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Fullhouse is hit by ultimate fatigue weapon.
02-05-2008, 11:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-05-2008, 11:08 PM by Walkure.)
RE: Fullhouse is hit by ultimate fatigue weapon.
actually how i got through it was. i told her to give the kids the 1800 hr feeding. and i would give the the 0000 hrs. i told her i wanted her to rest and that i would make sure the kids would get fed and changed. the feeding and changing took about 30 to 40 min. she would fall dead asleep around 2200 so i played till 0200 then crashed. the break i took was the 40 min to feed and change the kids. then she would give them the 0300 feeding and i would give them the 0600 before i left to work. so we were getting around 6 hrs of sleep apice. i earned brownie points and got to play. once the kids didn't need the 0300 feeding i just kept the agreement i would fed and change then at 000 and 0600 hrs. she thought i was the greatest. since she could get allot more hrs of sleep. i could still do my turns and still get 5 to 6 hrs of sleep. If your a person that needs more then 5 or 6 hrs, your going to be in trouble. Good luck bud.

Juan (Walkure):bow:
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02-06-2008, 07:00 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-06-2008, 07:01 PM by Combat Wombat.)
Thumbs_Up  RE: Fullhouse is hit by ultimate fatigue weapon.
Congrats that man! just a tip, it may be tough but cherish every moment and it does get better ..

I now have my little 2IC on my lap asking "are those mens dead daddy ? " .. to which I enivitably reply (seeing they are my troops) .. "no, they're just having a rest .. " ! mutter

Anyway, for my third, I spent 7 months sleeping rough on the lounge-room floor just so I didn't fall asleep on my keyboard at work - something experienced with the previous 2.

All worth it when you hear your first "dadda" .....cheers
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02-06-2008, 11:35 PM,
RE: Fullhouse is hit by ultimate fatigue weapon.
ain't that the truth, or when you have those days at work thatyou just want to blow the world up. when get home they run to you and hugh your knees ? and you stop caring about everything and can't even remember how bad your day was....

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02-07-2008, 02:56 AM,
RE: Fullhouse is hit by ultimate fatigue weapon.

I have three children 15, 13 and 10. When they were babies I remember being very short on sleep for prolonged periods. You must become very disciplined about getting rest whenever you can, as becoming exhausted will impair your judgement. Forgive youself when you aren't at your best. You will now have a greater understanding of your own parents and of the human race that childless couples will never have. I have several freinds who didn't have children and they really have a narrow world view.

I can't imagine not having kids, they really are the joy of your life.

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02-07-2008, 03:11 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-07-2008, 03:18 PM by von Nev.)
RE: Fullhouse is hit by ultimate fatigue weapon.
Hi Fullhouse,

I have two 2-years olds and the only way we got through the first year (and even now) was to be very disciplined on the times the kids go to sleep and do everything in your power to not got in the room every time they cry.

If they got up crying, and it did not sound like they were hurt or sick, we would wait 5 minutes outside the door to their room and see if it got worse. Usually they went back to sleep. Those first days listening to one of our babies cry for 5 minutes was heartbreaking but my wife always said, "They are feed, they have a clean diaper, and they are not hurt. It's ok."

If they were still crying after 5 minutes but it did not get worse we would wait 5 more minutes. Most of the time they went back to sleep. After 8-10 minutes of continuous crying we would go in there and see what was up but we tried to avoid picking them up or rocking them back to sleep. If you rock them to sleep, sleep in their room or have them sleep in your bed with you they want it all the time (they love being comfortable) but your fatigue factor goes to 1000!! Those little bundles of joy are very smart and pick up your patterns pretty quick.

Using this method we ended up getting them into a pattern that once they were in bed at 7 pm we did not get them back out until around 6 am. Those 11 hours were a god send for our sanity. My wife (I credit her) got them sleeping 9 hours straight by age 5 months.

When they were the age of your little one they went to bed at 7 pm. Since they were feeding every couple of hours, I would take the 10 pm feeding shift and play games until midnight and then my wife would take the 2 am feeding. And then we would get them up at 7 am. With this arrangement my wife slept from 9 pm to 2 am then from 3 am to 7 pm (9 hours). I slept from 12 am to 7 am (7 hours). When they stopped feeding every couple hours and we stopped the 2 am feeding my wife (who had the kids all day) slept from 10 pm to 7 am (9 hours). I still slept 7 hours.

This is what worked for us. Your mileage may vary. I think in our case too that having twins helped immensely as when they woke up at night or in the morning they had eachother to entertain and comfort. Now that they are two 2-year olds it seems harder.

Good luck and do enjoy this time with the baby. Take lots of pictures and videos. They grow up so fast.


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02-08-2008, 06:45 AM,
RE: Fullhouse is hit by ultimate fatigue weapon.
Baby advice on a wargaming site - that's a switch - anyone have any cooking tips?
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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