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07-05-2008, 11:17 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-06-2008, 03:58 AM by Kelen.)
RE: Attacking
PoorOldSpike Wrote:I'm not trying to tell anybody what to do

PoorOldSpike Wrote:What more 'credentials' can I offer people to assure them that my way of playing CM is the right way?

So you are trying to tell people what to do then. ;)

Don't get me wrong, I think tests, when carried out correctly, (often the person carring out the test is trying to prove something, [rather than approaching it totally unbiased], and by so doing end up 'tailoring' the test in their favour), have their uses, but there isn't a definative guidebook for this, because there can't be. (And before anyone starts trying to quote Sun Ztu at me, whilst certain elements are still relevant, the bulk isn't, and won't work in 'modern' warfare). What works one time will end in disaster another.

OK there are tactics which can be used to aid you, and to give you the best chance of being successful in certain situations, best NOTHING will guaruntee it. There's always the 'chance' element.

However, everyone has there own playing style, and certain tactics used and lauded by one person, may not work when used with another person's playing style.

The best advice I would give to less experienced players, (personally I deteste the phrase 'noobs'), is, by all means seek and listen to advice given to you by your opponents, and posted by other players, (I still do and I've been playing CM since 2002, there's always something new to learn), and by all means try that advice out for yourself, but never rely or trust in it 100%. The best way to learn is from your own experiences.
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07-06-2008, 01:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-06-2008, 01:52 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Attacking
I grew up in the 1950's/60's when schooling was different because we were taught to see things clearly in black and white, but sadly later generations have been brainwashed by politically-correct wishy-washy teachers and society into thinking there are grey areas everywhere which are up for prolonged debate and discussion, hence they often grow up feeling insecure and slightly paranoid, kneejerkingly arguing with everybody because they think they're supposed to.
All I can say about my own style of playing CM is- "It works for me"..;)

PS- My advice to newcomers is "Do it YOUR way, then if you aren't getting the results, try doing it another way"..:)
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07-06-2008, 03:56 AM,
RE: Attacking
PoorOldSpike Wrote:My advice to newcomers is "Do it YOUR way, then if you aren't getting the results, try doing it another way"..:)

Good to see we are in agreement then. :whis:

P.S. hurrah for advances in education. ;)
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07-16-2008, 12:24 PM,
RE: Attacking
[Image: stlgdf.jpg]
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