after all casualties don't have to be dead but just injured and it is just to add a little extra fun to your games. You could even try some sort of RPG type of skill progression, say all crews start as green and then every xx number of battles they survive they go up to the next skill level. Obviously this would all have to be agreed in advance with your opponent and on the honour system.

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09-21-2007, 11:38 AM,
RE: Sniper Wars
yes these games are just fun little side games so there is no need to go to crazy and technical with stuff , just find the best way to make it work and have a blast with it.
I would do something like fubar stated, if any of the crew live let the points carry over to the next game. or if you want it could be the other way around if one guy die's its considard to be the commander.
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09-22-2007, 06:48 AM,
RE: Sniper Wars
It's all just casual fun between opponents who play together a lot (or, heck, you could track your own aces on the side, in any game for that matter--all just something to personalize the action a bit more)! ;)

Snipers are tough to keep alive in a game, too...and this just makes you step even more carefully with them in a game!

My own sniper stats are this so far (we are only on Game #2 doing this)....

1st Battle (end of battle)
Sniper Ace.....3 kills.....1 battle
Sniper B.........2 kills.......KIA
Sniper C.........0 kills.......KIA

2nd Battle (still in progress)
Sniper Ace......3 kills from before...
Sniper B...............newby
Sniper C...............newby

Another rule Vin and I have is that snipers can only be 1 Crack, 2 Veterans (or 1 Vet, 2 Regular, etc.)...until one has 5 kills, then you can have the Ace be Elite, and both the other 2 can be Crack. So the Ace is always easy to identify...he is the one who outranks any and all others that game (and both opponents have access to check and double-check the end game results on the Final Map).

I had thought about Tank Aces, too, when we started this Sniper idea. And of course, it was Wittmann who came to mind!! haha

A good point in these posts has been that ''eliminated'' doesn't necessarily mean ''dead'' and they can be mere casualties, just wounded!

Here is a thought just off the top of my head. If a tank is knocked out, and any crew survives, that commander/ace survives to the next battle. But if he is knocked out any two games in a row, he is killed; otherwise he lives to fight another day, and continues his kill count.

And if you are playing a game with many tank commanders the same rank/quality (veteran, crack, etc.)....just pick ones at the start by name and let your opponent know who is who during set-up. Example: Williams is my tank Ace this game and has 4 kills already from last time, Brown and Phelps are my other two for record and have 1 and 0 kills in order.

Both sides can easily check end-game results!

Or an alternate idea would be to say (if you want to be more relaxed/casual about the count)....Gee, I have 5 tanks, all Veteran. If only 2 of the tanks survive, my two highest aces to date could be said to have survived, and get credit for those tanks' new kills. (Just get agreement between opponent's beforehand for this.)

This all has potential to get complicated and unwieldy if carried too far. But tank or sniper aces seem the logical choices to keep track of for some fun side action!

What does anyone think about these thoughts??

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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09-22-2007, 07:12 AM,
RE: Sniper Wars
By the way, it doesn't matter what nation you play in whatever CM game. You carry your snipers/aces forward into the next game regardless, and they keep adding to their record...!!

So you don't have to constrain what side you play.....

We are just keeping it ''user-friendly''......!!!!

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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09-22-2007, 07:38 AM,
RE: Sniper Wars
I like the idea of two strikes and your out with bailed out crews, simple yet effective way to keep track of things. How do you handle skill level progression, is it number of battles survived or kills attained ?

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