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Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
03-07-2008, 09:34 AM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
I probably need to take a closer look at this tonight, I don't have the game available at work so I can't check it out. But based on this, if things are like I think, then it would require going back to the turn prior to 2000 and have the first fix happen then.

I will try to check tonight and let you know.

[Image: exercise.png]
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03-07-2008, 09:56 AM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
Ok. Thanks Rick.
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03-07-2008, 11:29 AM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
Rev Rico Wrote:Glenn,
I'm curious. What actual event were you trying to simulate?

I no longer have the reference at my finger tips but this corps advanced and then stopped, much to the desmay of the Soviet Army Cammanders who were quite pissed with the Corps Cmdr.

Quote:Why does it only happen 1:8 or 1:16 times?

This wasn't part of my post - but my point was not to buld in something that would definately happen like clock work at exactly a certain time. Rather it was something that might happen on a particular turn or a few turns later.

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03-07-2008, 11:49 AM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
This has caused a very big problem for me. 4th Mech is now fixed from 0600 21st Nov to 1800 23rd Nov. Is that kind of result intended or is it a design fault/bug? This is important becasue it has swung a very close competitive game from a knife edge to a lopp sided situation.

My very honourable and capable opponent appears to want me to play on under the current situation. That is 4th Mech fixed for 2 - 3 days. I want to resolve it somehow as to save the game and continue on in a fair way.

So is this problem an intended feature or is the scenario broken? If it is intended that 4th Mech can sometimes be fixed for 3 days then so be it. But perhaps a warning is warranted becasue it surely unbalances the game. If it is not intended can we have the game declared busted (if this event happens, that is 4th mech fixed after any more release chances).

Finally will the scenario get fixed? if it is a fault.

One v peeved Russian Commander.

PS My whole southern flank is now going to do well to survive.
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03-07-2008, 12:24 PM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
What specific scenario are you playing? I checked the most recent update for Stalingrad and it is before this thread came up, and I have been testing a new build for Glenn and the variations of the campaign that I have looked at are all fixed for this potential fix issue.

[Image: exercise.png]
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03-07-2008, 12:39 PM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
Its scenario 1119_01a. Uranus HTH. We are running the latest patch which is ver 1.01

We are on turn 21. Which is 0600 21 Nov. At 0400 4th Mech released. Now at 0600 it has become fixed again. With no apparent release in the dialog. I can forward you the file with my Password if you need. Its encrypted.

Many thanks for your time.
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03-08-2008, 12:24 PM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
Krak Wrote:Rick
Its scenario 1119_01a. Uranus HTH. We are running the latest patch which is ver 1.01

We are on turn 21. Which is 0600 21 Nov. At 0400 4th Mech released. Now at 0600 it has become fixed again. With no apparent release in the dialog. I can forward you the file with my Password if you need. Its encrypted.

Many thanks for your time.


Can you email me your password please.

I've been looking at this from the other side and I can only see one side of the story.


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03-08-2008, 12:59 PM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
Password sent.
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03-09-2008, 10:36 AM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
I would like to thank Glenn and Bob for their fair minded and very helpful input into this problem. We have negotiated a good fix and and we can resume our game now.

Glenn has the latest patch for S42 resolved this problem now? I have a friend who wants to start a game of Uranus via this club but I told him to hold off until the scenario is updated.

Thanks again for your time and help in this matter it is very much appreciated.

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03-09-2008, 04:12 PM,
RE: Here is a Stalingrad 42 question
Krak Wrote:Glenn has the latest patch for S42 resolved this problem now? I have a friend who wants to start a game of Uranus via this club but I told him to hold off until the scenario is updated.

Yes - the line that caused the problem has been removed for the scn file so new games started won't have this problem in it. We actually fixed it a while back which was why I wasn't 100% up on the problem - only that we fixed something like this a while back but the change hadn't been released in a patch.

...the new patch was as it turns out in the works before this post came up.

BTW - as much as there was an awful lot written in this thread, it was very difficult or at least a lot easier to see the problem once I got a file and the game passwords.

What helped muddy the waters was that:
a) there was something like this fixed.
b) there are 10 CG scns and sometimes something like this can be fixed in some but missed in others.
c) And until I saw from looking at the BTE file that was sent to me that the time period had passed when this unit should have been release - it looked like a complaint on the fixing of the 4th Mech which is by design and from the look of your game files worked PERFECTLY!

Anyway - glad I could help fix you guys up.

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