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Kudos to Foul
09-28-2007, 08:17 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-28-2007, 08:18 AM by Mr Grumpy.)
RE: Kudos to Foul
tide1 Wrote:The trial tests done by the Earl of Southington Bythe Bridge showed that a pair of 1 year old European Swallows could possibly do just that. Contradicting the tests done by the Baron von Heifer zu Oxen outside Starlingen the year before last. So your idea of a factor of 2 might be very close to the mark sir as long as the good Baron didn't use 6 month old swallows then the factor would of course increase to 4 Toast :)

I am surprised Sir you did not include the work of that well know Arab pigeon breeder Mustafa Leak who proved that Southington was using the famous Bythe Bridge updraft to increase the rate of pigeon climb! :eek1: Baron von Heifer zu Oxen should always be discounted after he was caught shaving his female pigeons, covering them in pepper and sneezing all over them!Eek Although this did improve their flapperbility ratio which is important in coconut terms. :)

Taking my factor of 4 and then dividing by 7, adding the number you first thought of :chin: should give you the answer to my question, whereas if you increase the sector times and consulting the Higgins scale (1785 version) :bow: you will find a very clear definition of your pigeons strata, this of course will not work on Africans born after 1892. :rolleyes:
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09-30-2007, 09:29 PM,
RE: Kudos to Foul
I may have to recant my long standing opinion of pigeons being squab that got away. After seeing what was going on at the pigeon rasing semi-finals at New Forest. A gentlman farmer from Canterbury using 2 homeing pigeons and a southeast tailwind had them set off for home carrying a 1lb coconut. Unfortunately we'll have to wait for the results, later in the day the wind shifted to the west ( Flightyboy edged out The Wings of St. James by a beak to win by the way ).
I did not hear about the Barons unsavory behavior. Of course shaving, plucking, defeathering of any kind is forbidden in the 1785 version as put down in Chapter 10, Article 8, Paragraph 4.

Taking my factor of 4 and then dividing by 7, adding the number you first thought of should give you the answer to my question,

I still don't come up with the number I'm looking for even when I dived by 7. I would have to actually add 3 and multiply by 5. Please explain sir.

I didn't bring up The Mad Arabs results because of the fact that he used the thermal currents at the Straights of Gibralter them being by far stronger then the up drafts used by the Earl ;) But of course your right it all has to do with velocity of take off.
War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.William Tecumseh Sherman
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10-01-2007, 05:49 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-01-2007, 05:52 AM by Mr Grumpy.)
RE: Kudos to Foul
Ah,ha haaaaaaa......:whis: you fell for the oldest trick in the swallow guilds book, i changed the bird to a pigeon and you went along with it...:stir: everybody knows it is Mustafa Leak's cousin Isabatter Atsix who does the pigeons :rolleyes:, you Sir are an imposter and i challenge you to a duel :kill: possibily to the death :eek1:

"I still don't come up with the number I'm looking for even when I dived by 7. I would have to actually add 3 and multiply by 5. Please explain sir."

Just to be clear, if you are using the 1785 first edition the ratio has to be sanitised BEFORE you add the grading of your first number, if you insist on using the 1816 Old Nosey scale then of course, exit velocity will have to be increased by my factor of 4 as the impact fight matrix has to show 47 at the left end, but of course any true fellow of the swallow guild would know that! :bow:

I was glad to hear of Flightyboy's success after his hernia operation, we all thought that the Feathers McGraw Cup was out of reach! :)
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10-02-2007, 06:13 AM,
RE: Kudos to Foul
NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!!!! :mad: You besmerched me honor sir. A dual it shall be. Pick your scenario and rules and I'll meet you over at the OPC Ladder :smg: Call me a fraud huh? I bet your from one of those Anarchel Syndicated Communes with feelings of being repressed :rolleyes: We shall see sir....... Bloody peasents.....

War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.William Tecumseh Sherman
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10-03-2007, 03:17 AM,
RE: Kudos to Foul
tide1 Wrote:NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!!!! :mad: You besmerched me honor sir. A dual it shall be. Pick your scenario and rules and I'll meet you over at the OPC Ladder :smg: Call me a fraud huh? I bet your from one of those Anarchel Syndicated Communes with feelings of being repressed :rolleyes: We shall see sir....... Bloody peasents.....


Sir, a man who does not know his pigeon's from his swallows has no honour Fiery
We shall meet sir on the field of battle..............:angry:
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10-04-2007, 07:26 AM,
RE: Kudos to Foul
Challenge in your inbox........:smg: cheers
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