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03-10-2008, 12:15 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-10-2008, 12:21 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RESULT JUST IN - Warhammer11A beat POS

Same pattern as in most of my other games, I did better in the central tank terrain than in the city and woods..
[Image: Warh-endA.png]

Bitter fighting for the church..
[Image: Warh-endB.gif]

Games finished 19/25

POS-beaters in descending order -

RNL Tiger (total vic 90-10) = margin 80
Lord Bane (maj vic 83-17) = marg 66
Warhammer11A (maj vic 76-24) = marg 52
Marshall666 (maj vic 73-27) = marg 46
Owl (maj vic 72-28) = marg 44
John B50 (tac vic 68-32) = marg 36
Colonel Talvela (tac vic 67-33) = marg 34
Odies (tac vic 65-35) = marg 30
Das Tiger (tac vic 64-36) = marg 28
Feldfebel and Jobu (min vic 59-41) = marg 18
Willow and Zilkin (min vic 57-43) marg = 14
Panzer Dan (draw 55-45) marg = 10
Huzaar (draw 52-48) = marg 4
Elltee (draw 51-49) = marg 2

So RNL Tiger is the current front runner to lift the trophy.
But there are still 6 more results to come in before the tourney ends midnight March 31st..;)

POS record so far - Played 19, Won 3, Lost 16
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03-11-2008, 11:07 AM,
COMBAT FOOTAGE (mixed sector) - Guderian's Germans overun village..

Boy I'm in a world o' hurt in this one...
[Image: Gud-vill.gif]
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03-11-2008, 12:25 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-12-2008, 12:33 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RESULT JUST IN - Guderian beats POS and storms to top of leader board..

I was trashed in all three sectors..
[Image: Gud-endA.png]

The decisive moment - I launched a Sherman spearhead against the ville to regain the initiative but failed miserably by losing 3 of them (a 4th can be seen retreated in far background with damaged gun)
After that, the sector lay naked and helpless before the advancing German hordes..
[Image: Gud-endX.png]

With German infantry to their front and a Grille at their backs, my Brit infantry pocket in the city sector surrenders..
[Image: Gud-endB.gif]

Deep in the woods, my Brits in the church are overwhelmed..
[Image: Gud-woods.gif]

[Image: british-prisoner.jpg]

[Image: gudC.jpg]

Games finished so far 20/25

POS-beaters in descending order -

Guderian (total vic 92-8) = marg 84
RNL Tiger (total vic 90-10) = marg 80
Lord Bane (maj vic 83-17) = marg 66
Warhammer11A (maj vic 76-24) = marg 52
Marshall666 (maj vic 73-27) = marg 46
Owl (maj vic 72-28) = marg 44
John B50 (tac vic 68-32) = marg 36
Colonel Talvela (tac vic 67-33) = marg 34
Odies (tac vic 65-35) = marg 30
Das Tiger (tac vic 64-36) = marg 28
Feldfebel and Jobu (min vic 59-41) = marg 18
Willow and Zilkin (min vic 57-43) marg = 14
Panzer Dan (draw 55-45) marg = 10
Huzaar (draw 52-48) = marg 4
Elltee (draw 51-49) = marg 2

So Guderian is the current front runner to lift the trophy.
But there are still 5 more results to come in before the tourney ends midnight March 31st..;)

POS record so far - Played 20, Won 3, Lost 17
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03-11-2008, 03:39 PM,
What about a support group for those that lost ..? :(
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03-12-2008, 12:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-12-2008, 01:04 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
Combat Wombat Wrote:What about a support group for those that lost ..? :(

I'll join it, I've lost 17 games so far..:)

[Image: spart-popp.png]
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03-12-2008, 03:02 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-12-2008, 03:18 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
COMBAT FOOTAGE (city sector) - Stndrtnfhr's schrecks give Shermans warm welcome..

PIC 1 - I order my two Sher 75's to race from bottom of screen in a wide left hook to catch his 2 Hetzers in the rear. One Sher is stopped by a shreck (top left) but the remaining Sher arrives and halts at the firing position as planned at top centre of screen (tip of green arrow)..
[Image: Stn-hookA.gif]

PIC 2 -Eat this Jack, the first Hetzer goes up in flames at the first shot..
[Image: Stn-hookB.gif]

PIC 3 - The victorious Sher begins moving on 'hunt' to the next alley to get behind the other Hetzer but is viciously cut down in this schreck crossfire..
Result of the action - 2 Sher losses for 1 Hetzer loss..
[Image: Stn-hookD.gif]
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03-12-2008, 07:25 AM,
I'd be interested to see a 2nd match...between each pair mostly equal by end-game margin. Don't know if anyone else would be interested in a 2nd go on this map or not...

What made this one tough (but interesting) in some matches was no way to react to a setup by your opponent. What you stuck into a sector was on it's own for better or worse.

POS under-committed to the woods in our game, and I over-committed there. So I had a LOT of fellows smoking and joking under the trees when some could have certainly been of help in the city....and I wound up as one of the 2-point draws....:chin:
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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03-12-2008, 01:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-12-2008, 01:37 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
Mad Baron Wrote:What made this one tough (but interesting) in some matches was no way to react to a setup by your opponent. What you stuck into a sector was on it's own for better or worse.

Yes mate, every game was interesting at first but for me the novelty quickly wore off because quite often there was a big force difference in each sector, meaning one guy was certain to win by weight of numbers, so we didn't get evenly-balanced battles.
I definitely liked Malitz better because that was a straight fight between same-sized forces every time.
Also, the Trident map is nothing to write home about, each sector is too narrow with no room for wide flanking movements, very cramped.
Even worse, bazooka/ piat/ schreck teams can unrealistically use the trees along the river banks like Ho Chi Minh trails to infiltrate deep into the enemy rear and clobber his tanks, I should have foreseen that when designing the map..
So when Trident is over I shan't be sorry to see it go; I'm already pining for the vast open spaces of the Russian hinterland (below)..

[Image: russ.gif]
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03-12-2008, 01:43 PM,
no,we dont need a second run i think.it was fun enough.but i think that the players,who started later,got an advantage.they could read some posts and screens of pos.he bought (nearly)the same set for ever
match,so they could see what awaits them where.

i bought only infantry Big Grin(okay,i had 2 jeeps,but they dont count,right :chin:).
they overrun the forrest(only 3 inf-units as enemy) and the city(2 tank kills in the second round,third tanks followed soon :whis:).but in the middle i put only one sharpshooter(died),one companie-hq(died too),and a section-hq(survived and negates a small flag!).if i started later,i knew where his forces will appear.so my victory could be higher.
but thats no problem.it was fun to wipe out the two sectors only with inf :smoke:

thanks for the nice game and map pos cheers
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03-12-2008, 08:16 PM,
I agree with POS: Malitz was a better fight ! Perhaps Malitz could be better if there was a point to cross from one of the battlefields to the other, because of the reason POS stated.
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