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Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
12-11-2007, 04:51 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-11-2007, 04:52 AM by Der Kuenstler.)
Thumbs_Up  Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
Just for fun I have taken the all time top 15 scorers on our CM ladder and analyzed them to see who will be the next all time ladder champion and get the coveted Pilus Prior award.

This is not hard to do using a little math. First we look at the current #1 leader, Walkure. We need to find out how many games he is currently finishing per month. I did that by using his last three months’ games reported and dividing by three. So based on that Walkure is now finishing 3.33 games per month.

Next we need his average points per game - this was done by dividing his total score by his total number of games and rounding it off. Walkure plays big games, scenarios, and ops and he wins most of them so his average per game is a whopping 51 points. (This is why he is the ladder leader, by the way. It’s the points that he is gaining that is critical, not the number of games he’s played.) 51 points per game X 3.33 games per month means Walkure is adding 170 ladder points per month to his score. Anybody who wants to eventually catch him must do better than that.

Now let’s look at the other ladder leaders using the same scoring formula:

#2 - Bootie - Bootie has played a ton of games and is adding 140 points a month to his score. However, he is losing ground to Walkure at this rate (-30 points a month) and so I’m afraid will never be ladder leader unless things change.

#3 - (FGM) Phil Davies - Phil is now adding 140 points a month to his score (net -30 points gain on Walkure) and thus will never be ladder leader again, although he already was before.

#4 - Red Devil - Red Devil already has the Pilus Prior award and usually wins but doesn’t play enough games - he only gains 68 points a month and won’t ever lead the ladder again at that rate.

#5 - Herroberst - Herroberst is my prediction to lead the overall ladder next. He adds 237 points a month to his score, meaning he is gaining on Walkure by +67 points a month, and I predict at the current rate he will pass Walkure and lead our ladder 2 years and three months from now, which would be in March of 2010.

#6 - (RT) Pioneer - is losing ground to Walkure (-107 points per month) so will never lead the ladder.

#7 - Kilroy - Losing ground (-159 points per month)

#8 - Andre - Has a 210 point per month average, so is gaining by 40 points per month. Unfortunately at this rate it will take him 246 months, or over 20 years, to catch Walkure.

#9 - Antoni Chmielowski - is losing ground (-44 points a month)

#10 - Blackjack - losing ground - hasn’t played at all in last three months

#11 - Zemke - losing ground - hasn’t played at all in last three months

#12 - Der Kuenstler - I am currently adding the most points to my score of anyone on the ladder per month, which is 355. This means I am gaining 185 points per month on Walkure. Unfortunately, I started playing on this ladder relatively late, and so at the current rate it will take me five years and four months to catch him.

#13 - Owl - Owl is gaining (+77 points per month) on Walkure, but it will take him 13 years to pass him at this rate.

#14 - Raz-atoth - Raz will never lead the ladder at this rate because he is losing (-20) points per month to Walkure.

#15 - Fridericus - losing ground -has finished only 2 games in the last three months.

Further down the ladder, in the past three months Lord Bane, Risnervich, and Bluehand are all gaining on Walkure, but only by 20 points or so. Lord Bane is gaining by 22 points a month and so will eventually catch Walkure - in 82 years.

And so, friends and countrymen, unless fate intervenes somehow, I predict the next all time ladder champion will be Herroberst in 2010!
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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12-11-2007, 05:23 AM,
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
Send me some cash and I''ll ensure you make the ladder leader for a few days Big Grin

I've dropped from 50+ Cm games at once, to 7 and even then, they are slow turn arounds at the moment..

having a very intense PC burnout period right now
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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12-11-2007, 05:36 AM,
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
RedDevil Wrote:I've dropped from 50+ Cm games at once, to 7 and even then, they are slow turn arounds at the moment..

wow - 50+ games - I can't imagine. Once I get more than 20 or so going at once it stops being fun and starts being work...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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12-11-2007, 05:49 AM,
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
well... I was off work with an injury, wasn't much else to do besides hobble to the potty and dinner table :)
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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12-12-2007, 04:43 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-12-2007, 04:48 AM by Colonel Talvela.)
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
and play tribalwars

I still get the shakes when I think about that game. Similar to how I would gag when I looked at vodka after I chugged 20 oz of cheap 100 proof on an empty stomach and chased it with coke (the cola not the powder) - which I didnt know at the time sped up the alcohol affects.
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12-12-2007, 05:53 AM,
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
I once played a game called Planetarion in which multiple attacks could be launched on your planet at any time of the night, and you only had 1-2 hours thereafter to get defence organised.

The game got highly organised with hundreds of synchronised attacks being launched by alliances between the hours of 2-6am (but often at other times, especially if you knew the target was in a different time zone). The top hundred ranks out of tens of thousands of players was fiercely contested. If you didn't log on every hour during the night you could lose pretty much everything. Thank goodness my time zone meant most attacks came in during my afternoon.

The game ran for months each round. The resulting sleep-deprivation and anti-social behaviour was probably the most destructive thing I have ever done.....extracting myself was the sanest move I could have made.

Tribalwars sounds a bit like that.....internet crack :)
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12-12-2007, 06:11 AM,
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
indeed - it was very much like that.
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12-12-2007, 07:15 AM,
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
Yes smartest thing I ever did was leave that damn TW game
Digicrack written all over it
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
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12-13-2007, 07:11 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-13-2007, 07:13 AM by RNL Tiger.)
c_Question Mark  RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
I find this analysis vaguely disappointing and disheartening since it implies that even if you are a good player it may take YEARS to get to the top slot. Is that really right? [This is an observation not an expectation about my future performance!]

As a newcomer to the Blitz I must confess that I find the ladder system somewhat confusing and not actually easy to see who is the ladder leader. Also, are there subdivisions of ladder leader for example:
1) Highest score in last 12 months
2) Best win ratio in last 12 months
3) Highest ELO in last 12 months
4) Highest score
5) Best win ratio
6) Highest ELO

If not, would it be a good idea?
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12-13-2007, 07:20 AM,
RE: Who will be the next all time CM ladder champion?
You can order the ladder table according to the ELO scores.
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