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North Africa
10-21-2007, 03:14 PM,
North Africa
I'm a big fan of the North African campaign of WWII. Especially pre-U.S. involvement, but I like the scenarios post Torch too.

I may be wrong and I may have chosen the wrong forum for this, but I could have sworn someone else brought this up before.

I'm currently reading a book called "An Army at Dawn" by Rick Atkinson. A what appears to be an American view of the desert campaign between 42-43. If you have read it don't tell me how it ends LOL.

I'm not looking to start an argument here. I'm just looking for any of our Commonweath or German friends to recommend books for me to read to get other points of view for North Africa.

Thank you for your consideration.

Tim (Montana Mud)
"The Pope? How many Divisions does he have?" Stalin
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10-22-2007, 12:02 AM,
RE: North Africa
Hi Tim

You could also list this under the Historical Discussion MB. You might get more responses there.

Try looking up Stackpole books.


I found several books that I liked then bought used copies on EBAY.

Good luck.
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10-22-2007, 02:36 AM,
RE: North Africa

Best one I know of, from German perspective:


E.P. Dutton 1961
Bantam 1962, 1967 (there are probably newer printings)

(first published in the German language as DIE WUSTENFUSCHE by Henry Nannen Verlag 1958.)

"Artillerymen believe the world consists of two kinds of people: other artillerymen and targets."
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10-22-2007, 01:43 PM,
RE: North Africa
The second book of the trilogy ... Day of Battle ... was just released. It covers the evolution of the US Army during its battles from Sicily through D-Day. The third book, which probably won't be out for a year more, follows the US Army's development from Normady to Berlin.

It is amazing how inexperienced, and therefore bad, the U.S. Army was at the time of Torch.
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10-22-2007, 06:52 PM,
RE: North Africa
Nort Wrote:It is amazing how inexperienced, and therefore bad, the U.S. Army was at the time of Torch.

Thanks for the info on Day of Battle.
Growing up most of the available books out on WWII were written by Brits and Germans, from their perspectives.

As for your quote above? The US was about as prepared to enter WWII as they were WWI. It was basically the same military that executed the Punitive Expedition. ;)
They did not do too bad for being three to four years behind everyone elses development. Working out the kinks as they went along, just like everyone else did before them. :chin:

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10-22-2007, 07:29 PM,
RE: North Africa
I've read this book "An Army at Dawn" I found it fascinating how unprepared for war the Allies really were, not just the Americans. Also the incredible blunders we made but somehow got out of.
It's a good read and as for the ending, well the Axis win. lol

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10-23-2007, 08:03 AM,
RE: North Africa
If it matters, "Army at Dawn" did win the Pulitzer.
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10-23-2007, 08:19 AM,
RE: North Africa
I liked "Army at Dawn". It shed some light on the early efforts of the American Army.

For some German perspective, try "Panzer Battles" by von Mellenthin. A few chapters cover the North African campaign. "Panzer Commander" by Hans von Luck also has a few chapters devoted to North Africa.

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10-28-2007, 02:49 PM,
RE: North Africa
Best books on the North African Campaign

The Crucible of War - 3 Volumes
Volume 1 - Wavell's Command
Volume 2 - Auchinleck's Command
Volume 3 - Montgomery's Command
All by Barrie Pitt

Knights Cross - A Life of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel
by David Fraser

Together we Stand - North Africa 1942 -1943 Turning the Tide in the West by James Holland
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10-29-2007, 08:49 AM,
RE: North Africa
Look at this:DAK-Campaign
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