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two fast paced play testers wanted!
04-11-2008, 07:20 AM,
Smile  two fast paced play testers wanted!
I have a CMBB late war scenario in play test at the moment but there's only one independent play test ongoing (the rest are against me). So I'm looking for two players who regularly play against each other and have a fast turn around rate plus willing to give me honest and brutal feedback on how it plays out (rather you point out the faults before it heads to the Scenario Depot) :whis:
The scenario is based on the Talonsoft EF scenario by D.Bevrad called 'The last offensive'. It's a medium sized battle with the Russians defending. Lots of nice toys to play with! :)
Be warned in advance, there are Russian aircraft! (but the Germans have A/A defences). I kept them in because I wanted to stay faithful to the original EF scenario as much as possible.
Here's the main briefing:

Version: 01
Scenario name: The last Offensive
Date: February 1945
Time: dawn
Weather: overcast
Ground conditions: snow
Flags: 6 large
Turns: 35 variable
Battle type: Axis attack
Recommended as a H2H battle

Reetz, 70km Southeast of Stettin, Germany. Following the Red Army's drive across Poland from the Vistula River to the German border along the Oder in January 1945, the Soviets were forced to pause and regroup. Long supply lines and the stress of maintaining an offensive across a wide front was having its effect on men and equipment and the prospect of further advance with the coming spring thaw was not good. With the Western allies still recovering from the effects of the Ardennes offensive, Guderian, now the Chief of Staff of the German Army, planned a strike against Zhukov's Army's east of the Oder River. On 15 February the 11th SS Panzer Army launched Operation Sonnenwende, the last German offensive of WW II, from southeast of Stettin. On the 17th the 2nd/102 Panzer Battalion from the Fuehrer Begleit Division pushed through Reetz and stumbled into the assembly area for the Russian 47th Guards Tank Brigade and 6th Guards Heavy Tank Regiment.

Drop me a line if your interested. I will add you both to the play testers list on the main briefing in the final version :)
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04-11-2008, 11:58 AM,
RE: two fast paced play testers wanted!
I will !:)
Antoni ChmielowskigGames Played : WiTP-AE, TOAW3,Gary Grigsbys War in The East/ War In The West
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04-11-2008, 10:39 PM,
RE: two fast paced play testers wanted!
Thanks Antoni :)
Email with scenario attached is winging it's way to you as I type!
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04-11-2008, 10:48 PM,
RE: two fast paced play testers wanted!
I volunteer my services. I have a fast rate and Antoni C. and I have played each other several times. We just recently finished two operations vs. each other. Sounds like an interesting scenario. And Brutal honesty....he he he...that is one of my strongpoints!
Please email me at lordbane1 at gmail dot com
Lord Bane
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04-11-2008, 11:18 PM,
RE: two fast paced play testers wanted!
Thank you Lord Bane :)
Email with scenario attached heading your way. Hope you and Antoni enjoy the battle! :boom3:
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04-12-2008, 12:37 PM,
RE: two fast paced play testers wanted!
I'll do it.

This is for a game not recorded on the blitz ladder, yeah?
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04-12-2008, 08:04 PM,
Thumbs_Up  RE: two fast paced play testers wanted!
I'm hoping the players can claim the points for the Blitz ladder but will have to check with the mods first.
A very big thank you goes out to Lord Bane and WarhammerIIA who reported back to me that they completed the battle already! Eek
I have had excellent feedback from them plus they were the very first players to complete the battle (earlier versions I kept stopping to make changes).
Now Antoni and Lord Bane are about to clash on the snow covered battlefield! :)
Saint Ruth,
I will make some changes to the scenario before sending you a copy.
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04-12-2008, 11:43 PM,
RE: two fast paced play testers wanted!
Saint Ruth Wrote:I'll do it.

This is for a game not recorded on the blitz ladder, yeah?
Email sent to your Yahoo address with scenario attached :)
Please email me back with comments once the battle ends.
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