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Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
01-31-2008, 04:51 AM,
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
yellowcanoe Wrote:Hey Sissisimo,

Keep up the good work. I like reading these DAR's and learn a lot from them. I see you are from Finland. What's the weather like there right now. I live in central Canada and I woke up this morning air temperature was -32 C and windchill made it feel like -47 C. My car started but barely.

Good luck in your game!


Thanks. I really wish some people could learn from this. :)

It could look better. I'm already losing two platoon of mens just to Elltee's tanks and I bet he has full load of arties too. I'm still holding two flags so so far so good.

Well, that's cold as hell. Glad it isn't so cold here yet. It's both side of 0 C but getting colder.
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02-02-2008, 12:39 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2008, 11:52 PM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Small update.

Turn 10

It paid off to reserve and wait. IS-2 comes out from the cover and trying to engage with my panther. My panther won.

[Image: Highligts-turn-10.jpg]

My MG nest start to be on position. Elltee's mens are like sitting ducks on downhill. I'm going to stick with my plan to use 120mm spotter like I planned. I can see 4 halftrack behind the flag Elltee probably drove something into those woods what are now hiding and ready to slaughter my mens when I come closer. Little he knows I'm going to drop 120mm arty on them and kill his routed and paniced mens with my mens.

Next update after a few next turn.
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02-04-2008, 06:57 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2008, 11:51 PM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 12

I decide to try to engage with Elltee's T-34/85 what I tried earlier but couldn't get LOS. This time it worked. Elltee's tank barrel was pointing at wrong direction thus it didn't even get a shot before it was destroyed.

[Image: highlights-turn-12.jpg]

Right side start to look very bad and Elltee send here more mens than I thought and now it looks more like a company. Big mistake from my side that Stummel was way too far and missed all the fun. Fiery

[Image: highligts2-turn-12.jpg]
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02-09-2008, 09:45 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2008, 11:58 PM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 16

Left side of the map.
[Image: left-turn-16.jpg]

Pretty peaceful. Elltee has sent some antitank-rifles for scouting or maybe they're after my halftracks, or maybe he just hope that I waste my ammos before he attacks.

Still, if Elltee's spotters are here what I believe as he didnt send any tanks here. Proper attack with some arty barrage it's easy to take over this place, as long I don't know anything about Elltee's spotter I'm going to keep those two platoons on this side of the map. Althought if I were Elltee I could try to get that forest on the left side of the flag. No activity there yet only couple antitank-rifles.

Red Circle.
It's been a couple turn since Elltee moved its tank there. It really looks like it reserved into the corner waiting for his last shot. I'm more happy to do it, so I'm moving my ATG closer, or maybe there's ATG nearby he's hoping that I start to engage with its tank so he can open fire with its ATG. I hope my ATG get on position in time.

Yellow Circle.
I'm going to move two halftrack to the road in case if Elltee tries to attack so I can move them fast into his back.

Middle part of the map.
[Image: Middle-turn-16.jpg]

I've plenty of time I'm going to move closer to the flag and destroy all possible enemy with time.

Red Circle.
Just what I expected Elltee's inf is hiding in those woods. Unforunately I didn't get many shot into those woods with my arty, but fortunately they are identified as motorized smg/lg squads. Crew size 6, so basically nothing, but I think they deliver pretty good punch in close combat with their smgs. Many of my mens can shoot into those woods so whatever there's shouldn't be a problem.

Yellow Circle.
My both panthers are now in the middle party of the map. They are moving closer to give support to my mens.

Purple Circle.
I've got sound contact of ATG. I hope it's some light inf gun.

Green Circle.
Once I destroy that halftrack it's all clear on the right. I think I could kill it with my panther once I get closer.

Right side of the map.
[Image: Right-turn-16.jpg]

I'm still holding off. My HMG's does as a great job here and my stummel has been shooting freely couple turns now. I thikn I got platoon leader if it was at the back of advancing mens what you could expect. That should slow down those mens who was going to come after my HMGs.
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02-09-2008, 11:41 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-02-2008, 12:00 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 16 - The movie.

My panther is doing what it's made to do. Killing from left and right.

First halftrack.
[Image: highlights-turn-16.jpg]

I must say I wasn't aware of this. I thought that heavy building was blocking me. I was going to destroy it with area fire later.

[Image: Hightlight2-turn-16.jpg]

Another kill for my panther. When you've the right tools only one shot is enough.

In front of my panther you can see Elltee's squads are no match for my mens. They are dropping like flies.

[Image: highligts3-turn-16.jpg]

My HMG are really doing good job here. Elltee still have maybe 2-3 squad somewhere where he killed my platoon, but without leader. I'm going to take advantage of this and use my stummel to shoot the hell out of them.

Red Circle.
Elltee trying to run his company leader to help it's mens.
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02-12-2008, 02:51 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-02-2008, 12:01 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 18

Elltee's halftracks are on the move. My guess they're going to other side of the map, but they choose the wrong road.

[Image: Highlights2-turn-18.jpg]

Red Circle.
My mens are advancing from the side. It's bit of risky move as any MG fire from the side can make my mens panicked and routed fast, but here's my chance this picture shows how well I can concentrate my fire. It's now or ever. This is ideal time for Elltee's spotters.

Yellow Circle.
HMG does it own job to those halftracks. Pretty sweet position for HMG btw.
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02-13-2008, 10:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-02-2008, 12:01 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Needless to say halftracks are dead, and one scout car got thru. Should be easy target for my stummel.

Elltee's kit
I finally managed to ID Elltee's guns, and they're identifed as ZiS-2, 3 scout cars. and all his mens and MG's are from Guards Mechanized division, so I made conlusion Elltee's kits looks pretty much like this.

Veteran Motorized Rifle Batalion (tank 44)
Veteran Platoon of T34/85
Crack Platoon of IS-2 (early)
4x Regular Halftrack

That's 2999 points.

Turn 20

[Image: highlight-turn-20.jpg]

Red Circle.
Even under heavy fire Elltee's SMG mens managed to kill half of my mens. I've one full squad and half left with leader. I'm going to use all HE from my panther to soften this up.

Blue Circle.
Second wave. Two full platoon are going to hit the flag with 82mm spotter later. If this aint going to do it. Screw it.

Green Circle.
Possible Elltee's reserves. My HMG should keep those busy.

Yellow Circle.
It's must be my lucky day. Elltee's spotter decide take a walk and it cost him dearly.
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02-14-2008, 04:50 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-02-2008, 12:02 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 22

[Image: Highligts-turn-22.jpg]

Yellow Circle.
That's how I want them to be. Elltee's mens are hugging the ground and my mens shooting the crap out of them. It's only matter of time when they start to run.

Red Circle.
Flaks are taking a position behind the panthers and ready kill some mens.

Green Circle.
Good examle what happens when you don't send scouts and think it's all clear. Flamethrower appeared and how convenient there's MG ready to shoot them too. God, do I wish that flamethrower is going to miss or what.

That flamethrower didn't fit in kit what I thought Elltee had. Well, anyway one thing is for sure there's no turning back.
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02-15-2008, 04:24 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-02-2008, 12:03 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 23

Left side of the map.
[Image: left-turn-23.jpg]

Still peaceful. Only MGs, I've started to wonder maybe Elltee didn't send here anything else than MG's and I'm facing alot more of them at the middle flag, or there's mens moving to the middle flag. My ATG is finally on position and ready to shoot.. I get probably 3-4 shot before I'm destroyed. MG is drawing attention from the other side. I need that damn shot. Otherwise Elltee just need to move its tank to the get the flag.

Yellow Circle
Spotter is moving on position. It's 1-2 turn until I can give much needed arty support at the back of the middle flag, or stop Elltee's attemp to get the left flag.

Middle part of the map.
[Image: Middle-turn-23.jpg]

Elltee's flamthrower hit the jackpot but fortunately no casualties only panic effect. Gladly one of my mens succeed to throw one grenade it silenced it for a while until another flamthower appeared. I'm in crossfire by flamethrowers. One demo charge should be enough to get rid one of them.

I'm playing with fire here. Like SMG guards isn't enough I'm facing flamethrowers too. I've got about two platoon by now. Mens started to run as I expected. So, next step is to destroy Elltee's MG nest.

Red Circle.
Elltee had another spotter and arty barrage started here. It's all good. What else you can ask from one platoon of mens. First they took the hits from Elltee's tanks, then gave good supression fire and now when they're nearly out of ammo they are target for enemy spotter. It's only 82mm they probably survive from this too.

Blue Circle.
Company leader is killing helpless crew members. What a sick bastard.

Right side of the map.
[Image: right-turn-23.jpg]

I'm nearly out of ammo, but so is Elltee I hope.
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02-15-2008, 11:00 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-02-2008, 12:04 AM by Sissisimo.)
RE: Elltee vs Sissisimo (Elltee go away)
Turn 25

Left side of the map.
[Image: Hightlights-turn-25.jpg]

Fifth shot did the trick to the tank. Elltee's last tank goes boom!

Yellow Arrow.
Elltee sends a scout. It got warm welcome, and is now crawling back.

Red Circle.
120mm shells start to drop from the sky. It's all good as I think Elltee had better chances to make a smoke then run couple SMG into the woods and clean up the place. Now he've to face my MG's.

Green Arrow.
I prepare myself for Elltee's attack.
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